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Category: Intrepids (Page 1 of 2)

Intrepids — summary & status

The latest post from Girish Altekar on Intrepid technology and applications*. The introductory post is here and all our re-published intrepid posts are here.

If you have read the previous posts on Intrepids (see below), you understand how Intrepids empower individuals to manage and reuse their data efficiently while enhancing data privacy, increasing data control, and facilitating genuine competitiveness in marketplaces they are interested in. Above all, using Intrepids is a liberating experience for data owners as, untethered from call centers, complex web sites, and repeated data entry, data owners are free to go about their lives feeling secure about their personal data and knowing that their Intrepid driven requests are being honored accurately.

Businesses benefit also. The authentication and accuracy that is built into Intrepid driven data transfer empowers business applications to rely on actual dependable user data, instead of screen scraping and heuristics. Dependable data reduces the need for data verification and cleansing and drives the creation of new innovative applications that reduce business costs and improve customer experience. We have used Intrepids in sales applications where sales reps need to provide the same quote to multiple customers repeatedly.

Status and related websites belong to DeepCoolClear, LLC, a small business based in Austin, TX, with related interests in managed WIFI/Broadband services. 

We are a pre-revenue startup, but we hope you agree that we have accomplished much in building the base Intrepid platform, identifying, and building upon the initial applications and vocabularies. All our development to date has been funded internally.

We continue to work on making our platform robust. We are adding features that make Intrepids easy to use by individuals and for businesses to adopt. Our platform supports easy integration of Intrepids on business websites, super-fast design, and implementation of new vocabularies, and incorporates standard software engineering elements such as backward compatibility, Intrepid versioning, scalability, etc. Intrepids use a self-encrypting / decrypting mechanism that can be turned off and on a per vocabulary basis. Blockchain is under consideration for future development.

We also continue to work on a smartphone app that can receive Intrepids and create an Intrepid repository on a smartphone. From there, the app allows easy search of the repository to select and post an Intrepid to the receiver using NFC, Bluetooth, and other mechanisms.

These posts are intended to generate two kinds of interest.

  • We want to see if there is user interest in a privacy mechanism such as Intrepids. Please feel free to try out any application and give us your feedback if you think Intrepids, if/when widely adopted, may be useful to you.
  • We are also looking for strategic business partners who may be interested in exploring the use of Intrepids for their businesses and customers. Remember that any repetitive or burdensome data transfer can be eliminated by using Intrepids.

Work with …

Strategic Partnerships

The circular problem that reduces incentives and limits Intrepid adoption is real and it will take time to get the flywheel rotating for the most general Intrepid use cases. Nevertheless, as demonstrated in these posts, there are many applications that businesses can deploy today, even if only to their customers, that deliver Intrepid benefits to their business and their customers. 

We welcome interest in such strategic partnerships and other forms of collaboration / investment / JV from businesses who share our vision of putting data owners in control of their own data. 

Intrepids for Entrepreneurs

We believe the Intrepid technology will find a natural home with entrepreneurs. Setting aside the few “horizontal” Intrepids, most Intrepids are “verticals” unto themselves. We have shown a few applications in these posts here, and entrepreneurs with domain knowledge in areas we haven’t explored will know of other Intrepid applications where Intrepid technology can be used to eliminate repetitive tasks with innovative applications. Individuals who share our passion and commitment about convenience, security, and privacy are invited to take these ideas forward.

By design, most Intrepids can be viewed as separate lines of business that entrepreneurs can grow with their domain knowledge and connections relevant to the specific market.

Intrepids for Investors

Intrepids are a new and innovative mechanism. The work we have produced is of value collectively, but we don’t believe the underlying ideas are protectable IP. And so, other than an idea that we believe in, we don’t have anything to offer to investors just yet. We welcome interest.

*Disclosure: I am an advisor to the Intrepid team.

Intrepid user illustration
Intrepid applications

State government / citizen Intrepids

The latest post from Girish Altekar on Intrepid technology and applications*. The introductory post is here and all our re-published intrepid posts are here.

Most State Government interactions with their citizens are repeating in nature. Application for licenses, registration, services, or reporting taxes, revenue, and production details, citizens and businesses do these things on monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Much of the information provided is generally static with only a few fields whose values may change during each period. We believe there is an opportunity for State Governments (certainly Texas, our home state but we expect pretty much all of them) to reduce the wasted time and effort of their citizens when requiring them to comply with local reporting requirements.

The following Intrepids represent only a small fraction of applications of repetitive data exchange between Texans and the Texas State government. An Intrepid overlay application SaveTimeTx reduces the effort required by citizens and businesses to file reports and transfer data to the State. 

Webfile – filing tax reports online. Only the revenue fields change in each report period.

Production Report – Oil and Gas production report in TX. Most fields are static.

Vehicle Registration – Annual registration at DMV. All fields are static.

In a loosely coupled State/Citizen ecosystem, Intrepid-based filings or applications will save citizens and businesses significant effort over a single year. An Intrepid mechanism such as SaveTimeTX (or equivalent) can significantly reduce friction between State/Citizen interactions.

We are interested in your feedback.

Previous Intrepid related posts available at
Introduction –
Travel Intrepid –
Resume Intrepid –
Other Intrepids –
Personal Health Profile Intrepid –
Data Preferences Intrepid ––wF_8
Support / Receipt Intrepid –
An Invoicing / Payment application –

Future Topics

State Government Applications – this
Summing it up And Current Status

*Disclosure: I am an advisor to the Intrepid team.

Intrepid user illustration
An Intrepid User

The Invoice Intrepid

The next post from Girish Altekar on Intrepid technology and applications*. The introductory post is here and all our re-published intrepid posts are here.

The Invoice Intrepid enables end-to-end generation and payment of invoices, directly from payor’s checking accounts. The BaankPaay prototype application demonstrates how Intrepids can facilitate such a transaction, safely and securely, without giving access to the payor or the payee to each other’s bank accounts. Payments are transactional, vendors and customers don’t need to expend efforts to create auxiliary Zelle accounts. There is also no need to do provide banking and other data to 3rd party fintech intermediaries or pay rents to them.

Here is how a hypothetical transaction would work

  1. Having delivered a product or a service, a vendor raises an invoice in their accounting system.
  2. At some future point in time, their accounting application would simultaneously produce an Invoice Intrepid, identifying the customer, the vendor, the products/services, the amount to be paid, AND the vendor’s bank account information. Currently, the vendor would need to go to BaankPaay to do this.
  3. Vendor emails the encrypted Intrepid to customer. 
  4. Customer uploads the invoice Intrepid into to their bank. She is shown vendor’s name, amount, and purchase details but not the vendor bank account information.
  5. Customer approves the payment and uploads her bank account Intrepid from which to pay. Customer also specifies payment parameters such as a payment schedule, as negotiated.
  6. Customer’s bank executes a money transfer from customer account to vendor bank/account.
  7.  Customer’s bank sends her a transfer receipt.

For now, we overlook the regulatory or legal work banks may need to do before they deploy such an application but conceptually that is it.

We are interested in your feedback.

Previous Intrepid related posts available at
Introduction –
Travel Intrepid –
Resume Intrepid –
Other Intrepids –
Personal Health Profile Intrepid –
Data Preferences Intrepid ––wF_8
Support / Receipt Intrepid –

Future Topics

An Invoicing / Payment application – this
State Government Applications 
Summing it up And Current Status

*Disclosure: I am an advisor to the Intrepid team.

The Support/Receipt Intrepid

The eighth post from Girish Altekar on Intrepid technology and applications*. The introductory post is here and all our re-published intrepid posts are here.

The Support/Receipt Intrepid enables a useful application for businesses. When businesses provide their customers a Support/Receipt Intrepid ( for every transaction, they ensure that their customers, when seeking support/service, will always be able to authenticate themselves to automated systems. By presenting a precise and accurate record of all elements of the transaction, in all but the most complex support cases, software-based systems can respond to customer requests in an automated asynchronous fashion. Which reduces support costs tremendously.

Intrepids-based support enhances customer experience. No longer do they need to locate product / service identifiers (product/model numbers, paper/email receipts, warranty information), no longer do they need to be switched from call center to call center, no longer do they need to navigate complex websites to find support for their one need; they simply need to upload their Receipt Intrepid to NoCallSupport (or an equivalent site), create a support request from dropdown support menu options and submit it. They are no longer tethered to a business’ support call centers or websites to get their work done. They can go about their day with the assurance that their data/request has been received and when the request is completed, they will be notified by text or email.

Create a dummy Intrepid at Support/Receipt Intrepid page ( and visit NoCallSupport to see this new support paradigm in action. The NoCallSupport application is customizable and business specific, so it is a demonstration, not a final product. Our Support/Receipt Intrepid should work for many businesses; a specific Support/Receipt Intrepid focused on your business alone is easily created. The Support/Receipt Intrepid can be viewed by customers but cannot be modified, and so retains its integrity through its life. For new businesses or startups, Intrepid-based support enables a new support paradigm that minimizes support costs and establishes a framework for “no call, no web, no touch” automated software-based support for your company.

We are interested in your feedback.

Previous Intrepid related posts available at
Introduction –
Travel Intrepid –
Resume Intrepid –
Other Intrepids –
Personal Health Profile Intrepid –
Data Preferences Intrepid ––wF_8

Future Topics

Support / Receipt Intrepid – this
An Invoicing / Payment application
State Government Applications 
Summing it up And Current Status

*Disclosure: I am an advisor to the Intrepid team.

The MyDataPrefs Intrepid

The seventh post from Girish Altekar on Intrepid technology and applications*. The introductory post is here and all our re-published intrepid posts are here.

Starting with GDPR in EU and CCPA in California, the consumer privacy regulatory regimes empower consumers to instruct businesses on how their personal data is to be used. We are not experts on these regulations, but it seems to us that requiring businesses to follow consumer preferences on data use is not very useful if there are no easy mechanisms for consumers to transmit these preferences to businesses. No one is going to fill out forms at each website they visit instructing them on their preferences.

Check out the CCPA ( and the GDPR ( data directive Intrepids and visit the MyDataPrefs (MDP) ( application. These Intrepids allow users to capture their data privacy preferences in a structured format so they can be transmitted to a business existing under specific regulatory jurisdictions. 

MDP, an overlay application that uses the Intrepid technology, enables users to create their own data preference Intrepids. When directed by users, it will (eventually) transmit these preferences to well-known applications (if required by the Regulations) at businesses. 

We have not done this yet, but we plan to incorporate these preference directives into browser extensions that automatically transmit these preferences to every website the user visits. The return response can be saved as the evidence of the data preference transmittal and can be used to audit and track businesses for compliance. 

We are interested in your feedback –

Previous Intrepid related posts available at
Introduction –
Resume Intrepid –
Travel Intrepid –
Other Intrepids –
Personal Health Profile Intrepid –

Future Topics

Data Preferences Intrepid – this
Support / Receipt Intrepid
An Invoicing / Payment application
State Government Applications 
Summing it up And Current Status

*Disclosure: I am an advisor to the Intrepid team.

Intrepid user illustration

Personal Health Care Intrepid

The sixth post from Girish Altekar on Intrepid technology and applications*. The introductory post is here and all our re-published intrepid posts are here.

If you have visited a health care provider recently, it is likely that your office visit began with a request to arrive 15 minutes early to fill out some paperwork. Certainly, this is the case when you visit a new provider, but even existing providers want periodic updates on your health history. 

Check out the Health Profile Intrepid (PHP) – if you wish to avoid this drudgery. You can create a structured version of your health profile that captures personal information, insurance information, family history, health conditions, medicines and dosage, vaccine information, allergy information, surgery, and hospitalization information. When asked for this information, you simply transmit this data into the provider’s EHR system where it is stored appropriately (note rekeying of data not required).

You can also use MyVitalHealthData (MVH) – for creating and transmitting Intrepids to your service providers. MVH, an overlay application that uses the Intrepid technology, will eventually enable patients to directly transmit their PHP to their care providers, should they accept Intrepids. If your current provider doesn’t accept Intrepids, you can still print your PHP from MVH, and deliver it to them, if you prefer not to fill out forms sitting in their offices.

We know Health Information is intensely personal and private. MVH and the Intrepid applications do NOT store any of your data; all data is purged when transmitted to you or your care provider. 

We are interested in your feedback –

Previous Intrepid related posts available at
Introduction –
Resume Intrepid –
Travel Intrepid –
Other Intrepids –

Future Topics

Personal Health Profile Intrepid – this
Data Preferences Intrepid
Support / Receipt Intrepid
An Invoicing / Payment application
State Government Applications 
Summing it up And Current Status

*Disclosure: I am an advisor to the Intrepid team.

The universe of Intrepid applications is large, part 2

The fifth post from Girish Altekar on Intrepid technology and applications*. The introductory post is here and all our re-published intrepid posts are here.

Here is the second half of the previous post. Let us know if you can think of other uses.

Covid Passport – A Covid Passport Intrepid would have been easy to manage and use. Only access to a central verification database would have been required.

Driver’s License – When you are required to provide your driver’s license number to applications. Using a Bluetooth or NFC receiver can enable the delivery of the license anywhere. We are aware there are large State govt. efforts to create smartphone-based DL systems.

Home/House – The House Intrepid encapsulates all the features of a house so you can apply for a mortgage, sell, insure, make a claim against. Ideally this Intrepid is created when the architectural plans of a house are created, and then transmitted to every subsequent owner. When remodeled, the house Intrepid can be easily updated. No need to depend on 3rd party home descriptions that are generally riddled with inaccuracies.

Vehicle Info – The Vehicle Intrepid captures your vehicle data to assist you in selling, insuring, and providing vehicle data to registration, repair, and other applications.

Over time we will create many more vocabularies to describe more facets of our lives and the data associated with them. When Intrepids are accepted by applications, the transaction time, and the effort to complete your daily tasks will be vastly minimized. 

We are interested in your feedback.

Previous Intrepid related posts available at
Introduction –
Travel Intrepid –
Resume Intrepid –

Future Topics

Other Intrepids – this
Personal Health Profile Intrepid
Data Preferences Intrepid
Support / Receipt Intrepid
An Invoicing / Payment application
State Government Applications 
Summing it up And Current Status

*Disclosure: I am an advisor to the Intrepid team.

The universe of Intrepid applications is large, part 1

The fourth post from Girish Altekar on Intrepid technology and applications*. The introductory post is here and all our re-published intrepid posts are here.

In previous posts, we introduced 2 applications, resume and travel, to introduce the process, and to demonstrate how data ownership using a structured format enables rapid reuse. Here are some more uses (split over 2 posts). Let us know if you can think of other uses.

Login – Admittedly not the most compelling of Intrepid applications.  There are many browser or non-browser-based solutions, including recently announced Fido based password-less login by Apple. Nevertheless, the use of a login Intrepid is quick and enables multifactor authentication including biometrics in the same easy private process.

Personal Contact – Your personal name, address, phone, email data.

Business Card – Your Intrepid Business card. You may need these when you are filling out a loan application, for instance, and are required to provide this information in ten different forms.

Credit Card – Yes, many browsers scrape this information and there are e-wallets that attempt to store all your cards but creating Credit Card Intrepids for your multiple payment methods enable clear, unambiguous, and rapid use of credit cards without the necessity to hand this data to an intermediary. Credit Card Intrepids also enable rapid update of autopay data should an existing card be compromised and replaced.

Bank Account – If you wish to avoid the 3-4% surcharge on credit card payments, you may use your Bank Account Intrepid for direct bank account payments. Other payment mechanisms haven’t been created yet, but the same process can apply to any online payment system, including crypto.

Over time we will create many more vocabularies to describe more facets of our lives and the data associated with them. When Intrepids are accepted by applications, the transaction time, and the effort to complete your daily tasks will be vastly minimized. 

We are interested in your feedback.

Previous Intrepid related posts available at
Introduction –
Travel Intrepid –
Resume Intrepid –

Future Topics

Other Intrepids – this
Personal Health Profile Intrepid
Data Preferences Intrepid
Support / Receipt Intrepid
An Invoicing / Payment application
State Government Applications 
Summing it up And Current Status

Intrepid user illustration

*Disclosure: I am an advisor to the Intrepid team.

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