Call for Speakers
Well-designed content is the core ingredient of competitive digital experiences. And the accelerating pace of technology allows us to dramatically improve content creation, content management, content delivery, and ultimately the customer experience. But this is far from easy, and depending on your goals can require pulling together many components, including web content management / web experience management, new development frameworks, analytics, tag management, social media, and advertising tools, as well as ecommerce, CRM, and other system integrations. The Gilbane Digital Content Conference brings together content strategists and managers, marketers, technologists, IT and business executives, as well as external service providers to learn and share how to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
The Gilbane Digital Content Conference helps marketers, IT, and business managers integrate content strategies and computing technologies to produce superior customer experiences for all stakeholders. Please review the conference and track topics below and submit your speaking proposal. Additionally, answers to the most common questions about speaking at the Gilbane Digital Content Conference can be found in the Speaker Guidelines.
Main Conference Tracks
The conference tracks are organized primarily by role/function as described below. The lists under each track are topic suggestions, and we encourage proposals on relevant topics not listed.
Track C: Content, Marketing, and Customer Experience
Focused on how to overcome challenges and implement successful strategies and practices to reach, engage, and retain customers with superior content and digital experiences.
Designed for marketers, marketing technologists, social marketers, content strategists, web content managers, content marketers, content creators and designers, business and technology strategists focused on customer experience and digital marketing.
- Customer experience management and engagement
- Content and the customer lifecycle
- Multichannel content management and marketing
- Content strategies
- Responsive design
- Adaptive and agnostic content
- Site optimization
- Matching content to channels
- Content marketing
- Marketing technology landscape, architectures, and platforms
- WCM and customer experience
- Marketing technologist roles and practices
- E-commerce and WCM / mobile app integration
- Measuring and analytics: Web, mobile, social, big data
- Social marketing
- Personalization – what works, what doesn’t
- Growth hacking strategies
- Localization & multilingual content management an practices
- What function / system owns customer profiles?
- Marketing transformation
- Omnichannel strategies
- Working with agencies
- Working with IT
- Third party data and service integration
Track E: Content, Collaboration, and Digital Workplace Experience
Focused on tools and practices for building agile, information rich, collaborative, and distributed digital workplaces to meet the demands of modern organizations and the changing workforce.
Designed for content, information, technical, and business managers focused on intranets, enterprise search, social, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and internal, field, and backend content applications.
- Collaboration tools & social platforms
- Practices for successful collaboration
- Enterprise social metrics
- Employee experience management
- Community building & knowledge sharing
- Role of content management, intranets, portals, mobile apps
- Employees are customers
- Employees are part of the customer experience
- Content and information integration
- Enterprise search and information access
- Taxonomies, metadata, tagging
Track T: Technologies for Content, Marketing, and Digital Experience
Focused on what you need to know about evolving, and potentially disrupting, content and digital experience technologies for marketing and the workplace.
Designed for technology strategists and executives focused on near-term and future software for creating, managing, and delivering compelling digital experiences across platforms, channels, and form factors.
- APIs and customer experience stacks
- Mobile development frameworks and strategies
- Streaming apps and content
- Wearable computing and the web
- Hybrid cloud content management
- Natural language technologies
- Haptic and gesture interfaces
- Data platforms, tools, analytics
- Real time customer experiences & reality
- Visualization
- Open web vs. walled gardens
- Deep linking and no linking
- Future of mobile operating systems and platforms
- Distributed data, distributed apps – mixing up code and data
- Internet of things and customer experiences
Track P: Re-imagining Digital Strategies for Publishing and Media
Focused on the business and technical challenges facing information, publishing, and media organizations creating, managing, and delivering content across the growing number of competing platforms and channels.
Designed for publishing and information product managers, marketers, technologists, strategists, and executives focused on digital transformation, new channels and business models, and managing digital assets.
- Digital transformation
- Designing for digital products
- Business models and monetization
- Platforms, publishers, and distribution strategies
- Content marketing risks and benefits
- Mixing owned, earned, and sponsored content
- Ad technologies and strategies
- App development strategies
- Multichannel publishing
- Web pages vs cards
- Mobile publishing workflows
- Matching content to channels and devices
Submit your speaking proposal