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Category: Computing & data (Page 24 of 80)

Computing and data is a broad category. Our coverage of computing is largely limited to software, and we are mostly focused on unstructured data, semi-structured data, or mixed data that includes structured data.

Topics include computing platforms, analytics, data science, data modeling, database technologies, machine learning / AI, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, augmented reality, bots, programming languages, natural language processing applications such as machine translation, and knowledge graphs.

Related categories: Semantic technologies, Web technologies & information standards, and Internet and platforms.

Confluent launches Stream Governance Advanced

Confluent, Inc., a data streaming provider, announced a new capabilities for Stream Governance, a managed governance suite for Apache Kafka and data in motion. With Stream Governance Advanced, organizations can resolve issues within complex pipelines easier with point-in-time lineage, discover and understand topics faster with business metadata, and enforce quality controls globally with Schema Registry. With more teams able to safely and confidently access data streams, organizations can build critical applications faster. New capabilities include:

  • Point-in-time playbacks for Stream Lineage: Troubleshooting complex data streams is now faster with the ability to understand where, when, and how data streams have changed over time. Point-in-time lineage provides a look back into a data stream’s history.
  • Business metadata for Stream Catalog: Improve data discovery with the ability to build more contextual, detail-rich catalogs of data streams. Alongside tagging, business metadata gives individual users the ability to add custom, open-form details represented as key-value pairs to entities they create such as topics.
  • Exploring the catalog is now easier with GraphQL API.
  • Globally available Schema Registry for Stream Quality: With global availability of Schema Registry to 28 regions, teams have flexibility to manage schemas alongside their Kafka clusters to maintain compliance requirements and data sovereignty.

AtScale adds enterprise AI capabilities to semantic layer platform 

AtScale, a provider of semantic layer solutions for modern business intelligence and data science teams, announced new product capabilities for organizations working to accelerate the deployment of enterprise artificial intelligence (AI). These new capabilities leverage AtScale’s position within the data stack with cloud data warehouse and lakehouse platforms including Google BigQuery, Microsoft Azure Synapse, Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, and Databricks. The AtScale Enterprise semantic layer platform now incorporates:

  • Semantic Predictions – Predictions generated by deployed AI/ML models can be written back to cloud data platforms through AtScale. These model-generated predictive statistics inherit semantic model intelligence, including dimensional consistency and discoverability. Predictions are immediately available for exploration by business users using BI tools (AtScale supports connectivity to Looker, PowerBI, Tableau, and Excel) and can be incorporated into augmented analytics resources.
  • Managed Features – AtScale creates a hub of centrally governed metrics and dimensional hierarchies that can be used to create a set of managed features for AI/ML models. AtScale managed features inherit semantic context, making them more discoverable and easier to work with. Managed features can now be served directly from AtScale, or through a feature store like FEAST, to train models in AutoML or other AI platforms.

Veryfi offers free platform to transform documents into structured data

Veryfi launched a Free tier for its optical character recognition (OCR) application programming interface (API) platform. Companies looking to turn unstructured documents into structured data can quickly add AI-driven OCR capabilities to their apps without typical startup costs.

Developers can use their free account forever without fear of losing their work, without feature limitations, and without requiring a credit card. The only limit is the number of documents that developers can submit to the OCR API platform of 100 for the initial 14 days and then 50 per month. When ready, it’s easy to transition to a Starter account plan via self-service.

Veryfi enables organizations to capture, extract and transform documents such as receipts, invoices, purchase orders, checks, credit cards, and W-9 forms into structured data. Veryfi uses AI/ML technology, trained by hundreds of millions of documents over the past five years, to extract data and transform it into a structured format for 85 currencies, 39 languages, and over 110 defined fields such as vendor, total, bill to/ship to, purchase order and invoice numbers, any line item (product name, SKU, description), and taxes, which can then be accessed for other business applications.

Apptek and announce strategic partnership

AppTek and announced they have entered into a strategic technology partnership to bring AI-based text analytics to dynamic audio content in multiple languages. The partnership leverages AppTek’s Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) technologies with’s natural language understanding capabilities to enable organizations to leverage audio content in the unstructured data sets that they manage for improving decision making and augmenting intelligent automation.

As organizations increasingly utilize language data—emails, documents, reports and other free form text— for an ever-growing range of enterprise use cases (knowledge discovery, contract analysis, policy review, email management, text summarization, classification, entity extraction etc.), natural language capabilities will play a critical role in powering any process or application that relies on unstructured language data. The combined capabilities of AppTek and supercharge enterprise and government NLU and NLP applications, expanding the data types and sources available for analysis to provide even more informational output.

Using AppTek’s speech-to-text technology within the Platform, organizations can automatically transcribe audio types from different sources, including high-quality media broadcast content, podcasts, meetings, one-to-one interviews or even low bandwidth telephone conversations. In addition, they can leverage advanced multilingual functionalities to generate accurate, customizable and scalable translations across hundreds of language pairs.

Stardog joins Databricks Partner Connect

Stardog, an Enterprise Knowledge Graph platform provider, today announced it had joined Databricks Partner Connect, which lets Databricks customers integrate with select partners directly from within their Databricks workspace. Stardog is the first Databricks partner to deliver a knowledge-graph-powered semantic layer. Now with just a few clicks, data analysts, data engineers, and data scientists can model, explore, access, and infer new insights for analytics, AI, and data fabric needs — an end-to-end user experience without the burden of moving or copying data. Together, Stardog’s availability on Databricks Partner Connect enables joint customers to:

  • Easily define and reuse relevant business concepts and relationships as a semantic data model meaningful to multiple use cases.
  • Link and query data in and outside of the Databricks Lakehouse Platform to provide just-in-time cross-domain analytics for richer insights.
  • Ask and answer questions across a diverse set of connected data domains to fuel new business insights without the need for specialized skills.


Cloudflare launches Data Localization Suite in Asia

Cloudflare, Inc. announced that Cloudflare’s Data Localization Suite (DLS) is now available in three new countries in the Asia Pacific region: Australia, India, and Japan. The Data Localization Suite will help businesses based in these countries, as well as global companies who do business in these countries, to comply with their data localization obligations by using Cloudflare to easily set rules and controls on where their domestic data goes and who has access to it. This ultimately allows any business with customers in these countries to service their data locally while benefiting from the speed, security, and scalability of Cloudflare’s global network.

Businesses in Australia, India, and Japan can use Cloudflare’s Data Localization Suite to:

  • Control where traffic is serviced: Companies can choose the data center locations where their traffic is inspected.
  • Build and deploy serverless code, with regional control: Build applications that allow developers to combine global performance with local compliance regulations.
  • Use Cloudflare’s security features to protect their web properties.
  • Align with global and regional security certifications: Businesses can trust that they are compliant with global privacy and security certifications like ISO 27001, 27701, and 27018.

Fivetran introduces Metadata API

Fivetran announced the availability of Fivetran’s Metadata API to enable the tracking of data “in-flight” from source to destination as it moves through Fivetran-managed pipelines. With this additional visibility, customers can integrate with governance and observability tools to give data teams more control over who has access to what data. Enabling automated data governance, the Fivetran Metadata API also provides data stewards, security teams and data engineering teams the needed visibility to answer where the data came from, who accessed it, and what changes have occurred in the pipeline. With the Fivetran Metadata API:

  • Data analysts are provided with a deep understanding of where data is coming from and are able to run impact analyses on it.
  • Data stewards know end users have access to data that has been handled securely and is compliant with governance requirements.
  • Security and legal teams can complete security audits and ensure the data moved is in compliance with organizational policies.
  • Data architects and engineers will soon be able to understand upstream schema changes and ensure downstream processes are updated.

Fivetran launched better metadata management with four data catalog vendors: Atlan,, Alation and Collibra.

Progress updates developer tools

Progress announced the latest release of its developer tools portfolio, including Progress Telerik, Progress Kendo UI and Progress Telerik Test Studio. With today’s R3 2022 release, Progress introduced Progress ThemeBuilder Pro, enabling developers and designers to implement design systems more seamlessly in web applications, delivering a greater level of design consistency without manual coding work. The company also announced advanced capabilities for development frameworks including Blazor, .NET MAUI, Angular and React to help developers build consistent, high-quality and accessible UI.

Now available for Progress Telerik UI for Blazor, Progress Kendo UI for Angular and Progress KendoReact, ThemeBuilder Pro enables developers and designers to create their own design system in a visual interface, starting with Material, Bootstrap or Fluent design, and when done, implement this design system via their UI components, across web applications. They can make edits to themes in a visual UI without the need to go into the code.  

The Telerik and Kendo UI R3 2022 release is available today.

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