The Gilbane Advisor

Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

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The Right Way To Select Digital Experience Technology

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Washington DC April 28 – 29, Workshops May 1

attendee taking notes

Our conference is followed by in-depth, half-day workshops by well-know experts providing detailed guidance on how to get a head start on key decisions, including…

The Right Way To Select Digital Experience Technology

This fast-paced workshop gives you the inside scoop on how to match your unique needs to the right DX marketplaces and vendors, ranging from WCM to DAM to CRM, CDPs, marketing automation, and more. Learn how to distinguish among features, architectures, cost and ecosystems to assess how you can underpin your digital strategy with the best-fitting tools for your needs. Come away with a firm understanding of the major pros and cons of the key players and how to replace traditional, waterfall methods with a more modern approach to technology selection. Each participant receives a copy of Tony Byrne’s book,The Right Way to Select Technology.

Wednesday, May 1: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Tony Byrne



Tony Byrne
Founder, Real Story Group


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Gilbane Conferences have been providing content management, computing, and digital experience professionals with trusted content since 2002.

CDP or Multi-Channel Hub? A Martech Journey

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Washington DC April 28 – 29, Workshops May 1

attendee taking notes

The easiest way to deal with the vast number of marketing technology tools for digital experience initiatives is to narrow your scope by identifying the type of solution that most directly addresses your core requirements. You can then build around this hub with supporting integrations. For example, you might start with a CMS and then integrate CRM, or e-commerce. Though a sensible strategy, this is easier said than done because of shifting product scope and confusing marketing. In this presentation you’ll hear what the Business Development Bank of Canada learned on just such a journey.

A101. CDP or Multi-Channel Hub? A Martech Journey

This is the journey of a bank that was looking for the new shiny thing, a customer data platform, and ended up choosing a multi-channel marketing hub. How did it happen? What did we discover along the way on our journey about these types of tools? We follow through the steps of this discovery voyage where not a lot of people have gone before … (Hey, it sounds like a new Star Trek episode!).

Monday, April 29: 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.​

Richard Tea, Development Bank of Canada


Richard Tea
Director, Analytics & Marketing Automation
Business Development Bank of Canada


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Gilbane Conferences have been providing content, computing, and digital experience professionals with trusted content since 2002.

Digital experience at the ATF

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Washington DC April 28 – 29, Workshops May 1

digital experience networking

Like most larger organizations the ATF has many types of customers, employees, and partners. Building a modern digital experience that meets their unique requirements, while supporting consistent and continuous collaboration and operational flows is no easy task. Case studies like this provide valuable insight, and we are pleased to have the ATF’s Hadiza Buge join us to share their story.

B103. Breaking down the regs: DX at the ATF

Parsing through federal regulations can be challenging. It can be hard to know where to start and find what you need. That’s certainly true at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)… Learn how digital is helping the ATF better connect state and local law enforcement as well as firearms dealers, the public, and other constituents with mission-critical information and services… Regulatory updates are shared faster with law enforcement, and best practices around personalization and usability are helping the ATF drive better results for constituents… Learn how the ATF is leveraging open source tech and strategies more typical of marketing organizations — including journey orchestration, audience segmentation, and personalization — to deliver for all of its audiences.

Monday, April 29: 1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.​

Hadiza Buge, ATF


Hadiza Buge
Chief, Electronic Media & Communication, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives


Peter Durand, Acquia


Peter Durand
VP, Public Sector, Acquia


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Gilbane Conferences have been providing content management, computing, and digital experience professionals with trusted content since 2002.

Learn about the future of block-based editing and CMSs

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Washington DC April 28 – 29, Workshops May 1

digital experience networking

The new “Gutenberg” editor for WordPress is ambitious and controversial. Gutenberg adds layout tools in the form of blocks, which has many advantages, but can also be seem a burden. A classic problem for authoring tools is the inherent tension between layout designers and authors for control and flexibility in content creation. In general, there is no perfect balance, but Gutenberg is something to check out, and at least keep an eye on.

Speaker Andrew Roberts is uniquely qualified to explain the relationship between the WordPress classic editor and Gutenberg. Both depend on code from the TinyMCE text editor, and Tiny has worked with Automattic on Gutenberg. Join him on Monday, April 29: 3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

A105. Is block-based editing the future of web content management systems?

“Gutenberg” is the controversial new block-based editing experience introduced in WordPress 5.0. Find out what this means for the future of editing in the world’s most popular content management system, as well as how this may impact other CMSs.


Andrew Roberts,
CEO, Tiny



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Google Cloud

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SAP digital experience
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Gilbane Conferences have been providing content, computing, and digital experience professionals with trusted content since 2002.

Gilbane Advisor 2-27-19 — Language models, dev workflow, integration and DX

Better language models and their implications

OpenAI reports results using an unsupervised language model that generates coherent paragraphs of text. The examples are impressive. An additional reason to check this post and their site is the decision not to share the full models because of concerns they will be used for malicious purposes. This seems well-intended but is controversial. Read More

Google Translate & Wittgenstein

While we’re on the topic of language models. I love it when philosophers get credit, and this example is a favorite. In this quick read, Olivia Goldhill does a great job explaining how Google Translate, and other neural networking based natural language applications, are a manifestation of Wittgenstein’s theory of language. Read More

How fast can you go from structured content to working front-end?

Experienced content strategists and web developers know that collaborating as early as possible is the safest and fastest route to success. Chris Atherton shares a short engaging case study that is useful for educating nontechnical colleagues on why early iterative collaboration is important even for “simple projects”. Read More

Google, Dropbox, and the “one-window test”

Scott Brinker on platforms, integration, and DX. The same test, and advice, is useful when building your own non-SaaS, or mixed, systems.

“Does X integrate with Y?” is a deceptively oversimplified yes/no question. In the cloud, the answer is almost always “yes.” It’s kind of like calling a restaurant and asking if they combine ingredients together. Sure they do. But how tasty is the meal? How attentive is the service? How reasonable is the price? Read More

April 29 – May 1, 2019, Washington DC

Digital experience strategies, technologies, and practices, for marketing and the workplace.

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The Gilbane Advisor curates content for content, computing, and digital experience professionals. We focus on strategic technologies. We publish more or less twice a month except for August and December.

What’s your digital experience IQ (integration quotient)?

digital experience networking at Gilbane DX conference

Digital experience integration: learn & network

Technology and operational integration remain the most difficult and costly implementation issues for digital experience and digital transformation initiatives. Understanding the integration technologies and practices most critical for your project is a requirement for success.

This year in DC we are expanding our ability to help organizations with some of the most common integration challenges by co-locating with three events that focus on key components of digital experience strategies. These include CRM, natural language, speech, and chatbot technologies.

To encourage cross-discipline learning and networking there are “All Access” passes available for all conference attendees to attend sessions in the other events; and a combined technology showcase and networking events are available to all attendees.

Reserve your seat today and take advantage of four multi-track events in one location to up your DX “IQ” – integration quotient.

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Gilbane Advisor 1-30-19 — Structured content & robots, website first, AR & Blockchain almost

Conversations with robots: voice, smart agents & the case for structured content

The benefits of structured content have been clear for decades, but the cost and effort to create and manage it limited adoption to complex ‘mission-critical’ applications. Today, there are better tools, more expertise, and a much broader range of business and consumer applications that require structured content to be effective, competitive, cost efficient, and future-ready. Designer Andy Fitzgerald explains why structured content is more important than ever.

voice agents

Illustration by Dougal MacPherson

A useful read for project teams, with illustrated examples helpful for shared understanding. Read More

Why founders should start with a website, not a mobile app

And not just founders, though it is more critical for them. Most startups have few resources, and need to rapidly build a product, customer base, and supporting infrastructure before their money, or investor patience, runs out. Kapwing founder & CEO Julia Enthoven’s description of her startups’ decision cuts to the chase. Read More

Despite limitations, publishers plot more augmented reality for 2019

That bet is motivated by lots of work publishers did last year. The New York Times produced 13 different augmented reality projects in 2018, ranging from an investigation into a bombing in Syria to a visit to the large hadron collider at CERN; Time Magazine launched its first-ever augmented reality issue of its magazine; The Washington Post, which started producing augmented reality content in 2017, continued producing projects in 2018… But augmented reality still faces significant limitations. Read More

Blockchain’s Occam problem

Blockchain has yet to become the game-changer some expected. A key to finding the value is to apply the technology only when it is the simplest solution available. Read More


Gilbane digital experience conference

April 29
– May 1, 2019, Washington DC
Digital experience strategies, technologies, and practices, for marketing and the workplace.

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Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference program live

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference program and registration are now available at

Conference tracks

Digital experience technologies for customers and the workplace

Focused on what you need to know about evolving, and potentially disrupting, content and digital experience technologies for marketing and the workplace. We’ll be looking at what web and data analysis technologies are effective today. We’ll also examine what is practical and should be considered today or in the near future regarding deep learning, AR, and blockchain applications.

Designed for technology strategists and executives focused on near-term and future software for creating, analyzing, managing, and delivering compelling digital experiences across platforms, channels, and form factors. 

Digital experience practices for customers and the workplace

Focused on how to overcome challenges and implement successful digital experience strategies and practices to reach, engage, and retain customers, employees, and partners. We’ll be looking at strategies for inter- and intra- departmental collaboration that support customer-facing and internal operations that are a necessary part of the foundation for a consistently high quality digital experience.

Designed for digital transformation leaders, marketing, business, and workplace executives, information managers, content strategists, and UX professionals.

Co-located conferences

The DX Conference is co-located with three additional conferences: Smart Customer Service, CRM Evolution, and SpeechTEK. Each of these events provides an additional opportunity for “All Access” pass holders to learn more about the technologies and tools available to create great customer experiences.

Please join us in Washington, DC April 29-30 for the DX Conference, and May 1 for in-depth workshops .

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