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Day: January 21, 2021

Acquia announces Acquia Digital Commerce

Acquia announced Acquia Digital Commerce, a solution to enable marketers to unify data, content, commerce, and digital merchandising into a single data layer to deliver a seamless omnichannel experience across the customer lifecycle. Using Acquia Digital Commerce with Acquia Open Digital Experience Platform (DXP), marketers can drive real-time, personalized, shoppable experiences at every customer touchpoint. Together with partners commercetools and Lucidworks, Acquia has built a composable commerce solution, giving marketers flexibility to create digital experiences across the customer journey. Acquia Digital Commerce delivers the agility to build digital experiences across every channel, and the flexibility to support multi-tenant architectures and composable, multi-site experiences. With a microservices-based architecture, Acquia Digital Commerce helps ensure repeatability and reuse to drive standardization and compliance, and enables continuous refinement and testing to optimize results.

Teams can maximize their commerce investments by integrating this headless, cloud-native shopping platform with Acquia Open DXP. commercetools provides an omnichannel shopping platform and the Lucidworks AI-powered product discovery solution delivers personally relevant products and content to customers. Today also marks the launch of the Acquia DX Alliance, the company’s open technology partner community, to drive collaboration through an ecosystem of leading technology vendors providing choice and jointly delivering interoperable solutions that extend Acquia Open DXP.

eccenca updates knowledge graph platform

eccenca released version 20.12 of its knowledge graph software eccenca Corporate Memory. The latest releases consolidates their mission to make semantic data management technologies enterprise-ready and usable for business users. By focussing on user experience and performance eccenca Corporate Memory provides a wide array of access and integration points, a ready-to-use query catalogue, tools for data automation as well as the means for a detailed and transparent data governance. In past releases eccenca introduced enterprise-ready interactive graph visualization, automation tools for data migration and normalization, REST-API connections to query data from 3rd party applications, and mechanisms for data protection and access management. eccenca Corporate Memory 20.12 benefits:

  • Simplified building process: The DataIntegration workbench unifies all relevant views.
  • Powerful, easy-to-use reporting: Integrated connectors allow the creation of dashboards and data visualizations directly in Microsoft Power BI and Redash.
  • Business-user friendly data exploration: The catalogue of declarative data queries allows business users to access and explore data without coding.
  • Workflow automation: The updated cmemc command line tool simplifies the execution of workflows like dataset creation, update and deletion as well as updating vocabularies.
  • Ready for internationalization: Localization of the user interface and metadata with i18n language integration.
  • Enhanced data transparency and understanding: Statement annotation allows definition and documentation of additional metadata for a shared understanding of enterprise data across departments.

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