The Gilbane Advisor

Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

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Gilbane Advisor 1-7-19 — Open gov data, AGI, analog revolution, future book

Happy New Year Dear Reader! We’re back from our holiday break. Though we don’t publish in December we do continue to read and select trustworthy content worthy of your valuable time. Enjoy.

Congress votes to make open government data default in U.S.

Surprise! “On December 21, 2018, the United States House of Representatives voted to enact H.R. 4174, the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2017, in a historic win for open government in the United States of America… The Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary Government Data Act… (AKA the OPEN Government Data Act) is

open government data

about to become law as a result.” Ok, now for the implementation… Read More

AGI is nowhere close to being a reality

When people talk about “AI” the first thing to understand is what they are really talking about. There are three possibilities: first, advanced machine learning techniques such as deep neural networks (DNNs), second, artificial general intelligence (AGI) that will perform tasks at human level, and third, anything or everything from basic software algorithms to super AGIs far beyond human intelligence. Mixing these up causes confusion, hype, and fear. The first of these defines the sense of “AI” of the vast majority of existing and near term opportunities for application. This post, with input from Geoffrey Hinton and Demis Hassabis, who ought to know, explains where we are and aren’t. Read More

Childhood’s End

In this short, rich essay, George Dyson argues that the digital revolution has morphed into something else altogether right under our noses. The new “analog revolution” has begun and we need to deal with it. Definitely don’t rush this one. Grab a coffee and get comfortable. While you’ll likely see his main point quickly, there is much to think about.

We imagine that individuals, or individual algorithms, are still behind the curtain somewhere, in control. We are fooling ourselves. … The search engine is no longer a model of human knowledge, it is human knowledge. What began as a mapping of human meaning now defines human meaning, and has begun to control, rather than simply catalog or index, human thought. No one is at the controls. If enough drivers subscribe to a real-time map, traffic is controlled, with no central model except the traffic itself. Read More

The ‘Future Book’ is here, but it’s not what we expected

An instructive history of electronic books by Craig Mod. Perfectly reasonable predictions don’t always pan out.

… We were looking for the Future Book in the wrong place. It’s not the form, necessarily, that needed to evolve … Instead, technology changed everything that enables a book, fomenting a quiet revolution. … Funding, printing, fulfillment, community-building—everything leading up to and supporting a book has shifted meaningfully, even if the containers haven’t. Perhaps the form and interactivity of what we consider a “standard book” will change in the future, as screens become as cheap and durable as paper. But the books made today, held in our hands, digital or print, are Future Books, unfuturistic and inert may they seem. Read More


Mark your calendar for
Gilbane’s DX conference

April 29 – May 1, 2019, Washington DC
Digital experience strategies, technologies, and practices, for marketing and the workplace.

Gilbane DX 2019 banner

Learn more

The Gilbane Advisor curates content for content, computing, and digital experience professionals. We focus on strategic technologies. We publish more or less twice a month except for August and December. See all issues

Digital Experience Conference Holiday Discount

Digital Experience Conference

Save Up To $400 Until December 31!

Before you head out for the long weekend, take a moment to register for Digital Experience Conference and take advantage of our Super Early Bird savings of up to $400 off the regular rate of our most popular conference passes.

The program will be available soon, but you have the opportunity to save big right now. Register today to check this off your list before the New Year!

Use code SUPER to save big and attend four co-located events, Digital Experience Conference, CRM Evolution, Smart Customer Service,  and SpeechTEK when you upgrade your selection to the All Access Pass.

This deal won’t last, so cash in on it today. Deadline for savings is 12/31.

Save up to $400 Now! at DX Conference

Gilbane Advisor 11-15-18 — Design value, pencil vs mouse, mobile apps future

Business value of design

Some welcome help for those of you struggling to justify the effort, and cost, of good design.

We tracked the design practices of 300 publicly listed companies over a five-year period in multiple countries and industries. … Our team collected more than two million pieces of financial data and recorded more than 100,000 design actions. … The four themes of good design described below form the basis of the McKinsey Design Index (MDI), which rates companies by

Business value of design

how strong they are at design and … how that links up with the financial performance of each company. Read More

Intranet design after a merger or acquisition

When a merger or acquisition occurs, it’s not uncommon for management and employees to become frantic, unsettled, and disorganized. So, it might seem puzzling that truly great intranets may arise after a merger. But they do. In fact, each year, our Intranet Design Annual Award includes remarkable designs that were catalyzed by a merger or acquisition. Read More

The pen(cil) is mightier than the mouse

When the first iPad came out in 2010 my main interest was whether it could eventually replace laptops for general business use. For most of us, the answer is still ‘no’, but that doesn’t mean it won’t get there. Ben Bajarin has a thoughtful post on how the newest iPad Pro makes progress. His headline is about the pencil and its new gestures. But he also argues that in combination with the new keyboard and magnets there is a more integrated experience. This leads to thoughts on packaging. Read More

Is the end near for mobile apps?

Lance Ng thinks so, and though the title is click-baity he believes it, explains why, and is mostly right…

In the next three to seven years, I expect most mobile apps to disappear. With them, we’ll witness the loss of billions in venture capital that we’ve poured into the mobile startup sector. It will all be burned to ashes, with nothing left but stray lines of code. Read Morethen see his responses to comments here.

Mark your calendar for
Gilbane’s DX conference

April 29 – May 1, 2019, Washington DC
Digital experience strategies, technologies, and practices, for marketing and the workplace.

Gilbane DX 2019 banner

Learn more


The Gilbane Advisor curates content for content, computing, and digital experience professionals. We focus on strategic technologies. We publish more or less twice a month except for August and December. See all issues

Gilbane Advisor 10-25-18 — flat world, infrastructure app cycle, digital archives

Internet, social, device growth flat in U.S.

Certainly not news to suppliers of these technologies and services, and unsurprising to others. But this is just the kind of trend that is so obvious the reach of the repercussions can easily be overlooked. Any business that, even indirectly, depends on these products for growth, needs to assess how the saturation effects their product and market strategies. Read More

Internet, social, device use
The myth of the infrastructure phase

A common narrative in the Web 3.0 community is that we are in an infrastructure phase and the right thing to be working on right now is building out that infrastructure… in fact, the history of new technologies shows that apps beget infrastructure, not the other way around. Read More

The battle for the home

We don’t usually include articles behind paywalls in this newsletter, but Ben Thompson often publishes free articles, and this free product / business / competitive overview Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Apple home products is an excellent read. It is also an example of high quality content marketing for a subscription-funded publication. Read More

Challenges in using blockchains to build trust in digital archiving

Public digital archives seem like a critical, and relatively straightforward, application for blockchains. Open Data Institute researchers have been investigating, and share their findings so far, and next steps. The author is a technical researcher but this is a very readable post suitable for anyone interested in digital archiving or potential blockchain applications. Read More

Mark your calendar: Gilbane’s DX conference

Gilbane’s Digital Experience conference focuses on DX strategies, technologies, and practices for marketing and the workplace.

Gilbane DX 2019 banner

Learn more


The Gilbane Advisor curates content for content, computing, and digital experience professionals. We focus on strategic technologies. We publish more or less twice a month except for August and December. See all issues

Hey, Digital Experience Experts!

Don’t miss the opportunity to speak at our Digital Experience Conference in Washington DC in April.

We’ll be covering the same content management and digital experience technologies, strategies, and practices for marketing and the workplace we have at our previous conferences, including their alignment and integration.

We are especially interested in hearing from organizations that have implemented or are planning on adopting, new technologies or practices in support of digital experience strategies or digital transformation initiatives.

See our Call for Speakers for information about the conference tracks, instructions for submitting speaking proposals, and a link to the proposal form.

Note the official deadline for proposals is October 12, however we will be extending it a week or so. If you are interested in speaking but need a little more time or have questions about potential topics, please contact me directly at

Submit your speaking proposal!

Conference: April 29–30, 2019
Workshops: May 1

Renaissance Washington DC Downtown

Co-located with the CRM Evolution, SpeechTek, and Smart Customer Service conferences

Gilbane Advisor 9-26-18 — voice assistant use, blockchain martech, JS as CO2, disruption

The paradox of intelligent assistants

Nielsen Norman tries to reconcile the poor usability of voice assistants with their high adoption rate. TL;DR users stick with the simple. Read More

digital assistant common activities

22 blockchain-based martech companies you should know

Obviously this is an early market, though with lots of activity. This article provides some good advice and a useful look at some of the early use cases for marketers and the vendors involved in each. Read More

The “developer experience” bait-and-switch

JavaScript is the web’s CO2. We need some of it, but too much puts the entire ecosystem at risk. Those who emit the most are furthest from suffering the consequences — until the ecosystem collapses. The web will not succeed in the markets and form-factors where computing is headed unless we get JS emissions under control. … Against this grim backdrop, there’s something peculiar about conversations regarding the costs of JS-oriented development: a rhetorical substitution of developer value for user value. Read More

Innovation, software, and disruption

The actual title of Benedict Evans’ post is “Tesla, software and disruption”. But, as Evans suggests, the piece can be read as a valuable, and especially interesting, case study that is broadly applicable to many industries and markets. The more complex the product, the more hardware and software components to integrate, or replace. Disruptions happen up and down supply chains, and across supplier business models, and are not necessarily easy to predict. Read More

Call for Speakers: Gilbane’s DX conference 2019

Gilbane’s Digital Experience conference focuses on DX strategies, technologies, and practices for marketing and the workplace. We are especially interested in speakers from organizations that have implemented, or are planning on adopting, new technologies or practices for digital experience / transformation initiatives.

Gilbane DX 2019 banner

The deadline for proposals is
October 12, 2018

Submit your speaking proposal


The Gilbane Advisor curates content for content, computing, and digital experience professionals. We focus on strategic technologies. We publish more or less twice a month except for August and December. See all issues

Update: Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference in Washington DC

You may have heard about our Digital Experience conference taking place in Washington DC, April 29 – 30, followed by workshops on May 1, 2019. And if you’ve been a regular attendee at our Boston conference and are wondering why we are returning to DC, There is a reason, aside from the fact that late April is a great time to visit DC.

Since our first conference on content management in 2002, we have covered requirements and strategies for integrating content management with other front and back end enterprise systems. The technology and practical experiences in deployment have allowed organizations to make tremendous progress over the years. But the demand for new channels, new audiences, improved digital experiences, the explosion of marketing technology software, all combined with emerging technologies, make earlier integration challenges seem tame. Technology and process integration remain the most difficult and costly implementation issues for digital experience and digital transformation initiatives.

Moving to DC allows us to expand our ability to help organizations with some of the most common integration challenges by co-locating with three other events that focus on key components of digital experience strategies: CRM Evolution, Smart Customer Service, and SpeechTek. There are passes available for our Digital Experience conference attendees to also attend sessions in each of the other events, and there is a combined technology showcase.

Gilbane’s Digital Experience conference continues to provide the same highly-curated vendor-neutral program focused on content and digital experience strategies, technologies, and practices for marketing and the workplace, that we have in the past. Please see our new Digital Experience Conference site for information about the program tracks, schedule, venue, and partner events.

And if you have an idea for a presentation, our call for speakers is open until October 12th.

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference call for speakers is now open

We love Boston, but it’s been awhile since we’ve had an event in DC and we miss it. We’ll be at the Renaissance Washington DC hotel with three especially relevant special events to partner with. The conference is April 29 – 30, 2019, followed by workshops on May 1. It may seem a long way away, but it’s never too early submit your proposal!

Gilbane Digital Experience Conference 2019To submit a speaking proposal, please review the track descriptions below and submit your proposal. Additionally, answers to the most common questions about speaking at the Digital Experience Conference can be found in the Speaker Guidelines. If you have questions not answered in the guidelines email us at

We are especially interested in hearing from organizations that have implemented or are planning on adopting, new technologies or practices in support of digital experience strategies or digital transformation initiatives.

Main Conference Tracks

The conference tracks are organized primarily by role/function as described below. We encourage proposals on all relevant topics.

Digital Experience Technologies for Customers and the Workplace

Focused on what you need to know about evolving, and potentially disrupting, content and digital experience technologies for marketing and the workplace. We’ll be looking at what web and data analysis technologies are effective today. We’ll also examine what is practical and should be considered today or in the near future regarding deep learning, AR, and blockchain applications.

Designed for technology strategists and executives focused on near-term and future software for creating, analyzing, managing, and delivering compelling digital experiences across platforms, channels, and form factors. 

Digital Experience Practices for Customers and the Workplace

Focused on how to overcome challenges and implement successful digital experience strategies and practices to reach, engage, and retain customers, employees, and partners. We’ll be looking at strategies for inter- and intra- departmental collaboration that support customer-facing and internal operations that are a necessary part of the foundation for a consistently high quality digital experience.

Designed for digital transformation leaders, marketing, business, and workplace executives, information managers, content strategists, and UX professionals.

Submit your speaking proposal

The deadline for proposals is October 12 22, 2018.

*Note that we do except late proposals, but the number of speaking slots and topics starts to dwindle after the deadline. If the program is full we will keep your proposal in case of speaker cancellations. Fill out the proposal form.


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