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Category: Computing & data (Page 23 of 80)

Computing and data is a broad category. Our coverage of computing is largely limited to software, and we are mostly focused on unstructured data, semi-structured data, or mixed data that includes structured data.

Topics include computing platforms, analytics, data science, data modeling, database technologies, machine learning / AI, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, augmented reality, bots, programming languages, natural language processing applications such as machine translation, and knowledge graphs.

Related categories: Semantic technologies, Web technologies & information standards, and Internet and platforms.

Neo4j releases Neoj4 5 graph database

Neo4j announced the Neoj4 version 5 graph database is now available. with greater performance, scale, and ability to run Neo4j databases anywhere you want. Neo4j 5 includes updates to:

Query performance. Runtime optimizations by Neo4j engineers have made K-Hop queries faster. The Cypher clauses CONTAINS and ENDS WITH are widely used for filtering results by text properties. The new TEXT indexes implementation in Neo4j 5, based on trigrams, makes them much faster.

Sharding and Fabric. Since version 4, Neo4j has made it possible to read from your database shards as if they were a single graph, using Fabric. In Neo4j 5, you can instantaneously create a Fabric database using Cypher’s Composite database command. Fabric also comes in handy when you want to create queries that span across multiple databases to bust the silos that hide insights and hinder collaboration.

Autonomous Clustering in Neo4j 5 shifts the administrative burden from the operator to the software. All you have to do is declare how many primary or secondary copies you need and how you want those copies managed in the cluster, and your wish is Neo4j’s Cypher command. enhances hybrid AI platform updated its natural language (NL) platform. Combining machine learning (ML) and symbolic knowledge representation (Hybrid AI), the updated platform facilitates the design, development and deployment of language models, and accelerates production of enterprise applications, through accurate language understanding. Upgrades include:

  • Knowledge models fortified: Built in pre-trained rules-based models contain expanded industry, role and use-case concepts, and relationships to improve the accuracy of natural language (NL) projects. Other model enhancements include updated environmental, social, governance (ESG) classification and sentiment, and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) extraction.
  • New solutions for pharma & life science: Additional knowledge models support solutions for drug discovery, clinical trial insights, opinion leader identification, and scientific publication insight analysis. A new preclinical report analysis solution speeds up the quality control check process of reports prior to their submission to regulatory bodies.
  • AI-driven Robotic Process Automation (RPA): The NL, hybrid platform integrates with UiPath, Blue Prism and Automation Anywhere, supercharges bots with NL capabilities by merging different AI techniques. This expands the scope of intelligent process automation across tasks.
  • Expanded deployment options: The Platform now supports on-premise deployments of NL workflows for.
  • New operational monitoring dashboard: Delivers improved visibility to operational metrics associated with language operations (LangOps).

Smartling expands Neural Machine Translation Hub

Smartling, an enterprise translation solutions company, announced a major product expansion for its Neural Machine Translation (NMT) Hub, available to all Smartling customers. Smartling uses a combination of technologies such as Neural Machine translation, which is capable of providing translation quality comparable to that of human translation, their proprietary Machine Learning models and “human-in-the-loop” delivery platform.

Smartling spent years collecting vast volumes of Machine Translation Quality data across multiple translation directions and content types, based on a widely accepted Translation Error Rate (TER) automated MT evaluation metric. From there, the data was used to train the AI models to not just make accurate decisions for the best MT engine selection, but consider fallback engine suggestions as well. This solves for the main deficiency associated with single-engine approach. The AI algorithms in NMT Hub are designed to dynamically learn from billions of data points available through Smartling’s closed-loop enterprise content delivery platform to ensuring the best quality MT output.

Designed to tackle translation issues that traditional single-engine approaches are not able to solve, Smartling’s NMT Hub is built to solve many of the challenges web developers and content managers.

TigerGraph to support openCypher in GSQL

TigerGraph, provider of an advanced analytics and ML platform for connected data, announced its commitment to support openCypher, a popular query language for building graph database applications. Developers can now access a limited preview translation tool to learn how openCypher support will appear in TigerGraph’s flagship graph query language, GSQL. Support for openCypher will give developers more choice to build or migrate graph applications to TigerGraph’s scalable, secure, and managed graph database platform.

The openCypher-to-GSQL translation tool is now available to the openCypher developer community to access a side-by-side comparison of openCypher queries and the equivalent GSQL queries with proposed openCypher syntax support. With this limited preview, developers are encouraged to learn how openCypher will appear in GSQL and provide feedback to guide the incremental buildout of full support features. Those who want to learn advanced GSQL can now access TigerGraph’s offerings, including its distributed computing database, in-database machine learning workbench, and graph data science library, which consists of more than 55 graph algorithms.

TigerGraph’s openCypher support aligns with support for industry standard GQL. TigerGraph serves on the ISO steering committee that is developing GQL, the new international standard query language that will be available in early 2024.

Fivetran adds support for Microsoft’s Intelligent Data Platform

Fivetran announced an extended partnership and new product capabilities with Microsoft Azure to help joint customers accelerate their data-driven digital transformations. The partnership between Fivetran and Microsoft Azure includes support for the Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform, in addition to integrations with Azure Synapse and Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) products, to help deliver a more seamless solution for automated data movement in the enterprise. 

The Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform is a set of comprehensive, integrated Azure data and analytics services that help reduce friction in data flows across enterprise data. Fivetran supports the Intelligent Data Platform by integrating with Azure Synapse and providing reliable, high-quality data movement across the ecosystem. As a result, Fivetran and Microsoft joint customers can accelerate value creation from their data assets. Fivetran plans to add an integration supporting data replication with its high-volume agent (HVA) connectors to ADLS Gen2 as a destination.  

The integration enables Microsoft customers to take advantage of the scale, automation and performance of a modern data stack with Fivetran and Microsoft Azure. With data consolidation and transformation workloads occurring in the Azure cloud, Fivetran customers will benefit from more comprehensive analytics and insights using additional Azure data services.

AvePoint partners with Microsoft to launch Microsoft Syntex

AvePoint announced it is one of the featured partners for the launch of Microsoft Syntex, which uses advancements in cloud computing and artificial intelligence to transform how content is created, processed and discovered in Microsoft 365. Microsoft Syntex is adding new capabilities to use advanced AI and machine teaching to amplify human expertise, automate content processing and transform content into knowledge.

  • Backup and Restore: Microsoft Syntex now offers the ability to backup and restore SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, and OneDrive. When combined with AvePoint’s data protection solutions for Microsoft 365, organizations can have a backup solution that enables them to own their service level agreements, protect data, and maintain flexibility in where data is stored.
  • Information Management: Enables organizations to archive entire site collections within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, allowing organizations to index the content for eDiscovery and compliance. When combined with AvePoint’s information lifecycle management solution across Microsoft 365, this enhancement provides organizations with control of their records from creation and classification to retention and disposal in a single platform.
  • Content Management: Microsoft Syntex gives IT administrators visibility into sharing links and sensitive files in SharePoint sites, with the ability to then initiate reviews by those responsible.

MongoDB announces pay-as-you-go offering on Azure

MongoDB, Inc. announced that it will make it easier for developers to build data rich applications with a pay as you go experience of MongoDB Atlas within the Azure Marketplace & Portal. By engaging MongoDB Atlas through the Azure Marketplace, developers can access a free trial along with streamlined billing and procurement using their Azure accounts to pay for their Atlas usage.

MongoDB is among the initial set of partners participating in the launch of Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform Partner Ecosystem, which was announced at Ignite 2022. This integration provides developers with the ability to work with the platform of their choice to build on while also meeting the stringent requirements of Corp IT without impacting the speed of innovation. Microsoft customers leveraging MongoDB Atlas can take advantage of:

  • Ecosystem integrations including Synapse, Power BI, Purview, PowerApps, and PowerAutomate to add MongoDB Atlas to existing AI / ML / IoT / and Analytic architectures.
  • Security features such as always-on authentication, network isolation, end-to-end encryption, and role-based access controls to protect data.
  • Build full-text search, run real-time analytics, share visualizations, and sync to the edge with integrated and native Atlas data services that require no manual data replication or additional infrastructure.

Apollo GraphQL introduces GraphOS

Apollo GraphQL introduced Apollo GraphOS, a platform to build, connect, and scale any supergraph, a runtime that connects backend and frontend systems in a modular way. GraphOS is the execution fabric for the supergraph. It offers self-hosted or cloud-hosted routing, so users can choose to operate the supergraph in the cloud, and build without complex infrastructure setup or configuration. Features include:

  • Cloud-hosted or self-hosted routing for supergraphs with Federation built in. Connect everything in one graph with a supergraph runtime where you need it.
  • Advanced GraphQL capabilities. New and upcoming features like @defer, live queries, and edge caching give devs the power and flexibility to build a new generation of apps.
  • A central source of truth for schemas and delivery pipeline for changes. Keep all of your developers up to date with the most recent schema changes, and verify changes against past client operations before they hit production.
  • Control who can access your supergraph, as well as when and why they can do it. SOC 2 Type II compliant. Tested and audited by Doyensec.

GraphOS will soon include the ability to link supergraphs beyond organizational firewalls connecting third-party APIs like partners, payment services, content management systems, or public APIs.

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