Section, a cloud-native hosting platform, announced it is making it easier to deploy and scale a Mastodon server; in just a few clicks, developers can use Section’s global platform to ensure a responsive user experience. With the open-source Mastodon software seeing explosive growth in interest and adoption, communities find themselves looking for solutions that can help run self-hosted social networks for a geographically dispersed base of users. Section’s platform automates the management of workloads like Mastodon using easily adjusted, rules-based parameters, making it suited to easily distribute and scale these Mastodon instances globally. Simultaneously, the company has announced support for Persistent Volume storage, better enabling distributed deployment of Mastodon and other complex workloads.

Section’s global, redundant, federated cloud network and multi-cluster deployment automatically re-routes traffic to keep Mastodon instances running while also delivering the benefits of a multi-cluster environment with the ease and simplicity of deploying a single cluster. Mastodon consists of a Ruby on Rails backend, a JavaScript frontend, Sidekiq jobs management and a PostgreSQL relational database. Section distributes the data out to where users and servers are located, leveraging PolyScale’s intelligent serverless caching between the Mastodon application front-end and the back-end PostgreSQL database.