Syncro Soft announced Version 23.0 of Oxygen XML Editor, a major update of new features, productivity enhancements, and customization possibilities. A lot of attention was focused on the DITA community authoring experience more efficient and dynamic. You can expect to discover a new dynamic floating toolbar that provides quicker access to common editing actions, it is now possible to edit submaps directly in the DITA Maps Manager view without needing to open them in their own tab, you can open DITA maps in Author mode with the content from all referenced topics expanded and editable directly in the editor. Two new DITA-specific sample project templates are available to help you get more familiar with how to use projects in DITA, and if you want to experiment with the upcoming version of DITA, DITA 2.0 maps and topics can now be created from new document templates.

On the DITA publishing side, you now have the ability to run multiple DITA-OT or Ant transformation scenarios simultaneously to shorten the time it takes to finish transforming large projects, image map numbers and shapes are now visible and clickable in CSS-based PDF output, and work was done on improving the Oxygen PDF Chemistry processor with various CSS property enhancements.

Some of the general editing productivity enhancements include a new Find Action feature that provides a very quick way to find and trigger actions, it is now possible to copy selected XML content from Author mode to the system clipboard with the XML structure preserved, and you can now easily create a new project from an existing project template. You can now edit JSON documents in Author mode with access to the various features available for XML documents, a handy tool was added for generating documentation for a JSON Schema file, and numerous improvements were made to the JSON to XML, XML to JSON, and JSON Schema Generator tools. For the complete list of updates see: