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Category: Content technology news (Page 62 of 624)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Moonwalk Universal updates support for IBM Spectrum Discover

Moonwalk Universal, a specialist in large-scale data management solutions, announced Moonwalk version 12.12 provides enhanced metadata and content inspection capabilities to streamline AI workflows and integrate heterogenous data environments for IBM Spectrum Discover.

IBM Spectrum Discover is an advanced data cataloging and metadata management system that provides content insight for exabyte-scale unstructured data. IBM Spectrum Discover and Moonwalk connect to multiple file and object storage systems on-premises and in the cloud. The solution has been designed to rapidly ingest, consolidate and index metadata for billions of files and objects, providing a unified metadata layer on top of heterogenous storage environments. A unified metadata layer with custom and automated tagging, enables data scientists, storage administrators, and data stewards to manage, classify and gain insights from massive amounts of unstructured data. The insights gained accelerate large-scale analytics, improve storage economics, and help with risk mitigation to create competitive advantage and speed research.

Moonwalk’s latest update also includes integration and support for the latest file systems and servers, cloud and object stores, including Windows Server 2019, NetApp and Isilon, IBM Cloud Object Store, RStor, Wasabi, Amazon S3, Azure, Google Cloud, Hitachi HCP, Dell EMC ECS, Scality RING, Caringo Swarm and Cloudian HyperStore.

Bloomreach enhances e-commerce search experience

Bloomreach announced it has launched Automatic Query Filtering (AQF), a new product feature within its AI-powered search and merchandising module, Bloomreach Discovery.  In an e-commerce site’s typical product search, results are often imprecise (though still relevant) by design in order to give customers the opportunity to explore products they would not otherwise see. When a merchandising team needs to take a different approach and apply precision for specific business goals, they can now use AQF. 

AQF helps businesses cut through noisy search results that are generated when customers search for products with specific attributes such as color, size, or brand. It allows merchandisers to pre-filter products on the results page based on these attributes, delivering more precise search results and shortening the time it takes for shoppers to find the product they want.

Utilizing AQF, a retail company could ensure searches for a red dress, for example, only result in red dresses — without the shopper needing to pick “red” from an additional selection of filters. An automotive company would be able to ensure a search for “2015 Toyota Corolla brake pads” only offers customers results that match each of those attributes.

OpenAI improves OpenAI Codex

OpenAI announced an improved version of OpenAI Codex, an AI system that translates natural language to code, and are releasing it through our API in private beta starting today. Codex is the model that powers GitHub Copilot, which we built and launched in partnership with GitHub a month ago. Proficient in more than a dozen programming languages, Codex can now interpret simple commands in natural language and execute them on the user’s behalf—making it possible to build a natural language interface to existing applications. We are now inviting businesses and developers to build on top of OpenAI Codex through our API.

OpenAI Codex is a descendant of GPT-3; its training data contains both natural language and billions of lines of source code from publicly available sources, including code in public GitHub repositories. OpenAI Codex is most capable in Python, but it is also proficient in over a dozen languages including JavaScript, Go, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Swift and TypeScript, and even Shell.

GPT-3’s main skill is generating natural language in response to a natural language prompt, meaning the only way it affects the world is through the mind of the reader. OpenAI Codex has much of the natural language understanding of GPT-3, but it produces working code—meaning you can issue commands in English to any piece of software with an API. We’re now making OpenAI Codex available in private beta via our API, and we are aiming to scale up as quickly as we can safely. During the initial period, OpenAI Codex will be offered for free.

Acquia renews Drupal Steward Program support

Digital experience company Acquia announced that it is renewing its founding partnership support of the Drupal Steward Program, a web application firewall introduced by the Drupal Association and operated jointly with the Drupal Security team. Acquia implemented Drupal Steward protection across its entire Drupal Cloud platform, protecting thousands of the world’s largest sites with the most up-to-date security and vulnerability fixes.

Acquia’s participation in this program affords seamless, immediate protection to customers by routing their websites’ domains to Drupal Steward, which automatically filters requests through the firewall. Malicious requests are blocked, giving IT teams the time they need to test and implement security updates on their own timelines. For instance, in November 2020, Drupal Steward implemented protection against a critical remote code execution vulnerability, immediately protecting Acquia’s customers.

MarkLogic announces Solution Accelerators for Data Hub for Medicaid

MarkLogic Corporation announced the first two accelerators available from the Medicaid Accelerator Program launched earlier this year. The MarkLogic Solution Accelerator for FHIR is for existing customers looking to comply with the CMS Interoperability Rule directly out of MarkLogic. The accelerator is an open source framework for enabling FHIR Interoperability in the MarkLogic Data Hub for Medicaid. It connects with HAPI FHIR to enable FHIR-compliant queries to be executed directly to MarkLogic.

The FHIR accelerator’s open source framework exemplifies the ease with which FHIR queries can be issued to the MarkLogic Data Hub for Medicaid by combining querying with full text search in one consolidated platform. The FHIR accelerator is extensible and can be readily adapted to other FHIR solutions such as AWS FHIRWorks. The MarkLogic Starter Kit Solution Accelerator is for new customers starting their Medicaid modernization efforts using the MarkLogic Data Hub for Medicaid. The accelerator is a Medicaid Integration Platform using FHIR-Friendly persistent data models and contains a sample-project with data models, test data, data mappings, MPI configuration, deployment scripts, and unit tests. It provides Claim, Provider, and Member data models as a starting point for a customer’s Medicaid modernization efforts.

Lilt launches Quick Translate Machine Translation solution

Lilt, a language service and technology provider, announced the launch of Quick Translate, a product that provides access to high-quality machine translation in a secure environment. Quick Translate is part of the Lilt Platform and enables users to quickly translate content using a customized, human-in-the-loop trained neural machine translation engine. Use of publicly available, cloud-based solutions can entail dropping content directly into a non-secure machine translation engine, jeopardizing content security. With Quick Translate, users can enter source text or upload bundles of documents in a secure environment within the Lilt Platform. Lilt is Cyber Essentials and SOC-2 certified.

Trained by human linguists and human feedback, this engine continuously improves and learns, enabling it to generate higher quality translations. Quick Translate combines customized engines with Translation Memories, delivering content from a neural machine translation engine that has been trained on each customer’s unique content and translation preferences. Quick Translate provides an interface that is easy for non-technical and non-specialized stakeholders to use. Quick Translate enables individual users to easily batch translate multiple documents of the same source language (or languages) at once, providing quick access to time-sensitive information.

KPS and Brightspot partner to deliver content management

KPS, a European-based digital transformation company deploying content solutions, has partnered with Brightspot, a content management system, to enable seamless, intuitive digital experiences for businesses around the world. Through Brightspot’s headless technology, KPS can provide its customers the ability to deliver modular content in an intuitive, flexible, agile manner that can be customized to accommodate complex workflows for specific industries or businesses. Benefits include:

  • Modular Content – Everything is built at the object level within the Brightspot platform, making it simple to build at the component level and deliver content on multiple devices and screens, presenting variations of content to different audiences based on location.
  • Extensibility and Speed – Brightspot is an extensible, headless platform that allows customers to be flexible and fast. The technology can extend with a customer’s business logic and workflow because it was designed to scale as the business matures, ultimately supporting organizations in launching dynamic digital experiences quickly.
  • Multi-site Flexibility – Brightspot’s framework allows customers to publish how they want (headless, decoupled or both) all from the same environment. Being able to manage multiple sites from one simple interface and allowing sites to share (or not share) everything can make things simpler to govern when maintaining multiple sites with microsites. ▪︎

Elastic centralizes management of Enterprise Search

Elastic announced a single management interface for Elastic Enterprise Search in Kibana, updated App Search precision tuning capabilities, and content source flexibility and synonym support for Workplace Search in the 7.14 release of Elastic Enterprise Search. Elastic Enterprise Search can now be centrally managed in Kibana, the single management interface for all Elastic solutions. With this beta integration, users can access App Search and Workplace Search features with consistent, cross-platform navigation in Kibana to create new engines, tune query relevance, manage user access, and customize visualizations.

Elastic also introduced precision tuning, now in beta and available in Kibana and via the App Search API. Users can narrow or broaden their search results by adjusting precision and recall settings on their search engine with a precision tuning slider.

Elastic released new indexing flexibility to prebuilt data integrations with more configurability for content source synchronization in Workplace Search. Customers can specify which objects to synchronize or exclude when ingesting content sources, including object type, path or location, file type, and field. Synonym support is also available in Workplace Search, enabling customers to create relationships between search terms and tailor results without reindexing.

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