Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Category: Gilbane Advisor (Page 9 of 29)

The Gilbane Advisor is curated by Frank Gilbane for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. The focus is on strategic technologies. We publish weekly via email and on our blog except for August and December.

Here is an index.

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Gilbane Advisor 3-15-23 — Building ChatGPT, Data-Centric AI

This week we feature content from Rama Ramakrishnan, and a course by, Anish Athalye, Curtis Northcutt, Jonas Mueller, Cody Coleman, Alexandra Zytek, & Sharon Zhou.

Additional reading comes from Benjamin Marie, Sarah Gooding, and Dmitry Kan.

News comes from Ontotext, Acquia, Lucid Software, and Databricks.

👉 No issue next week — we’ll be back March 29th.

Note that news items now link to the original source of the news rather than our 200 word summaries, which are always available here.

All previous issues are available at

Opinion / Analysis

The Road to ChatGPT — An informal explainer on how ChatGPT was built

Rama Ramakrishnan…
“I have written an informal “explainer” on how ChatGPT was built. I have tried to focus on the key ideas and have kept technical details to the bare minimum. Please view in full-screen mode. I hope you find it useful.”

This is excellent. You truly don’t need to be technical to follow it. Don’t let the 104 slides scare you off; you can fly through most of them.

Introduction to Data-Centric AI

“In real-world applications, data is messy and improving models is not the only way to get better performance. You can also improve the dataset itself rather than treating it as fixed. Data-Centric AI (DCAI) is an emerging science that studies techniques to improve datasets, which is often the best way to improve performance in practical ML applications.”

MIT has made this course freely available to all. Lectures and materials are online. This is a valuable resource for professional practitioners as well as students. (1 min for the course description – the rest is up to you).

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Content technology news

Ontotext releases GraphDB 10.2

Model Serving provides fully managed production machine learning (ML) capabilities natively within the Databricks Lakehouse Platform.

Acquia adds integrations to Digital Asset Management (DAM) System

The new integrations give customers more control over brand consistency, extend the value of content and data created in other systems.

Lucid Software announces new integrations to enhance collaboration

Integrations streamline processes and workflows within a company’s tech stack and creates a foundation for effective and efficient collaboration.

Databricks launches Databricks Model Serving

Model Serving provides fully managed production machine learning (ML) capabilities natively within the Databricks Lakehouse Platform.

All content technology news

The Gilbane Advisor is authored by Frank Gilbane and is ad-free, cost-free, and curated for content, computing, web, data, and digital experience technology and information professionals. We publish recommended articles and content technology news weekly. We do not sell or share personal data.

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Gilbane Advisor 3-8-23 — LLMs, KBs & LlamaIndex, BigQuery + Search Console

This week we feature articles by Purvanshi Mehta, and Daniel Waisberg, Gaal Yahas, & Haim Daniel.

Additional reading from Jeremy Perdue, Rachel Gordon, and Nandan Grover.

News comes from Quark, TigerGraph, Slang Labs, and DeltaXML.

Note that news items now link to the original source of the news rather than our 200 word summaries, which are always available here.

All previous issues are available at

Opinion / Analysis

Indexing and Querying external KBs through GPT — GPT Index (LlamaIndex)

Purvanshi Mehta provides an overview of how you can use the GPT Index (now LlamaIndex) to customize large language models by connecting with external knowledge bases relevant to your application domain. She helpfully includes examples for different types of data sources. (6 min).

Bulk data export: a new and powerful way to access your Search Console data

From the Google Search Console Team…

You can configure an export in Search Console to get a daily data dump into your BigQuery project. The data includes all your performance data, apart from anonymized queries, which are filtered out for privacy reasons … This means you can explore your data to its maximum potential, joining it with other sources of data and using advanced analysis and visualization techniques. … This data export could be particularly helpful for large websites with tens of thousands of pages, or those receiving traffic from tens of thousands of queries a day (or both!). (3 min).

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Content technology news

Quark releases Quark Publishing Platform NextGen v3.0

The content automation platform is designed to simplify the complexities associated with enterprise content lifecycle management. ■

TigerGraph expands cloud capabilities

Provides a comprehensive, streamlined approach to deploy and maintain multiple graph database solutions with visual analytics and machine learning tools.

Slang Labs launches CONVA

CONVA is a full-stack solution that provides smart and highly accurate multilingual voice search capabilities inside e-commerce apps.

DeltaXML eases HTML table comparison with XML Compare 14

The finer-grained detail for cells and rows are easier to display and provide greater understanding when reviewed.

All content technology news

The Gilbane Advisor is authored by Frank Gilbane and is ad-free, cost-free, and curated for content, computing, web, data, and digital experience technology and information professionals. We publish recommended articles and content technology news weekly. We do not sell or share personal data.

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Gilbane Advisor 3-1-23 — Emergent properties in ML, RDF modeling

This week we feature articles by Jacob Steinhardt, and Dean Allemang.

Additional reading from Rocío Txabarriaga, Eric Broda, and Tony Seale.

News comes from MadCap Software & IXIASOFT, BetterCommerce, Wondershare, and Contentstack.

Note that news items now link to the original source of the news rather than our 200 word summaries, which are always available here.

All previous issues are available at

Opinion / Analysis

Emergent deception and emergent optimization

Emergent properties are in common in nature, and are often surprising. They are also found in machine learning. Jacob Steinhardt has a series of posts on emergence in machine learning worth checking out, but you can start with his most recent, and timely, piece. (17 min).

I’ve previously argued that machine learning systems often exhibit emergent capabilities, and that these capabilities could lead to unintended negative consequences. But how can we reason concretely about these consequences? … I’ll describe two specific emergent capabilities that I’m particularly worried about: deception (fooling human supervisors rather than doing the intended task), and optimization (choosing from a diverse space of actions based on their long-term consequences).

Why I’m not excited about RDF-Star

Well, the title is a bit clickbaity. But Dean Allemang’s article illustrates an important point about RDF modeling in general. And if like me, you weren’t aware of RDF-Star, an added benefit is you’ll learn enough to consider how you might use it when the W3C standard becomes a recommendation. (10 min).

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All Gilbane Advisor issues

Content technology news

MadCap Software acquires IXIASOFT

Adds enterprise DITA CCMS to support content strategies for creating, translating, and delivering consistent, up-to-date content tailored to roles.

Contentstack announces Contentstack Launch

Extends Contentstack’s product suite, providing a composable, automated, digital experience stack from the front-end to the back-end.

BetterCommerce adds headless CMS functionality to its commerce stack

The headless, composable CMS functionality joins existing modules in the commerce stack including PIM, eCommerce, OMS, Analytics and Engage.

Wondershare releases EdrawMind 10.5

Features new collaborative mind mapping and brainstorming tools to design solutions collaboratively and respond to trends and changes.

All content technology news

The Gilbane Advisor is authored by Frank Gilbane and is ad-free, cost-free, and curated for content, computing, web, data, and digital experience technology and information professionals. We publish recommended articles and content technology news weekly. We do not sell or share personal data.

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Gilbane Advisor 2-22-23 — ChatGPT, semantic grammar, hashtags

This week we feature articles by Stephen Wolfram, and Mark Wyner.

Additional reading from Steve Nouri, James Vincent, and Steve Nadis.

News comes from TerminusDB, Acquia, PayloadCMS, and Stilo.

Note that news items now link to the original source of the news rather than our 200 word summaries, which are always available here.

All previous issues are available at

Opinion / Analysis

What is ChatGPT doing … and why does it work?

Last week’s featured article by Ted Chiang used a familiar analogy to somewhat demystify why ChatGPT appears to work well while sometimes going off the rails. This week Stephen Wolfram explains what is actually going on under the covers. This is a long (75 min) read, but fascinating, well-written, and guaranteed to make you smarter about large language models in general.

Hashtag accessibility, by everyone for everyone

Every hashtag on every post on every platform should always be pascal case (a.k.a. camel case). There are a number of reasons why this is important, the most notable being that screen readers have a hard time with conjoined words.

Mark Wyner illustrates why this is a no-brainer (4 min).

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All Gilbane Advisor issues

Content technology news

TerminusDB launches TerminusCMS

The open-source, headless, developer-focused content management system (CMS) is built on an RDF graph database that connects JSON documents into a graph.

Acquia announces new CDP features, pricing tiers, and delivery options

Acquia CDP supports composable customer experience and data strategies through integrations with Acquia DXP and third-party marketing products.

Payload releases CMS version 1.6.0

In addition to optimizing the TypeScript interface of the Local API, the entire API has gotten a significant overhaul.

Stilo management buys out Stilo Corporation

Acquisition transfers all IP, trademarks, and customer contracts and XML software products: OmniMark, Migrate, OptimizeR, and Analyzer.

All content technology news

The Gilbane Advisor is authored by Frank Gilbane and is ad-free, cost-free, and curated for content, computing, web, data, and digital experience technology and information professionals. We publish recommended articles and content technology news weekly. We do not sell or share personal data.

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Gilbane Advisor 2-15-23 — Blurry JPEGS, Meta pixels, ontologies

This week we feature articles by Ted Chiang, and Maria Puertas & Simon Fondrie-Teitler.

Additional reading from Heather Hedden, Benj Edwards, and Tom Warren.

News comes from Weaviate, Expert[.]ai, MadCap Software, and Open Applications Group.

All previous issues are available at

Opinion / Analysis

ChatGPT is a blurry JPEG of the Web

This analogy to lossy compression is not just a way to understand ChatGPT’s facility at repackaging information found on the Web by using different words. It’s also a way to understand the “hallucinations,” or nonsensical answers to factual questions, to which large language models such as ChatGPT are all too prone.

Ted Chiang does an excellent job of communicating to a non-technical audience why caution is called for in the use of large language models. (13 min).

How to fix your organization’s Meta pixel problem

Do you know whether, or what, information you are tracking and sending to Meta / Facebook? Does your company’s privacy policy makes claims about protecting customer data? If so, you may want to verify those claims are, in fact, supported across the organization. This may not be easy due to old code, turnover, size, and the number of websites and applications you have. The Markup’s Maria Puertas and Simon Fondrie-Teitler show you how to use their free research tool get started. (9 min).

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Content technology news

Weaviate releases generative search module

Combines language abilities like ChatGPT’s with a vector database that is relevant, secure, real time, and less prone to hallucination.

Expert[.]ai announces new features to hybrid natural language platform

New features include expanded on-premise deployment options, enhanced taxonomy management via 3rd-party knowledge sources, and library integrations.

Madcap Software adds cloud-based authoring to MadCap Central

You can now create and edit files, and maintain projects uploaded to MadCap Central independent of MadCap Flare.

Open Applications Group releases IOF Ontology Version 202301

Includes IOF Core in the Released status and the Supply Chain and the Maintenance Reference Ontologies in the Provisional Status.

All content technology news

The Gilbane Advisor is authored by Frank Gilbane and is ad-free, cost-free, and curated for content, computing, web, data, and digital experience technology and information professionals. We publish recommended articles and content technology news weekly. We do not sell or share personal data.

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Gilbane Advisor 2-8-23 — machine translation, contextual computing

This week we feature articles by Alan Morrison, and Rocío Txabarriaga, Yifan Wang, Zewei Sun, Shanbo Cheng, Weiguo Zheng, & Mingxuan Wang.

Additional reading from Yennie Jun, Dean Allemang, Sean Hollister.

News comes from Netlify & Gatsby, CrafterCMS, W3C, and AesirX.

All previous issues are available at

Opinion / Analysis

Enabling contextual computing in today’s enterprise information fabrics

What do get when you combine network effects, decentralized knowledge graphs, statistical machine learning, and blockchains? Alan Morrison: “… a siloless network of networks approach which P2P data networks such as IPFS are enabling will eventually result in…” a new level of connectivity, extended contextual computing, and value. OriginTrail is an instructive example. (5 min).

Revisiting controlled language for better machine translation quality

Rocío Txabarriaga reports on (with link to) a paper proposing a methodology to more effectively and efficiently leverage style quality to improve controlled language MT results. The authors address limitations of current methods of accounting for language style, and show how their approach reduces the need for continuous model and fine tuning. (summary 2 min, paper 20 min).

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Content technology news

Netlify acquires Gatsby

Netlify is a platform for modern web development and the acquisition is aimed at accelerating adoption of composable web architectures.

W3C re-launched as a public-interest non-profit organization

The new entity preserves member-driven approach, existing worldwide outreach and cooperation while allowing additional partners around the world.

CrafterCMS expands its marketplace

The headless CMS and composable DXP vendor expands marketplace with 60+ open source plugins, blueprints, and packaged business capabilities.

AesirX launches headless CMS

The CMS includes marketing automation software, digiatal asset management (DAM), 1st-party analytics, business insights, and Single Sign On.

All content technology news

The Gilbane Advisor is authored by Frank Gilbane and is ad-free, cost-free, and curated for content, computing, web, data, and digital experience technology and information professionals. We publish recommended articles and content technology news weekly. We do not sell or share personal data.

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Gilbane Advisor 2-1-23 — Medium and ML, generative AI moola

This week we feature articles by Scott Lamb, and Matt Bornstein, Guido Appenzeller, & Martin Casado.

Additional reading from Mia Sato & Emma Roth, John Timmer, Steve Jones, and Allen Helton.

News comes from Digital Science & metaphacts, Zeta Alpha, WordSphere & DrupalWare, and Section.

All previous issues are available at

Opinion / Analysis

How we’re approaching AI-generated writing on Medium

This is a tricky issue for publishers, platforms, and writers, and given the infinite use cases and risk scenarios a general solution is not in the cards. Detection and enforcement efforts may provide some situational utility, but will be a whack-a-mole-like. Readers will, (or should), be concerned as provenance, source quality, and trust become more difficult to establish. Scott Lamb describes Medium’s first steps to address the issue. It’s a thoughtful and reasonable start. (4 min, not including comments).

Who owns the generative AI platform?

Or rather, how is the tech stack and market for generative AI evolving? Who will be able to build sustainable businesses in this market, and why? Matt Bornstein, Guido Appenzeller, & Martin Casado have a good overview for investors, analysts, enterprise organizations, startups, and computing infrastructure businesses (12 min).

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Content technology news

Digital Science acquires metaphacts

metaphacts is a knowledge graph and decision intelligence software company. Its metaphactory platform helps accelerate knowledge graph adoption.

Zeta Alpha integrates GPT with its semantic neural engine

To provide reliable and explainable AI generated answers to enterprise search queries and improve productivity in search and knowledge management.

WordSphere acquires DrupalWares

The WordPress website development company is also offering front-end and back-end development services for Drupal, BigCommerce, and Shopify.

Section enhancements to help setup and scale Mastodon servers

The platform automates the management of workloads with rules-based parameters to easily distribute and scale Mastodon instances globally.

All content technology news

The Gilbane Advisor is authored by Frank Gilbane and is ad-free, cost-free, and curated for content, computing, web, data, and digital experience technology and information professionals. We publish recommended articles and content technology news weekly. We do not sell or share personal data.

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Gilbane Advisor 1-25-23 — Synthetic data, cybernetics & product design

This week we feature articles by Brian Eastwood and Amber Case.

Additional reading from Alan Morrison, Daniel Tunkelang, and Robbie Elmers.

News comes from One AI, Lexalytics, Algolia & Uniform, and Snowflake & Mobilize[.]Net.

You can view all previous issues on our site here.

Opinion / Analysis

What is synthetic data — and how can it help you competitively?

You, or perhaps your boss, may be skeptical of using synthetic data — the unfortunate term does suggest sketchiness. If so, Brian Eastwood’s easy read might convince you to learn more. (7 min).

Why we need to know cybernetics

Amber Case argues that this 40s era approach to designing complex  systems is as relevant to product design as ever, or more so, given the complexity underlying not just mission-critical, but most enterprise and consumer applications. (8 min).

“There are so many complex systems in our lives that we’ve taken for granted for so long, that when we build new processes, we forget to consider how they integrate — or don’t, even to the point of grating on each other. When we forget to design and build from first principles, we risk making non-maintainable processes that can easily break.”

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Content technology news

Uniform and Algolia partner

The Uniform + Algolia integration uses Algolia search to automate the creation of digital experiences for marketing and commerce sites.

Snowflake to acquire Mobilize[.]net’s SnowConvert

The SnowConvert toolkit has long been a preferred solution for migrating customer workloads to Snowflake, reducing the need for manual coding.

Lexalytics expands NLP capabilities across foreign languages

Lexalytics expands NLP capabilities across foreign languages – The natural language processing (NLP) technology improved accuracy and expanded NLP capabilities for 11 non-English languages.

One AI Language solution for developers now in AWS Marketplace

The natural language processing (NLP) platform allows developers to analyze and process large amounts of text, audio and video data through an API.

All content technology news

The Gilbane Advisor is authored by Frank Gilbane and is ad-free, cost-free, and curated for content, computing, web, data, and digital experience technology and information professionals. We publish recommended articles and content technology news weekly. We do not sell or share personal data.

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