This week we have articles from Paco Nathan (@pacoid)and Kabir Nagrecha (@KabirNagrecha). News comes from Bloomreach, MarkLogic, Acquia, OpenAI, and Moonwalk Universal and IBM.
Opinion / Analysis
The last, and often the most difficult and costly, step before a promising but complex enterprise technologies becomes mainstream is for organizations to figure out how to operationalize them. Knowledge graphs and machine learning are two such technologies at this stage. How do they fit in with existing software, systems, processes, and resources? What has to change, what will it cost, and how long will it take?
Big questions, but both articles this week should be useful when you’re thinking about strategies. First, Kabir Nagrecha discusses how existing systems research and practices contribute to machine learning operations (MLOps). Next, Paco Nathan looks at ways to think about knowledge graphs in the context of systems thinking and complex problem solving.
Systems for Machine Learning
On the field of Machine Learning Systems and how it addresses the new challenges of ML with a lens shaped by traditional systems research.

Graph Thinking
A kind of cognitive framework called graph thinking is circulating through the KGC community. Let’s explore this notion.
More reading…
- Not a good look… Google replaces Structured Data Tool with promotional landing page via Search Engine Journal
- A better look, but the above suggests caution if all the stakeholders such as smaller publishers and other W3C technical experts aren’t involved. Google is quietly meeting with a select group of publishers each month to talk Privacy Sandbox via Digiday
- Facebook’s privacy calculus since they can take the long view as the largest walled garden. via Mobile Dev Memo
- More on the importance of operations… The state of marketing operations or can’t find a better martech via Chief Marketing Technologist Blog
Content technology news
Bloomreach enhances e-commerce search experience
Automatic Query Filtering to make it faster and easier for customers to find the products they need for a better Customer experience.
Moonwalk Universal updates support for IBM Spectrum Discover
Moonwalk version 12.12 provides enhanced metadata and content inspection to streamline AI workflows and integrate data environments.
Acquia renews Drupal Steward Program support
Web application firewall bridges the gap between when a security release is announced and when site is updated with the new security patch.
OpenAI improves OpenAI Codex
An AI system that translates natural language to code for more than a dozen programming languages, in partnership with GitHub.
MarkLogic announces Solution Accelerators for Data Hub for Medicaid
An open source framework for enabling FHIR Interoperability and FHIR-compliant queries directly in the MarkLogic Data Hub for Medicaid.
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