Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Category: Computing & data (Page 56 of 80)

Computing and data is a broad category. Our coverage of computing is largely limited to software, and we are mostly focused on unstructured data, semi-structured data, or mixed data that includes structured data.

Topics include computing platforms, analytics, data science, data modeling, database technologies, machine learning / AI, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, augmented reality, bots, programming languages, natural language processing applications such as machine translation, and knowledge graphs.

Related categories: Semantic technologies, Web technologies & information standards, and Internet and platforms.

Vectorspace AI & CERN create Natural Language Processing datasets

Vectorspace AI and CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research and the largest particle physics laboratory in the world, are creating datasets used to detect hidden relationships between particles which have broad implications across multiple industries. These datasets can provide a significant increase in precision, accuracy, signal or alpha and for any company in any industry. Datasets are algorithmically generated based on formal Natural Language Processing/Understanding (NLP/NLU) models including OpenAI’s GPT-3, Google’s BERT along with word2vec and other models which were built on top of vector space applications at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the US Dept. of Energy (DOE). Over 100 billion different datasets are available based on customized data sources, rows, columns or language models.

For commercial use, datasets are $0.99c per minute/update and $0.99c per data source, row, column and context with additional configurations and options available on a case by case SaaS/DaaS based monthly subscription. Over 100 billion unique and powerful datasets are available based on customized data sources, rows, columns or language models.

While data can be viewed as unrefined crude oil, Vectorspace AI produces datasets which are the refined ‘gasoline’ powering all Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) systems. Datasets are real-time and designed to augment or append to existing proprietary datasets such as gene expression datasets in life sciences or time-series datasets in the financial markets. Example customer and industry use cases include:

Particle Physics: Rows are particles. Columns are properties. Used to predict hidden relationships between particles.

Life Sciences: Rows are infectious diseases. Columns are approved drug compounds. Used to predict which approved drug compounds might be repurposed to fight an infectious disease such as COVID19. Applications include processing 1500 peer reviewed scientific papers every 24hrs for real-time dataset production.

Financial Markets: Rows are equities. Columns are themes or global events. Used to predict hidden relationships between equities and global events. Applications include thematic investing and smart basket generation and visualization.

Data provenance, governance and security are addressed via the Dataset Pipeline Processing (DPP) hash blockchain and VXV utility token integration. Datasets are accessed via the VXV wallet-enable API where VXV is acquired and used as a utility token credit which trades on a cryptocurrency exchange.

Microsoft announces SharePoint Syntex

From the Microsoft Project Cortex blog:

Microsoft announced SharePoint Syntex, the first product from Project Cortex. SharePoint Syntex uses advanced AI and machine teaching to amplify human expertise, automate content processing, and transform content into knowledge, and will be available to purchase for all Microsoft 365 commercial customers on October 1, 2020.

Machine teaching accelerates the creation of AI models by acquiring knowledge from people rather than from large datasets alone. Any information processing skill, that an expert can teach a human, should be easily teachable to a machine. SharePoint Syntex mainstreams machine teaching, enabling your experts to capture their knowledge about content in AI models they can build with no code. Your experts train SharePoint Syntex to understand content like they do, to recognize key information, and to tag content automatically. For example, a contract processing expert can teach SharePoint Syntex to extract the contract’s value, along with the expiration date and key terms and conditions.

SharePoint Syntex then uses your models to automate the capture, ingestion, and categorization of content, extracting valuable information as metadata. Metadata is critical to managing content, and seamless integration with Microsoft Search, Power Automate, and Microsoft Information Protection enable you to improve knowledge discovery and reuse, accelerate processes, and dynamically apply information protection and compliance policies.

SharePoint Syntex content center
Syntex introduces a new experience for managing content at scale, integrating metadata and workflow, and delivering compliance automation – the content center. Content centers supply capabilities to teach the cloud how to read and process documents the same way you would manually. SharePoint Syntex uses those insights to automatically recognize content, extract important information, and apply metadata tags. SharePoint Syntex uses advanced AI to automate the capture, ingestion, and categorization of content, to accelerate processes, improve compliance, and facilitate knowledge discovery and reuse. SharePoint Syntex mainstreams AI to process three major types of content: digital images, structured or semi-structured forms, and unstructured documents.

Digital image processing
SharePoint Syntex can automatically tag images using a new visual dictionary with thousands of commonly recognized objects. In addition, SharePoint Syntex can recognize convert extracted handwritten text into tags for search and further processing.

Document understanding
Most organizations generate vast amounts of unstructured documents such as manuals, contracts, or resumes. You can teach SharePoint Syntex to read your content the way you would using machine teaching to build AI models with no code. SharePoint Syntex can automatically suggest or create metadata, invoke custom Power Automate workflows, and attach compliance labels to enforce retention or record management policies. Document understanding models are based on Language Understanding models in Azure Cognitive Services.

Form processing
SharePoint Syntex includes a powerful form processing engine, based on AI Builder, that lets you automatically recognize and extract common values from semi structured or structured documents, such as dates, figures, names, or addresses. These models are built with no code and only require a small number of documents for reliable results.

Microsoft teams up with OpenAI to exclusively license GPT-3 language model

An edited version of the announcement from the Microsoft Blog:

Microsoft is teaming up with OpenAI to exclusively license GPT-3 – an autoregressive language model that outputs human-like text. GPT-3 is the largest and most advanced language model in the world, clocking in at 175 billion parameters, and is trained on Azure’s AI supercomputer. This allows us to leverage its technical innovations to develop and deliver advanced AI solutions for our customers, as well as create new solutions that harness the power of advanced natural language generation.

We see this as an opportunity to expand our Azure-powered AI platform in a way that democratizes AI technology, enables new products, services and experiences, and increases the positive impact of AI at Scale. We want to make sure that this AI platform is available to everyone – researchers, entrepreneurs, hobbyists, businesses – to empower their ambitions to create something new and interesting. The scope of commercial and creative potential that can be unlocked through the GPT-3 model is profound, with genuinely novel capabilities – most of which we haven’t even imagined yet. Directly aiding human creativity and ingenuity in areas like writing and composition, describing and summarizing large blocks of long-form data (including code), converting natural language to another language.

Realizing these benefits at true scale – responsibly, affordably and equitably – is going to require more human input and effort than any one large technology company can bring to bear. OpenAI will continue to offer GPT-3 and other powerful models via its own Azure-hosted API, launched in June. While we’ll be hard at work utilizing the capabilities of GPT-3 in our own products, services and experiences to benefit our customers, we’ll also continue to work with OpenAI to keep looking forward: leveraging and democratizing the power of their cutting-edge AI research as they continue on their mission to build safe artificial general intelligence.

ThoughtSpot launches ThoughtSpot Cloud for access to cloud data warehouses

ThoughtSpot announced the release of ThoughtSpot Cloud, a fully-managed SaaS offering providing business users with the flexibility to glean instant insights from data in the cloud with search & AI-driven analytics. With ThoughtSpot Cloud, employees can access data across all of their cloud data in a matter of minutes, helping these organizations maximize their investments in cloud data warehouses like Amazon Redshift and Snowflake. Additional features include:

  • Personalized onboarding: Specific onboarding flows by role tailor the experience for users, accelerating their time to value.
  • Search assist: Digital assistant that provides a step by step guide for first time users to aid in their initial search.
  • Prebuilt SpotApps: Reusable low-code templates to make getting insights from a particular application, like Salesforce, simple and scalable.
  • In-database benefits: Run queries directly in both high-performance, zero-management, built-for-the-cloud data warehouses like Amazon Redshift and Snowflake.
  • Pricing: Pay only for the data consumed and analyzed, not for the number of users.

MathWorks introduces Release 2020b of MATLAB and Simulink

MathWorks introduced Release 2020b of the MATLAB and Simulink product families. New capabilities in MATLAB simplify working with graphics and apps, and Simulink updates focus on expanded access and speed, including the launch of Simulink Online for access through web browsers. R2020b also introduces new products that build on artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, speed up autonomous systems development, and accelerate creation of 3D scenes for automated driving simulation. More details are available in the Release 2020b video.

Among the hundreds of new and updated features, MATLAB adds new bubble and swarm charts, the ability to diff and merge App Designer apps with the MATLAB Comparison Tool, and customizable figure icons and components to MATLAB apps. Also, in addition to Simulink Online to view, edit, and simulate Simulink models through web browsers, R2020b adds the ability to generate code up to 2X faster for referenced model hierarchies in Simulink and includes new automerge functionality that helps automate continuous integration workflows.

Cloudera introduces analytic experiences for Cloudera Data Platform

Cloudera announced enterprise data cloud services on Cloudera Data Platform (CDP): CDP Data Engineering; CDP Operational Database; and CDP Data Visualization. The new services are analytic experiences designed specifically for data specialists and include workflow automation, job prioritization, and performance tuning to help data engineers, data analysts, and data scientists. Data lifecycle integration is what enables data engineers, data analysts and data scientists to work on the same data securely and efficiently. CDP helps to improve individual data specialist productivity and data teams work better together through its hybrid data architecture that integrates analytic experiences across the data lifecycle and across public and private clouds.

CDP Data Engineering
CDP Data Engineering is an Apache Spark service on Kubernetes and includes productivity enhancing capabilities:

  • Visual GUI-based monitoring, troubleshooting and performance tuning for faster debugging and problem resolution
  • Native Apache Airflow and robust APIs for orchestrating and automating job scheduling and delivering complex data pipelines anywhere
  • Resource isolation and centralized GUI-based job management
  • CDP data lifecycle integration and SDX security and governance

CDP Operational Database
As businesses continue to generate large volumes of structured and unstructured data, developers are tasked with building applications that democratize data access, enable actions in real-time and are integral to business operations and revenue generation. CDP Operational Database is a high-performance NoSQL database service that provides scale and performance for business critical operational applications, offering:

  • Evolutionary schema support to leverage data and allow changes to underlying data models without having to make changes to the application
  • Auto-scaling based on the workload utilization of the cluster to optimize infrastructure utilization and cost
  • Multi-modal client access with NoSQL key-value using HBase APIs and relational SQL with JDBC, making CDP Operational Database accessible to developers who are used to building applications that use MySQL, Postgres, etc.
  • CDP data lifecycle integration and SDX security and governance

CDP Data Visualization
Business users need the ability to discover and curate their own visualizations from data and predictive models in a self-service manner. CDP Data Visualization simplifies the curation of rich, visual dashboards, reports and charts to provide agile analytical insight in the language of business:

  • Technical teams can share analysis and machine learning models using drag and drop custom interactive applications.
  • Business teams and decision makers can consume data insights to make more well-informed business decisions.
  • All teams benefit from fast data exploration using AI-powered natural language search and visual recommendations.

WANdisco launches LiveData Migrator

WANdisco announced the launch of LiveData Migrator, an automated, self-service solution that democratizes cloud data migration at any scale by enabling companies to start migrating Hadoop data from on-premises to Amazon Web Services (AWS) within minutes, even while the source data sets are under active use. Available as a free trial for up to five terabytes, businesses can migrate HDFS data without the expertise of engineers or other consultants – the program can be implemented immediately to enable companies’ digital transformations. LiveData Migrator works without any production system downtime or business disruption while ensuring the migration is complete and continuous and any ongoing data changes are replicated to the target cloud environment.

LiveData Migrator delivers migrating unstructured data into cloud storage to then take advantage of machine-learning (ML) powered cloud analytics such as Amazon EMR, Databricks or Snowflake. LiveData Migrator also enables the transition to a hybrid architecture, where on-premises and cloud environments are kept consistent for active-active replication capabilities, and sets the foundation for a future multi-cloud architecture. LiveData Migrator Capabilities:

  • Complete and Continuous Data Migration
    Migrates any changes made to the source data sets, allowing applications to continue to modify the source system’s data without causing divergence between source and target.
  • Rapid Availability
    Enables data to become available for use in the target environment as soon as it has been migrated, without having to wait for all data set migrations to complete.
  • Any Scale
    Migrates any volume of data, from terabytes to exabytes, to cloud storage without needing to stop changes to data at source during migration
  • Hadoop & Object Storage Conversion
    Migrates HDFS data to other Hadoop-compatible file systems and cloud storage, including the ongoing changes made to those data before, throughout and after migration.
  • Selective Migration
    Allows selection of which data sets should be migrated and selectively excludes data from migration to specific clusters in the new environment.

Enview unveils Enview Explore 3D AI web application

Enview, a specialist in the scalable processing of 3D geospatial data, announced the launch of Enview Explore, a web application that leverages AI and cloud computing to automatically process 3D data at speed and scale. Enview’s unique method for classifying 3D data using neural networks and deep learning techniques reduces time to action by focusing on finding meaningful insights in 3D data. Previously offered as custom services for organizations the technology is now available for the first time as an easy-to-use, self-service web application.

Three-dimensional unstructured data, such as LiDAR, contains incredible detail but is painfully slow to analyze manually. Enview solves this problem by combining its AI with cloud computing to automate 3D classification and segmentation significantly faster, with scalability that can support even nation-sized datasets. Enview Explore removes the need for outsourcing LiDAR to a third party by giving users the ability to perform classification, segmentation, terrain modeling, change detection, feature extraction, and intuitive visualization directly inside the application. Enview Explore is generally available today. Pricing is based on the amount of data processed and not limited by the number of users.

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