Senzing announced a partnership with GraphAware, a provider of connected data analytics platforms built on Neo4j. This partnership integrates Senzing entity resolution capabilities into GraphAware Hume, GraphAware’s graph-based enterprise intelligence platform, offering valuable data insights and competitive advantages.

GraphAware clients include financial institutions, intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies, cyber defense advisories and diverse research organizations. GraphAware Hume allows both analysts and data scientists to easily visualize and monitor complex relationships, detect patterns of suspicious activities, and perform powerful machine-assisted link analysis.

Senzing provides a purpose-built AI for entity resolution. With Senzing entity resolution incorporated into the Hume data intelligence platform, users can:

  • Better validate identities
  • Mitigate signal-to-noise challenges in their data
  • Map connections between individuals and other legal entities (e.g., to discover and clarify Ultimate Beneficial Ownership UBO relationships)
  • Build comprehensive 360-degree views of entities

GraphAware Hume connects a wide range of siloed data sources, ingesting large amounts of structured and unstructured data to establish a single source of truth: the Entity Resolved Knowledge Graph (ERKG). With powerful graph visualization capabilities and the ability to seamlessly connect to services like geospatial data from OpenStreetMap and other data providers, GraphAware Hume enhances insights and intelligence across many critical applications.