Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Category: Enterprise software & integration (Page 19 of 30)

Adobe, IBM and Red Hat partner to advance customer experience transformation

Adobe, IBM, and Red Hat announced a strategic partnership to help accelerate digital transformation and strengthen real-time data security for enterprises, with a focus on regulated industries. The intent of the partnership is to enable companies to deliver more personalized experiences across the customer journey, driving improved engagement, profitability and loyalty.

Chief Marketing Officers and Chief Digital Officers – particularly those working in regulated industries such as banking and healthcare – are finding that with the emphasis on data-driven marketing, they are now becoming stewards of critical enterprise and customer information. For these executives, the need to protect data while delivering meaningful customer experiences is paramount. The partnership will initially focus on:

  • Deployment Flexibility with Hybrid Cloud: Adobe, IBM and Red Hat aim to enable brands to manage and deliver their content and assets within any hybrid cloud environment, from multiple public clouds to on-premise data centers. By certifying and delivering Adobe Experience Manager 6.5, part of Adobe Experience Cloud, to run on Red Hat OpenShift, an enterprise open source container platform, IBM will offer clients the flexibility to host, access and leverage data in the environment of their choice.
  • Adobe Enabled for Financial Services: Adobe joins IBM’s partner ecosystem as a strategic partner providing CX solutions for the IBM Cloud for Financial Services. Using the IBM Cloud for Financial Services, IBM will extend Adobe Experience Manager to professionals in this industry.
  • Adobe and IBM Services: IBM iX, the business design arm of IBM Services, will extend their offerings across all of Adobe’s core enterprise applications. With broader, integrated support for clients across Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Experience Cloud, and Adobe Document Cloud, IBM iX will accelerate how global brands use data to design, implement, and scale personalized customer experiences.

As part of the partnership IBM has named Adobe its “Global Partner for Experience” and will begin adopting Adobe Experience Cloud and its enterprise applications to transform its own global marketing.

MarkLogic announces Data Hub Central for simplified data integration

MarkLogic Corporation announced Data Hub Central, the newest capability of MarkLogic Data Hub Service. Data Hub Central provides a simple user interface for self-service data integration where developers, architects, and business analysts can collaborate to integrate, explore, analyze, and share consistent data assets tailored to business needs. With MarkLogic’s built-in search capability, Data Hub Central enables analysts to “shop” for the exact data sets needed to solve business problems. Data sets can be saved, shared, and re-used in popular BI tools – without having to make an IT request.

Data Hub Central spans the integration lifecycle in a single interface. It enables architects who are tasked with overseeing data modeling and governance to collaborate with business analysts to define data models and relationships in the language of the business. Systems analysts, who understand source systems and data, can go to Data Hub Central to look at and adjust the model. As the model is adjusted, data can be loaded from multiple source systems to see how it maps to the target model, as it is changed. Developers have a centralized source of data assets and do not have to wait on lengthy ETL cycles to get access to the data. While Data Hub Central provides no-code capabilities, it is also extensible. While data experts are using it to integrate the data, developers can write re-usable components that extend and customize it. Because Data Hub Central runs as part of MarkLogic Data Hub Service, it has the same enterprise data security capabilities enforced at the data layer.

The Gilbane Report

Gilbane Report logo

The Gilbane Report on Open Information & Document Systems (ISSN 1067-8719) was periodical launched in March, 1993 by Publishing Technology Management Inc. which was founded by Frank Gilbane, its president, in June, 1987.

The Gilbane Report was sold to CAP Ventures Inc in December 1994, who published it until May, 1999, when it was bought by Bluebill Advisors, Inc. a consulting and advisory firm founded by Frank Gilbane. Bluebill Advisors continued to publish the Gilbane Report until March, 2005. The Gilbane Report issues from 1993 – 2005 remain available in either HTML or PDF (or both), on the Gilbane Advisor website, which is owned by Bluebill Advisors Inc.

Below is a link to the first issue of the Gilbane Report. There is also a PDF version.

Enterprise content integration

Enterprise content integration (ECI) is a middleware software technology, often used within large organizations, that connects together various types of computer systems that manage documents and digital content. ECI systems often work in tandem with other technologies such as enterprise content management, document management, groupware, and records management. It takes a decentralized approach in order to manage content from various resources.

Also see enterprise information integration.


Information integration

Information integration (II) is the merging of information from heterogeneous sources with differing conceptual, contextual and typographical representations.

Enterprise information integration (EII) supports a unified view of data and information for an entire organization.  It is used in data mining and consolidation of data from unstructured or semi-structured resources. Typically, information integration refers to textual representations of knowledge but is sometimes applied to rich-media content.

Also has been referred to as Enterprise Content Integration (ECI).

Also see:

The Gilbane Report: Vol 12, Num 6 — What is Enterprise Information Integration (EII)?


XML database

An XML database a data persistence software system that allows data to be stored in XML format. These data can then be queried, exported and serialized into the desired format. XML databases are usually associated with document-oriented databases, and are a type of NoSQL database.

Relational databases and full-text search mechanisms that have been the backbone of many applications are not designed to manage XML content effectively. A new class of databases has emerged that is designed specifically to manage XML content. Typically called “XML Native Databases” or just “XML databases,” they incorporate functionality that greatly improves the management, searching, and manipulation of XML to produce the most effective XML data management solution.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the standards organization that developed XML, has also developed many standards that can be used to access, search, process, and store XML data. XML databases take advantage of these standards to provide efficient and precise access, query, storage, and processing capabilities not found in traditional database technology. The result is that applications using XML databases are more efficient and better suited for managing XML data.


What’s your digital experience IQ (integration quotient)?

digital experience networking at Gilbane DX conference

Digital experience integration: learn & network

Technology and operational integration remain the most difficult and costly implementation issues for digital experience and digital transformation initiatives. Understanding the integration technologies and practices most critical for your project is a requirement for success.

This year in DC we are expanding our ability to help organizations with some of the most common integration challenges by co-locating with three events that focus on key components of digital experience strategies. These include CRM, natural language, speech, and chatbot technologies.

To encourage cross-discipline learning and networking there are “All Access” passes available for all conference attendees to attend sessions in the other events; and a combined technology showcase and networking events are available to all attendees.

Reserve your seat today and take advantage of four multi-track events in one location to up your DX “IQ” – integration quotient.

Learn more ▪︎ Program ▪︎ Register

Marketing Technologists on Multichannel and Enterprise Integration

Marketing technologists are no longer rare birds, though they are often found in unfamiliar environments with less than obvious plumage. There are marketing technologists in many of our sessions this year, but we have selected a few to look at the two toughest challenges they, and their organizations, face in building modern digital strategies: support for consistent current and future multichannel experiences, and the necessary integration of data from multiple enterprise systems.

Join us Tuesday, December, 2: 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the Gilbane Conference to learn more.

T1. Track Keynote Panel: Marketing Technologists Discuss Multichannel and Enterprise Integration Challenges

Scott Brinker, Founder & CTO, ion interactive, inc. and Author, Chief Marketing Technologist Blog

Bill Simmons, CTO/Co-Founder, DataXu
Frederick Faulkner, Director, Marketing & Digital Strategist, ICF Interactive
Vikalp Tandon, Director and North America Customer Platform Lead, SapientNitro

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