The Gilbane Advisor

Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

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Gilbane Advisor 1-7-16 — 16 Mobile Theses

Happy New Year!
We’ve been busy with December’s Gilbane Conference and the holidays, so to get caught up and keep this issue a reasonable size we have collected conference content in a separate blog post, and included a larger Short Takes section below.

16 Mobile Theses

Benedict Evans summarizes his view of fundamental issues at the intersection of mobile and computing. There are links to more detailed analysis which should be read to fully understand his position.

We’re now coming up to 9 years since the launch of the iPhone kicked off the smartphone revolution, and some of the first phases are over – Apple and Google both won the platform war, mostly, Facebook made the transition, mostly, and it’s now perfectly clear that mobile is the future of technology and of the internet. But within that, there’s a huge range of different themes and issues, many of which are still pretty unsettled. Read More

and see…

Contextual Runtimes

Fred Wilson on Evans’ 16 mobile theses…

… my favorite part is titled “Post Netscape, post PageRank, looking for the next run-time.” In this part Ben describes what used to be the dominant environment and the search for what is next. At the end he states: “Really, we’re looking for a new run-time – a new way, after the web and native apps, to build services. That might be Siri or Now or messaging or maps or notifications or something else again.” … I agree with Ben but I think there won’t be one runtime in the mobile era. I think what is emerging is multiple runtimes depending on the context – “contextual runtimes.”

Fred is right, and further, some runtimes will be open and some closed. This tension between “open” and “closed” has been a constant of computing systems and standards for decades and has fed creative development of both. Context determines the leverage of “open” or “closed” and is fluid. Read More

and see…

Mobile Counter-theses

Tim Bray on Evans’ 16 theses…

I think the the­ses are about half wrong. … I’ll run through his the­ses one-by-one. But first, I think our dif­fer­ences cen­ter on two things; one that’s pre­dictable giv­en who I am, name­ly the cloud. The sec­ond is per­haps sur­pris­ing: Whether key­boards mat­ter.

After trying to come up with my own tally of who was more correct, I would go further than Tim and say that their backgrounds account for a lot of the apparent difference. At the risk of over-simplifying, Benedict is an analyst from the telecom market which now includes client computing products, and Tim is a developer with deep involvement in web, mobile and enterprise systems. In any case, you’ll want to read what both have to say. Read More

Rating the Crowd-Sourced Marketing Software Review Sites

What began as a whimsical “landscape of landscapes” led me to realize crowd-sourced review sites are the most common type of vendor directory, accounting for 15 of the 23 sources listed in my original graphic. This begged for a deeper look at the review sites to understand how they differ which, if any, could replace the work of professional reviewers (like me)…

Marketing technology consultant and analyst David Rabb helpfully checks out his crowd-sorting competition and happily finds a role for experts like himself and crowd-sourced reviews. Read More

Is Facebook Driving Less Traffic to Publishers’ Sites?

Recent data from content measurement firm SimpleReach… said Facebook referral traffic to a group of 30 publishers’ sites dropped 32% between January and October… The 30 sites analyzed were those in SimpleReach’s network deemed most reliant on Facebook for their traffic… But online analytics firm Chartbeat… aggregated information from 100 “major news and media” sites … found Facebook referral traffic remained relatively consistent between January and October.

A third firm saw a slight increase in Facebook referral traffic in the same time frame.It seems it depends who you ask. We’ll be learning more in 2016. Read More

“Why not be all the way in?” How publishers are using Facebook Instant Articles

The quote above is from the enthusiastic Washington Post, who doesn’t seem to need any help with the speed of its site these days. Read More

You can also see what some other publishers, including the New York Times and Harvard Business Review think about Instant Articles in the video of the recent Gilbane conference session on New Frontiers in Digital Content Distribution.

Why Facebook Still Worries About Android

Yes, even Facebook has platform fear. The Information’s Amir Efrati reports…

This summer, conversations between Google and Facebook sparked concern at the social media company. The issue: whether Google would eventually ask Facebook to pay for various app requests made by Facebook users on Android smartphones. … These app requests included Google Maps information viewed within the Facebook app and app-related push notifications to be delivered to the phone. Google’s servers handle such app requests before they are passed on to the network provider and end up on an Android phone. … Google doesn’t charge mobile app developers for such standard services. But on Android, Facebook is the top user of such API calls, … And handling those calls costs Google money. Read More

What is Facebook doing about it? Lots… 

Facebook’s Android Contingency Planning

Facebook has been secretly preparing contingency measures to allow its apps to operate on Android phones without going through Google’s app store, … Facebook’s goal is to be ready in case it has an intractable conflict with Google … over future rules governing how apps can function on Android. Read More

Short takes

Summary with handy links… Gartner, IDC and Forrester on the Future of Digital Transformation via What’s The Big Data?

Insight on AMP in interview with Richard Gingras… Inside Google’s plan to speed up the mobile Web via Poynter

2016 predictions for mobile marketing, by a newly discovered business-savvy developer via Mobile Dev Memo

The management tool everyone has been waiting for?… Introducing Guesstimate, a Spreadsheet for Things That Aren’t Certain via Medium

You need to read to understand why a post with such a title actually delivers. How to get rich in tech, guaranteed. via Startups and Shit 

Biting, funny, and true… How to Swallow $200 Million Accidentally via Medium

Slippery slope… 350 Words — Ad — 150 Words via Medium

Why is social media failing? Because The Consumer isn’t a Moron, at least in general. via Medium

Bet you didn’t know that Email Is the Best Way to Reach Millennials via HBR

Handy for getting started with some IoT market research… Internet of Things (IoT) Market Ecosystem Map via Medium

Hiring help… Identifying the essential skills for data scientists. Beyond the Venn diagram via

Digital Asset Management Round-Up, December 2015… SAP hybris / CELUM, Canto / inMotionNow, and some predictions for 2016 via Digital Clarity Group

Updating Our Search Quality Rating Guidelines includes a link to a major revision of Google’s rater guidelines. via Google Webmaster Central Blog

E-Commerce Round-Up: November 2015… Multichannel challenges at Macy’s, Nordstrom, Target, service provider ambitions at Zalando and Farfetch, and Mercadolibre growth. via Digital Clarity Group

CMS, etc. corner

WCM market share estimates… Web Content and Experience Management – Industry Maps via Real Story Group

What’s New for You This December in Open Source CMS… Liferay, Hippo, Typo3, Telerik, Enonic, dotCMS, eZ Systems, Jahia, Magnolia, Umbraco, Xoops… via CMSWire

What’s New This January in Open Source CMS… Composite C1, Enonic, Joomla, Hippo. via CMSWire

WordPress or No? WCMS – the WordPress problem as we have experienced it via diginomica


The Gilbane Advisor curates content for our conference community of content, computing, and digital experience professionals throughout the year. You can also subscribe via our feed.

The Gilbane Conference on Content, Technology, and Customer Experience helps marketers, IT, and business managers integrate content strategies and computing technologies to produce superior customer experiences for all stakeholders.

Gilbane Conference 2015 resources

Whether you were able to join us for the Gilbane Conference 2015 or not, the conference presentations are available. There are also videos of the keynote presentations and a couple of interactive panels. Below is a list of the videos with direct links to individual presentations and panels. Also, below are links to some blog posts and speaker spotlights.

Keynote Presentations

Donna Tuths, Global Managing Director, Accenture Interactive, Accenture Digital
Global Marketers and Digital Transformation: What They are Doing and What They are Thinking

Scott Brinker, Founder, & Co-founder & CTO, ion interactive
Hacking Marketing: What Marketers Can Steal from Software Developers

Jon Marks, CTO and co-founder, Kaldor
Are Apps All They’re Cracked Up to Be? (Or Should We Just Embrace Mobile Web Instead?)

Kevin Newman, Director of Technology, Harvard Business Publishing
Using Strategic Thinking in Technology

Michele J. Givens, Publisher and General Manager, Editorial Projects in Education, Inc.
Strategies for Improving Digital Outreach & Increasing Audience Engagement

New Frontiers in Digital Content Distribution

Moderator: Mark Walter, Director, Strategic Solutions, Managing Editor Inc. (MEI)
Introduction overview
Brad Kagawa, VP Technology, Content Management Systems, The New York Times
Jay Brodsky, Principal, Align Digital
Eric Hellweg, Managing Director, Digital Strategy, Harvard Business Review
Interactive Panel

Aligning Technology with Strategy – Harvard Business Review

Moderator: Kevin Newman, Director of Technology, Harvard Business Publishing
Fred Lalande, Technical Production Manager, Harvard Business Publishing
Daigo Fujiwara, Web Developer, Harvard Business Publishing
Matt Wagner, Web Developer, Harvard Business Publishing
Kianosh Pourian, President/Founder, Cielo Concepts Inc.
Matt Serbian, Web Developer and Tech Lead
Interactive Panel

Recurring Revenue: Why Subscription Models are the New Hot Business Model (Again)

Moderator: Kathy Greenler Sexton, CEO & Publisher, Subscription Insider
Conference session
Catherine Giffi, Director, Strategic Market Analysis, Wiley
Jim Fosina, CEO & Founder, Amora Coffee & Tea Fosina Marketing Group
Dan Burkhart, CEO, Recurly
Peter Figueredo, Founding Partner, Subscription Practice Lead, & Head of Client Services, House of Kaizen

Blog posts

Destination CRM
Gilbane Conference 2015: Understand Customer Reactions, and Deliver Content Accordingly
2015 Gilbane Conference Day Two: Companies Must Personalize Content for Global Markets

CMS Wire
Discussion Point: What’s on Your 2016 Digital Radar?

5 observations on the state of employee social networks

TechTarget SearchCRM
Creating an effective content marketing strategy

TechTarget SearchCIO
Gilbane Conference: HBR’s IT team uses Agile and wins a seat at the table

CMS Wire
Discussion Point: What’s on Your 2016 Digital Radar?

Digital distraction disorder – a problem for consumers, a bigger problem for marketers
WCM alternatives: build, buy, customize – what would you do?

a Technologies Blog
Review Gilbane Conference 2015

Speaker Spotlights

Gilbane Conference 2015 speaker spotlights are on the main conference site here.

Speaker spotlights for the 2014 and 2013 conferences are here.

Gilbane Conference Keynote Presentations

Join us for the Gilbane Conference keynote presentations Wednesday, December 2, 8:30 am – Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston

speaker panel_new

Moderator: Frank Gilbane, Founder, Bluebill Advisors, Gilbane Conference

Donna Tuths, Global Managing Director, Accenture Interactive, Accenture Digital
Global Marketers and Digital Transformation: What They are Doing and What They are Thinking

Scott Brinker, Founder, & Co-founder & CTO, ion interactive
Hacking Marketing: What Marketers Can Steal from Software Developers

Jon Marks, CTO and co-founder, Kaldor
Are Apps All They’re Cracked Up to Be? (Or Should We Just Embrace Mobile Web Instead?)

Kevin Newman, Director of Technology, Harvard Business Publishing
Using Strategic Thinking in Technology

Michele J. Givens, Publisher and General Manager, Editorial Projects in Education, Inc.
Strategies for Improving Digital Outreach & Increasing Audience Engagement

The complete schedule, program and other details can be found on the conference site.

New Frontiers in Digital Content Distribution

As we said in our most recent Gilbane Advisor, “There are tectonic shifts underway among competing web, mobile, and social platforms, that will have profound effects on digital strategies.” While these shifts will impact everyone who distributes content, the major publishers have the most at stake, are paying the most attention, and are already experimenting. By now these experiments have provided some initial data, in particular with Facebook Instant Articles, though likely not enough to base major decisions on. Since we wrote the session description below a few months ago, Google announced Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project and Facebook announced Notify. Events are moving quickly.

Whether you are a publisher, brand marketer, or  independent blogger, this panel discussion is bound to be enlightening.

P1. New Frontiers in Digital Content Distribution

Publishers have been using social media as a means to extend their brands, drive traffic to web properties, and cultivate direct relationships with consumers. But the arrival of “off-site” digital media outlets—Facebook’s Instant Articles, Apple News, Snapchat, Twitter Lightning, and whatever Google might dream up next—has publishers asking: will social media platforms usurp publisher’s own brand sites or be a lucrative extension? What are the results from those who are early participants? What are the business and technology issues to consider when deciding whether to take part? How can you prepare your organization, infrastructure and content to be ready if your CEO/CMO decides to take the plunge?

A panel of media technologists will report on their experiences and share their insights as we explore the latest trend in the evolution of digital media.

Wednesday, December, 2: 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Moderator: Mark Walter, Director, Strategic Solutions, Managing Editor Inc. (MEI)
Brad Kagawa, VP Technology, Content Management Systems, The New York Times
Jay Brodsky, Principal, Align Digital
Eric Hellweg, Managing Director, Digital Strategy, Harvard Business Review

How to develop a personalization strategy

Join us at the Gilbane Conference in Boston December 1-3 and learn how your peers are building superior digital experiences for customers and employees. Personalization is a big, and complex, component of customer experiences. A successful strategy for your organization needs to consider all the stakeholders and lots of variables. This workshop will help you begin, or review, your personalization strategy.

Workshop A. Developing a Personalization Strategy: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

In this workshop, we will discuss the thinking necessary to build a strong personalization strategy for any organization. Illuminating a range of different types of strategy and effective scenarios for different organization types, we will pull back the details to understand the commonalities, decision paths, and frameworks for organizing these strategies.

The session will also ground the discussion in some operational complexity associated with personalization strategy, including:

  • Assessing existing user behavior as a prerequisite of personalization strategy
  • Audience segmentation and CRM
  • The interaction between personalization strategy and UX planning

For attendees, the workshop will provide both an overview of this complex subject, and the chance to discuss their own challenges and align them with strategies that can work.

Instructor: John Berndt, CEO, TBG (The Berndt Group)
Tuesday, December, 1: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. • Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston

This workshop is included in the ConferencePlus package. Save $200 on the ConferencePlus and Conference Only options. To get your Bluebill discount use priority code 200BB when registering online.

I would like my $200 registration discount – code 200BB

Building the analytics you need to monetize your innovation

Join us at the Gilbane Conference in Boston December 1-3 and learn how your peers are building superior digital experiences for customers and employees. If you haven’t reviewed your analytics for effectiveness in a while, or are wondering if you are collecting the right metrics to support your business objectives, this in-depth workshop is for you.

Great Ideas Need the Right Metrics to Flourish: Building the Analytics You Need to Monetize your Innovation

For digital innovators, Analytics and data-driven decision-making have become key determinants of success. “If you can measure it, you can manage it.” The right metrics often make the difference between monetizing innovation and under-performance.

Yet identifying these “metrics that matter” isn’t easy—the right metrics vary widely based on your business model—nor is it easy to build the required capabilities and collecting the necessary data. Fortunately there is a way to make it easier, and this presentation will share a better way to tackle the challenge.

In this workshop, author and analytics veteran Jaime Fitzgerald will share his battle-tested method that addresses this challenge. During two decades working with data, Mr. Fitzgerald created a new method that makes it easier to define the metrics you really need to monetize your innovative ideas, business models, and initiatives. In addition to defining the “metrics that matter,” Mr. Fitzgerald’s methodology defines the analytic methods and data sources you need to generate these key performance indicators, and how they will be used to enhance key business decisions, essential processes, and business model evolution.

Instructor: Jaime Fitzgerald, Founder & Managing Partner, Fitzgerald Analytics
Tuesday, December, 1: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. • Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston

This workshop is included in the ConferencePlus package. Save $200 on the ConferencePlus and Conference Only options. To get your Bluebill discount use priority code 200BB when registering online.

I would like my $200 registration discount – code 200BB


Insiders’ Guide to Selecting the Right WCM

Join us at the Gilbane Conference in Boston December 1-3 and learn how your peers are building superior digital experiences for customers and employees. If you have a website refresh project coming up, make sure you are prepared with the latest info on the web content management technology landscape by attending this in-depth workshop.

Workshop C. Insiders’ Guide to Selecting the Right WCM

If you are a website or intranet manager or architect, this year may well find you looking to implement new tools or refresh dated platforms. However, you face a wide and growing array of vendors willing to address your problems. Which ones offer the best fit for your particular circumstances?

This fast-paced workshop led by Real Story Group founder Tony Byrne will help you understand the broad but converging marketplaces for Web CMS technologies. Tony will sort out the key players and business models, and offer you a roadmap for deciding which types of technologies and vendors provide the best long-term fit for your needs. The workshop will answer several key questions:

  • How can you quickly distinguish among the 120 major toolsets across these marketplaces?
  • How are changes in the open source landscape impacting your options today and going forward?
  • Where does Web Publishing intersect with emergent technologies?
  • What should you expect to pay for these tools?
  • What are the critical, can’t-ignore architectural distinctions you need to make?
  • How mature are the vendors? – What are the strengths and weaknesses of some key players, including Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle
  • How can you insure that your selection process meets your original business objectives?
  • Which should you pick first: Agency, Integrator, Vendor, or…?
  • What are some major pitfalls others have made that you can readily avoid?
  • How are these marketplaces likely to evolve in the coming years, and how can you best align your firm to take advantage of future innovation?

Instructor: Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group
Tuesday, December, 1: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. • Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston

This workshop is included in the ConferencePlus package. Save $200 on the ConferencePlus and Conference Only options.

To get your Bluebill discount use priority code 200BB when registering online.

I would like my $200 registration discount – code 200BB

How to use a digital audit to assess marketing operations

Join us at the Gilbane Conference in Boston December 1-3 and learn how your peers are transforming their marketing operations to support superior digital experiences for customers and employees. If you have a project coming up make sure you can measure your before and after results. Learn how by attending this in-depth workshop.

Workshop B. An Anatomy of a Digital Audit

Marketing management has never been so exciting — or daunting. The proliferation of digital tactics and lightweight technology has cleared the path for us to take genuine ownership of our operations, and be less reliant on other areas of the organization to do our jobs.

While this new reality is empowering, it also comes with challenges. Indeed, today’s senior marketing manager is not only tasked with traditional responsibilities such as brand shepherding and lead generation, but also line items such as data analysis, technology portfolio optimization, and vendor relations.

To survive and thrive in this environment, it’s become increasingly important for us to measure performance using a systems-oriented approach. In this workshop, attendees will learn how to assess their digital marketing operations in entirety, and identify opportunities for improvement and costs savings.

The session will explain a comprehensive 30-point methodology for conducting an assessment, with specific focus on the following four areas of the marketing operation:

  • Advertising & Promotion: digital media (search, display / banners, classified, mobile, digital video, lead generation, sponsorships), organic search marketing, content marketing, social media, email marketing
  • Websites: copy, images, video / animation, landing pages, microsites, search, live chat, blogs
  • Technology: marketing automation, content management, analytics, and data management
  • Vendors: even mid-sized digital marketing operations often have 10+ vendors involved in maintenance and optimization

While the core of this workshop will rely on referencing an actual case study, it will also be interactive, with attendee company assessments worked into the session.

Instructor: Tim Bourgeois, Founder & Executive Editor, and East Coast Catalyst
Tuesday, December, 1: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. • Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston

This workshop is included in the ConferencePlus package. Save $200 on the ConferencePlus and Conference Only options.

To get your Bluebill discount use priority code 200BB when registering online.

I would like my $200 registration discount – code 200BB


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