The fifth post from Girish Altekar on Intrepid technology and applications*. The introductory post is here and all our re-published intrepid posts are here.

Here is the second half of the previous post. Let us know if you can think of other uses.

Covid Passport – A Covid Passport Intrepid would have been easy to manage and use. Only access to a central verification database would have been required.

Driver’s License – When you are required to provide your driver’s license number to applications. Using a Bluetooth or NFC receiver can enable the delivery of the license anywhere. We are aware there are large State govt. efforts to create smartphone-based DL systems.

Home/House – The House Intrepid encapsulates all the features of a house so you can apply for a mortgage, sell, insure, make a claim against. Ideally this Intrepid is created when the architectural plans of a house are created, and then transmitted to every subsequent owner. When remodeled, the house Intrepid can be easily updated. No need to depend on 3rd party home descriptions that are generally riddled with inaccuracies.

Vehicle Info – The Vehicle Intrepid captures your vehicle data to assist you in selling, insuring, and providing vehicle data to registration, repair, and other applications.

Over time we will create many more vocabularies to describe more facets of our lives and the data associated with them. When Intrepids are accepted by applications, the transaction time, and the effort to complete your daily tasks will be vastly minimized. 

We are interested in your feedback.

Previous Intrepid related posts available at
Introduction –
Travel Intrepid –
Resume Intrepid –

Future Topics

Other Intrepids – this
Personal Health Profile Intrepid
Data Preferences Intrepid
Support / Receipt Intrepid
An Invoicing / Payment application
State Government Applications 
Summing it up And Current Status

*Disclosure: I am an advisor to the Intrepid team.