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Category: Semantic technologies (Page 3 of 72)

Our coverage of semantic technologies goes back to the early 90s when search engines focused on searching structured data in databases were looking to provide support for searching unstructured or semi-structured data. This early Gilbane Report, Document Query Languages – Why is it so Hard to Ask a Simple Question?, analyses the challenge back then.

Semantic technology is a broad topic that includes all natural language processing, as well as the semantic web, linked data processing, and knowledge graphs.

Zeta Alpha integrates GPT with its semantic neural engine

Zeta Alpha, a neural search and discovery platform, announced they have integrated with OpenAI’s GPT with its semantic neural search engine, to provide more reliable and explainable AI generated answers to enterprise search queries. This capability gives workers the ability to leverage GPT to access knowledge hidden in troves of internal company data.

Generative AI models like GPT tend to ‘hallucinate,’ or give answers that seem plausible, but are not factually correct. This prevents organizations from adopting AI tools for enterprise search and knowledge management. The combination of Zeta Alpha’s intelligent neural search engine and advances in GPT-3 reduce this problem by applying natural language understanding. Other enhancements include:

  • InPars v2, a GPT-powered neural search model that enables fast tuning on synthetic in-domain data without the cost of creating terminology lists and taxonomies.
  • Zeta Alpha enables users to ask a question and get contextually relevant results, automatically saving text to a spreadsheet or note for further analysis, and mapping back to the location where the document is saved for future access.
  • Visualizing the information landscape in a semantic map and interpreting it with summaries by GPT can guide knowledge workers in the right direction to answer important strategic questions.

Digital Science acquires metaphacts

Digital Science has completed the acquisition of metaphacts, which has become the newest member of the Digital Science family. Based in Germany, metaphacts is a knowledge graph and decision intelligence software company. Its main product metaphactory is a platform that supports customers in accelerating their adoption of knowledge graphs and driving knowledge democratization. metaphacts operates in the pharmaceutical, engineering, manufacturing, finance, insurance, retail and energy markets, and will be working most closely with Digital Science portfolio product Dimensions.

This acquisition will see metaphacts and Digital Science build new, joint knowledge democratization solutions, facilitating the interface between humans and machines, and helping transform raw data into human and machine-interpretable, actionable insights to power business decisions. metaphactory’s semantic knowledge modelling approach will be applied to the Dimensions linked information dataset to expose new, meaningful knowledge through metaphactory’s semantic search and graph exploration capabilities.

Customers can leverage this curated, packaged data solution and enrich and gain additional context for their proprietary knowledge. Additional integrations with complementary products from the Digital Science portfolio, such as OntoChem’s text analysis and data mining products, are also available.


European Broadcasting Union announces EBUCorePlus

The EBU (European Broadcasting Union) announced EBUCorePlus, a new media metadata standard ontology for media enterprises. It is defined by EBU Members for the media community. It follows up on two long-standing EBU ontologies: EBUCore and CCDM (Class Conceptual Data Model). The two were merged and revised. The result is EBUCorePlus, the new standard that can fully replace its predecessors. It inherits both the reliability of EBUCore and the end-to-end coverage of the media value chain of CCDM. EBUCorePlus is specified using the ontology web language and therefore strictly semantic.

EBUCorePlus serves as a plug and play framework. It can be used out of the box, either in its entirety or just a subset of its elements. But it may also be adapted and extended to enterprise-specific needs. Especially for system integration tasks and defining requirements, projects benefit from EBUCorePlus as a business – not technology – oriented language.

The EBU’s free CorePlus Demonstrator Kit (CDK) can help with extending development skills from entity-relationship models to ontologies, from tables to triples, and from SQL to SPARQL, and is available in cloud, hybrid and on- prem versions. It contains a graph database, populated with the EBUCorePlus ontology and sample data.

Squirro partners with the Semantic Web Company

Squirro, an Augmented Intelligence solutions provider, announced a global partnership with knowledge graph provider the Semantic Web Company, creating a “Composite AI” proposition. The new Composite AI solution delivers Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and knowledge graph technology, and marries content with a user’s intent and context to intelligently augment decision-making.

ML creates and identifies signals but doesn’t take into account the representation of knowledge and reasoning behind it. The full picture – expanded queries and results – gives a greater understanding. The Semantic Web Company and Squirro partnership expands the scope and quality of AI applications by delivering that deeper understanding.

Squirro’s Insight Engine provides NLP and ML to classify the content on a sentence level according to the user’s intent. It provides a user-friendly interface and learns from the interaction what the user is looking for and the context of their search. This is aligned with the Semantic Web Company’s knowledge graph technology – known as PoolParty – which connects people and intent with data. This enriches content with domain knowledge and serves as a context engine. It contextualizes concepts from the content and links them to other meaningful concepts and contents to extend the search results.

https://squirro.com enhances hybrid AI platform updated its natural language (NL) platform. Combining machine learning (ML) and symbolic knowledge representation (Hybrid AI), the updated platform facilitates the design, development and deployment of language models, and accelerates production of enterprise applications, through accurate language understanding. Upgrades include:

  • Knowledge models fortified: Built in pre-trained rules-based models contain expanded industry, role and use-case concepts, and relationships to improve the accuracy of natural language (NL) projects. Other model enhancements include updated environmental, social, governance (ESG) classification and sentiment, and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) extraction.
  • New solutions for pharma & life science: Additional knowledge models support solutions for drug discovery, clinical trial insights, opinion leader identification, and scientific publication insight analysis. A new preclinical report analysis solution speeds up the quality control check process of reports prior to their submission to regulatory bodies.
  • AI-driven Robotic Process Automation (RPA): The NL, hybrid platform integrates with UiPath, Blue Prism and Automation Anywhere, supercharges bots with NL capabilities by merging different AI techniques. This expands the scope of intelligent process automation across tasks.
  • Expanded deployment options: The Platform now supports on-premise deployments of NL workflows for.
  • New operational monitoring dashboard: Delivers improved visibility to operational metrics associated with language operations (LangOps).

Access Innovations and Aptara partner to provide digital publishing solutions

Access Innovations, Inc., provider of Data Harmony software solutions, announced a partnership with Aptara to provide intelligent publishing solutions to book and journal publishers. Serving as a digital publishing provider since 1988, Aptara is proficient in designing and developing custom content for Fortune 500 companies and other organizations from all industries. They create, enrich, and optimize content to ensure it can be reused and repurposed — future-proofing it for all known and as yet undiscovered outputs.

Both Aptara and Access Innovations have extensive content experience, from structuring to conversion and metadata enrichment. Having the depth of experience will provide the combined client base with a full range of services to help reduce expenses while creating the digital-first experience most publishers need to compete in today’s evolving publishing industry. With this partnership in place Aptara clients can expect to see smoothly integrated options for taxonomies, and other metadata enhancement offered as a regular production flow service. Access Innovations clients can utilize significant additional options in production and distribution options.


Pinecone launches hybrid search functionality

Pinecone Systems Inc., a machine learning (ML) search infrastructure company, announced the release of a keyword-aware semantic search solution that enables accessible and advanced combination of semantic and keyword search results. “Vector search” allows companies to provide relevant results based on semantic, or similar meanings, as opposed to simple keyword-based searches. At the same time, keywords still matter in searches involving uncommon words like names or industry-specific terms. With few exceptions, companies have to choose between semantic search and keyword search, or running both systems in parallel.

Neither of these options is ideal. When companies choose one or the other, the results are not as complete as they could be, and when they run both systems in parallel and try to combine the results, cost and complexity goes up significantly. This technology can search across two data types — “dense vectors” generated by ML models to represent meaning, and “sparse vectors” generated by traditional keyword-ranking models such as BM25 — before automatically fusing everything into one ranked list of the most relevant results. The Pinecone hybrid search feature is available in beta.

AtScale adds enterprise AI capabilities to semantic layer platform 

AtScale, a provider of semantic layer solutions for modern business intelligence and data science teams, announced new product capabilities for organizations working to accelerate the deployment of enterprise artificial intelligence (AI). These new capabilities leverage AtScale’s position within the data stack with cloud data warehouse and lakehouse platforms including Google BigQuery, Microsoft Azure Synapse, Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, and Databricks. The AtScale Enterprise semantic layer platform now incorporates:

  • Semantic Predictions – Predictions generated by deployed AI/ML models can be written back to cloud data platforms through AtScale. These model-generated predictive statistics inherit semantic model intelligence, including dimensional consistency and discoverability. Predictions are immediately available for exploration by business users using BI tools (AtScale supports connectivity to Looker, PowerBI, Tableau, and Excel) and can be incorporated into augmented analytics resources.
  • Managed Features – AtScale creates a hub of centrally governed metrics and dimensional hierarchies that can be used to create a set of managed features for AI/ML models. AtScale managed features inherit semantic context, making them more discoverable and easier to work with. Managed features can now be served directly from AtScale, or through a feature store like FEAST, to train models in AutoML or other AI platforms.

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