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Category: Computing & data (Page 46 of 80)

Computing and data is a broad category. Our coverage of computing is largely limited to software, and we are mostly focused on unstructured data, semi-structured data, or mixed data that includes structured data.

Topics include computing platforms, analytics, data science, data modeling, database technologies, machine learning / AI, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, augmented reality, bots, programming languages, natural language processing applications such as machine translation, and knowledge graphs.

Related categories: Semantic technologies, Web technologies & information standards, and Internet and platforms.

Apache announces Apache Gobblin as a Top-Level Project

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) announced Apache Gobblin as a Top-Level Project (TLP). Apache Gobblin is a distributed Big Data integration framework used in both streaming and batch data ecosystems. The project originated at LinkedIn in 2014, was open-sourced in 2015, and entered the Apache Incubator in February 2017. Apache Gobblin is used to integrate hundreds of terabytes and thousands of datasets per day by simplifying the ingestion, replication, organization, and lifecycle management processes across numerous execution environments, data velocities, scale, connectors, and more.

As a scalable data management solution for structured and byte-oriented data in heterogeneous data ecosystems, Apache Gobblin makes the task of creating and maintaining a modern data lake easy. It supports the three main capabilities required by every data team:

  • Ingestion and export of data from a variety of sources and sinks into and out of the data lake while supporting simple transformations.
  • Data Organization within the lake (e.g. compaction, partitioning, deduplication).
  • Lifecycle and Compliance Management of data within the lake (e.g. data retention, fine-grain data deletions) driven by metadata.

Apache Gobblin software is released under the Apache License v2.0 and is overseen by a self-selected team of active contributors to the project. A Project Management Committee (PMC) guides the Project’s day-to-day operations, including community development and product releases.

DataRobot announces Feature Discovery integration with Snowflake

DataRobot announced the latest integration with Snowflake. Building off of DataRobot’s expanded partnership and existing integration with Snowflake, the new Feature Discovery pushdown integration improves the speed and accuracy of developing models, unlocking new use cases. DataRobot’s Feature Discovery, which has been a part of the DataRobot enterprise AI platform since 2019, automatically discovers, tests, and creates hundreds of valuable new features for machine learning models. This improves models’ accuracy, increasing an organization’s ability to make accurate predictions.

The new Feature Discovery integration with Snowflake delivers this capability to Snowflake users, pushing down data preparation operations into Snowflake to minimize data movement resulting in faster performance and lower operating costs. This allows users to obtain more accurate DataRobot models by accessing more data from Snowflake and leveraging the power of Snowflake’s Data Cloud. With Feature Discovery, the joining, aggregating, and creation of derived features from datasets is done automatically using data science best practices. This lets users build better machine learning models in less time and drive more innovation with AI.

ThoughtSpot and Microsoft Partner on search and AI-driven analytics

ThoughtSpot and Microsoft announced a new agreement to help Azure Synapse customers tap into their cloud data through augmented analytics. ThoughtSpot Cloud will be available on Microsoft Azure, giving customers a means to bring analytics and insights from their data in Azure Synapse Analytics and other cloud data warehouses to their entire organization through search and AI. Customers can equip anyone with the ability to analyze data, find insights, and make informed decisions. Customers can also buy ThoughtSpot through the Azure Marketplace. Highlights of the agreement include:

  • ThoughtSpot Cloud on Microsoft Azure. ThoughtSpot Cloud, the new SaaS platform for search and AI-driven analytics, will be available on Microsoft Azure. Customers will be able to leverage their data in Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks and other cloud data warehouses.
  • Enhanced support for Azure Synapse Analytics. Deeper collaboration between Microsoft and ThoughtSpot will bring new support for Azure Synapse.
  • Seamless purchasing experience. Customers will be able to buy ThoughtSpot directly in the Azure Marketplace using Azure credits.
  • Product co-development. Ongoing co-development of solutions will enable joint customers to take advantage of the value of their data in Azure Synapse Analytics with ThoughtSpot.

Elastic adds new capabilities across solutions

Elastic announced new capabilities and updates across its Elastic Enterprise Search, Observability and Security solutions. With searchable snapshots, users can retain and search their data on low-cost object stores such as AWS S3, Microsoft Azure Storage, and Google Cloud Storage, which can reduce storage costs. Searchable snapshots support a new cold tier capability, which is now generally available and also available in Elastic Cloud.

Expanded capabilities in Elastic Enterprise Search include a new web crawler for Elastic App Search and support for Box as a content source inside Elastic Workplace Search. The web crawler retrieves information from publicly accessible websites to make that content easily searchable in App Search engines, and the schema is inferred upon ingestion and can be updated in near real time with one click.

New in Elastic 7.11, the beta of schema on read with runtime fields gives users the ability to define the schema for their index at query time. Users can choose between flexibility and cost efficiency with schema on read or fast performance with schema on write. Elastic Observability introduces new topline views for Elastic APM and Elastic Metrics, making it easy for users to quickly spot and triage application and infrastructure performance issues.

Franz announces AllegroGraph 7.1

Franz Inc., supplier of Graph Database technology for AI knowledge graph solutions, announced AllegroGraph 7.1, which provides optimizations for complex queries across FedShard deployments faster. AllegroGraph with FedShard allows infinite data integration through unifying all data and siloed knowledge into an Entity-Event Knowledge Graph solution for Enterprise scale analytics. Big Data predictive analytics requires a data model approach that unifies typical enterprise data with knowledge bases such as taxonomies, ontologies, industry terms and other domain knowledge. The Entity-Event Data Model utilized by AllegroGraph puts core ‘entities’ such as customers, patients, students or people of interest at the center and then collects several layers of knowledge related to the entity as ‘events’. The events represent activities that transpire in a temporal context.

The AllegroGraph 7.1 release accelerates complex reasoning across enterprise-scale data by providing users with additional query options. Franz’s Research and Development team discovered an approach that can significantly improve certain SPARQL Path Expression queries across database shards. AllegroGraph’s advanced caching methods and merge join operations provide optimizations to the scalable, parallel distributed query approach that is offered via FedShard. The new release includes support for the RDF* and SPARQL* extensions and extended support for SHACL (SHApe Constraint Language).

Nuance acquires Saykara

Nuance Communications, Inc. announced the acquisition of Saykara, Inc., a like-minded startup focused on developing a mobile AI assistant to automate clinical documentation for physicians. The acquisition underscores Nuance’s ongoing expansion of market and technical leadership in conversational artificial intelligence (AI) and ambient clinical intelligence (ACI) solutions that reduce clinician burnout, enhance patient experiences, and improve overall health system financial integrity. Saykara was founded in Seattle in 2015 by Harjinder Sandhu, PhD, a serial entrepreneur who previously served as an executive in Nuance’s R&D division. Sandhu and Saykara’s team of engineers, machine learning experts, and experienced technology executives will join Nuance’s research and development team.,

Automattic acquires is joining WPVIP, Automattic’s enterprise WordPress SaaS software division. With the acquisition, WPVIP is expanding their commitment from supporting premium WordPress-based content management to the much wider market of digital experience, across all content platforms.

For WPVIP, content management is only one part of this much wider digital experience market. In the same way that you can use Adobe Analytics (formerly Omniture) without using Adobe CQ or Experience Manager (AEM), users can use our product without using WordPress or WordPress VIP. With the addition of, WPVIP now offers a way for any site or app, running any CMS (or even several CMSes), to utilize our content analytics system. As a customer, regardless of whether you’re running WordPress or not, will continue to provide active, CMS-agnostic development and support.’s open source WordPress plugin is already a popular way to deploy to websites. And we have lots of ideas for how’s dashboard and API can improve enterprise WordPress sites. has worked with media, entertainment, e-commerce, financial services, professional services, non-profits, tech, and more. We’ve sold to Fortune 100 companies, and across every continent (except Antarctica). And worked across content teams, marketing teams, product teams, and data teams with titles ranging from C-level executive to copywriter to data scientist.

eccenca and Ontotext partner on enterprise data management

Ontotext and eccenca announced they have teamed up to boost the value of semantic technologies by jointly creating vertical and horizontal enterprise data solutions. eccenca Corporate Memory provides a multi-disciplinary integrative platform for managing enterprise data related rules, constraints, capabilities and configurations in a single application. By making enterprise data both machine-readable and human-interpretable, enterprises are enabled to drive agility, autonomy and automation without disrupting existing IT infrastructures. GraphDB is an enterprise-ready semantic graph database engine combined with content and data analytics capabilities. GraphDB allows users to link diverse data, index it for semantic search and enrich it via text analysis to build big knowledge graphs. GraphDB’s differentiators include integration with full-text search engines (Elasticsearch, SOLR and Lucene) and document databases (MongoDB).

Together the two companies are now offering a mature knowledge graph technology stack. They also provide custom industry solutions including Healthcare, Pharma, Automotive, Manufacturing, Financial Services and IT Management. The joint eco-system of Ontotext and eccenca also includes the ability to globally deliver custom solutions. Consulting partners of both companies include ATOS, BearingPoint, Capgemini, Deloitte, Fujitsu, InfoSys, NTT Data (Everis), MHP, PWC, Tata and Wipro. Both companies have been enabling enterprises to overcome complexity by digitally documenting and automating knowledge management.,

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