Syncro Soft announced the availability of version 23.1 of its XML editing suite of products, Oxygen XML Editor, Author, Developer, Web Author, WebHelp, PDF Chemistry, and Oxygen Publishing Engine, along with version 1.4 of the Oxygen Feedback comment management platform, and version 4.0 of the Oxygen Content Fusion collaboration platform.

This release introduces new features such as concurrent editing and reviewing in Oxygen Content Fusion for streamlining your team’s collaboration process, the ability to ignore validation problems using Quick Fix actions to filter errors and warnings, and the new block-level comments functionality in Oxygen Feedback allows your users to add and manage comments contextually at a specific location within the WebHelp page. Also, an updated Oxygen Styles Basket, a free web-based visual tool, helps you fine-tune the CSS file that is used to customize PDF or WebHelp output.

DITA-OT engine version 3.6, is a new refactoring action that generates unique IDs for specified elements, and the DITA to PDF transformation can now display SVG syntax diagrams in the PDF output. The JSON Schema Documentation Generator tool was enhanced and improvements were also integrated for users working with XSLT, XQuery, HTML, and CSS. The SharePoint integration in Oxygen (available in the Enterprise edition only) was redesigned to use the SharePoint REST API v2 to offer authentication using the OAuth protocol.