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Category: Content technology news (Page 28 of 624)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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AesirX launches headless CMS

AesirX Content is an open source, headless content management system (CMS) designed for agencies and developers building custom websites. It comes with migrators for WordPress and Joomla! The freemium edition includes marketing automation software (DMA), asset management and storage (DAM), 1st-party analytics, intelligent business insights, and Single Sign On, facilitated by Concordium’s zero knowledge ID technology.

Concordium’s zero Knowledge ID layer ensures that users can share their data with businesses while remaining anonymous. Concordium’s blockchain technology allows users to store and verify their data and allows for cross-site tracking.

The Community Edition is a free Open Source option for individual developers who want to explore a modern stack of headless microservices. This freemium version, downloadable from GitHub, comes with DMA for content marketing automation and DAM for digital asset handling. Also included within the free Open Source tier is both AesirX Analytics and AesirX BI technologies. Additional tiers include: Starter Edition – $49 for start-ups, Team Edition $99 for small to medium teams, Growth Edition $249 for growing organizations, and a fully hosted and managed Enterprise Edition $1,000.

Genericode approved as an OASIS Standard

Members of OASIS Open, the international open source and standards consortium, have approved Code List Representation (genericode) v1.0 as an OASIS Standard, a status that signifies that highest level of ratification. Developed by the OASIS Code List Representation Technical Committee (TC), the format, known as “genericode,” is a single semantic model for code lists and accompanying XML serialization that is designed to IT-enable and standardize the publication of machine-readable code list information and its interchange between systems.

A code list in its simplest form is a set of strings that represent an item or idea. Standardized code lists include country abbreviations, currency abbreviations, shipping container descriptors, and airport codes, while nonstandardized code lists used between trading partners include financial account types, workflow status indicators, and any set of values representing the semantics of related concepts known between the parties involved in information interchange. Genericode, a standardized code list representation, is a complete description of a code list, including alternate codes, and any other associated data. Genericode also describes how new code lists are derived from existing code lists, so that the derivation is repeatable, automatable, and auditable.

CrafterCMS expands its marketplace

CrafterCMS, a headless CMS for composing digital experiences, today announced that its Marketplace now includes over 60 open source plugins, blueprints, and packaged business capabilities (PBCs). The new and expanded CrafterCMS Marketplace provides a key component that delivers on the promise of what some industry analysts are now calling digital experience composition (DXC), enabling business users and content teams to easily compose digital experiences using no-code tools and pre-built, best-of-stack integrations and plugins.

CrafterCMS provides leading enterprises with a modern headless CMS for digital experience composition. A visual content authoring experience combined with a marketplace of reusable PBCs allows content creators to compose engaging digital experiences for all types of digital channels. CrafterCMS provides a Git-based content repository and support for DevContentOps processes that enable frictionless collaboration between content authors, software developers and IT operations teams, to enable productivity improvements.

Netlify acquires Gatsby

Netlify, a platform for modern web development, announced that it has acquired Gatsby Inc., providers of a cloud platform for web delivery and content orchestration, and creators of the open source framework Gatsby.

Gatsby first became known for its open source, frontend framework that featured a data layer and an ecosystem of content management system (CMS) plugins. On top of the framework, Gatsby built a cloud platform for building, deploying, and previewing large enterprise content sites.

To keep the power in the hands of developers and honor its deep roots in open source, Netlify says it is committed to being a good steward of the Gatsby open-source project and the maintainers will join the open source group together with the creators of frameworks like Solid JS and Eleventy.

Gatsby’s source plugin ecosystem, originally targeted primarily to content management systems, is also accessible to any data source that exposes an API (such as e-commerce systems like Shopify), enabling teams to adopt composable architectures without having to write glue code. The company has been working closely with partners and enterprise customers to deliver the new Valhalla Content Hub, which builds upon their data layer and delivers a hosted, fault-tolerant, edge-first GraphQL API.


W3C re-launched as a public-interest non-profit organization

The World Wide Web Consortium began the year 2023 by forming a new public-interest non-profit organization. The new entity preserves our member-driven approach, existing worldwide outreach and cooperation while allowing for additional partners around the world beyond Europe and Asia. The new organization also preserves the core process and mission of the Consortium to shepherd the web, by developing open web standards as a single global organization with contributions from W3C Members, staff, and the international community.

The new structure will allow continuity as well as further development of the Consortium. It also puts governance at the fore. A Board of Directors with W3C Member majority will guide the operations and strategic direction, aiming for clearer reporting, greater transparency and continued global cooperation, including with new international Partners from the former Hosts.

W3C processes promote fairness and enable progress. Our standards work will still be accomplished in the open, under the W3C Process Document and royalty-free W3C Patent Policy, with input from the broader community. Decisions will still be taken by consensus. Technical direction and Recommendations will continue to require review by W3C Members – large and small. The Advisory Board will still guide the community-driven Process Document enhancement. The Technical Architecture Group will continue as the highest authority on technical matters.

Zeta Alpha integrates GPT with its semantic neural engine

Zeta Alpha, a neural search and discovery platform, announced they have integrated with OpenAI’s GPT with its semantic neural search engine, to provide more reliable and explainable AI generated answers to enterprise search queries. This capability gives workers the ability to leverage GPT to access knowledge hidden in troves of internal company data.

Generative AI models like GPT tend to ‘hallucinate,’ or give answers that seem plausible, but are not factually correct. This prevents organizations from adopting AI tools for enterprise search and knowledge management. The combination of Zeta Alpha’s intelligent neural search engine and advances in GPT-3 reduce this problem by applying natural language understanding. Other enhancements include:

  • InPars v2, a GPT-powered neural search model that enables fast tuning on synthetic in-domain data without the cost of creating terminology lists and taxonomies.
  • Zeta Alpha enables users to ask a question and get contextually relevant results, automatically saving text to a spreadsheet or note for further analysis, and mapping back to the location where the document is saved for future access.
  • Visualizing the information landscape in a semantic map and interpreting it with summaries by GPT can guide knowledge workers in the right direction to answer important strategic questions.

Section enhancements to help setup and scale Mastodon servers

Section, a cloud-native hosting platform, announced it is making it easier to deploy and scale a Mastodon server; in just a few clicks, developers can use Section’s global platform to ensure a responsive user experience. With the open-source Mastodon software seeing explosive growth in interest and adoption, communities find themselves looking for solutions that can help run self-hosted social networks for a geographically dispersed base of users. Section’s platform automates the management of workloads like Mastodon using easily adjusted, rules-based parameters, making it suited to easily distribute and scale these Mastodon instances globally. Simultaneously, the company has announced support for Persistent Volume storage, better enabling distributed deployment of Mastodon and other complex workloads.

Section’s global, redundant, federated cloud network and multi-cluster deployment automatically re-routes traffic to keep Mastodon instances running while also delivering the benefits of a multi-cluster environment with the ease and simplicity of deploying a single cluster. Mastodon consists of a Ruby on Rails backend, a JavaScript frontend, Sidekiq jobs management and a PostgreSQL relational database. Section distributes the data out to where users and servers are located, leveraging PolyScale’s intelligent serverless caching between the Mastodon application front-end and the back-end PostgreSQL database.

WordSphere acquires DrupalWare

WordSphere LLC, a tech company based in Palo Alto, announced the completion of its acquisition of DrupalWare, a well-known Drupal development agency. The 6.8 million dollar cash acquisition includes the DrupalWare website/brand, a portfolio of 164 active clients, and 6 Drupal specialists who will join WordSphere LLC’s senior DevOps team. DrupalWare’s clients include Pfizer, Tesla Motors, the City of New York, NY MTA, Columbia University, B&H Photo, and many other Fortune 500 companies.

WordSphere LLC is primarily focused as a WordPress website development company, mainly offering services in WordPress customization, modification, theming, advanced WordPress custom themes, custom plugins, buddy press customization, and e-commerce/WooCommerce. WordSphere LLC also offers services for Drupal, BigCommerce, and Shopify. They provide a variety of front-end and back-end development services utilizing more modern stacks like React, Node, Svelte, Typescript, ExpressJS, AngularJS, Vue.js, Next.js, PHP, OOP, Laravel, Codeigniter, Ruby, Python (Django) and many others.

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