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Category: Gilbane events (Page 44 of 44)

These posts are about the Gilbane conferences. To see the actual programs see Information about our earlier Documation conferences see

Enterprise blog & wiki limitations; new enterprise RSS blog

There is some additional detail on what blogs and wikis don’t do for you from somone who is using them in an enterprise environment that Lauren interviewed for her report at Corporate Blogs and Wikis: Benefits and Limits.

It is to early to tell anything from our ongoing survey on the use of enterprise blogs, wikis and RSS, but so far it is surprising how low the use of RSS is. Speaking of RSS, there is a fairly new blog focused on enterprise RSS that looks worth tracking.

Both are good background reading for our upcoming conference session in San Francisco.

Microsoft & Sun: What is the Right XML Strategy for Information Interchange? – Keynote Debate at Gilbane Content Management Conference


Attendees to Learn What XML Experts Consider the Best Strategy for Preserving and Protecting Critical Business Content in Electronic Documents

Evan Weisel
Welz & Weisel Communications
Jeffrey Arcuri
Lighthouse Seminars

Cambridge, MA, March 16, 2005. The Gilbane Report and Lighthouse Seminars today announced that the Gilbane Conference on Content Management, taking place April 11-13 at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, will present a keynote debate titled: “What is the Right XML Strategy for Information Interchange?” Participating in this debate are Tim Bray, Director of Web Technologies for Sun, Jean Paoli, Senior Director, XML Architecture at Microsoft, and Jon Udell, Lead Analyst at InfoWorld. The keynote takes place on April 11th at 3:45 p.m.

The keynote debate description: Until recently it was difficult and costly to preserve your content in an “open” industry standard format so that it wasn’t, in effect, held hostage by being in a software vendor’s proprietary format and their own product and business goals. Integration of office documents into enterprise applications was a risky proposition for the same reason. With the widespread adoption of XML, and in particular Microsoft’s support for XML in their Office suite, it seems like enterprises should finally be able to own their own information, share it with whom they want, and integrate office documents into critical enterprise applications. But is it really that simple?

At one level this can be framed as a debate between Microsoft and Sun/ – and that is a choice organizations will have to make, but it is more complicated than that. In spite of the fact that OpenOffice and Microsoft Office both provide comprehensive XML support, there are still subtle differences that need careful consideration. Is one more “open” than the other? What are the practical implications of each approach? What are the relevant technical, legal, policy, and resource considerations? This is a significant issue: governments in Europe and in the U.S. (e.g., Massachusetts) are making policy/ purchasing decisions about “open” document formats as well as about open source code. This panel will look at all sides of the debate, peel away the political and marketing hype, and provide you with a clear understanding of the real issues so you can make your own well-informed decisions.

“Although XML has been around for years, this remains an underestimated and misunderstood issue,” said Frank Gilbane, Conference Chair, “Developers, IT managers, and business managers will all learn from Tim, Jean, and Jon, who have emerged as the chief industry spokespeople because of their deep knowledge of this issue from both an application and technical perspective, as well as a facility for eloquence and refreshing straightforwardness.”

This event brings together 750 thought leaders and practitioners to provide attendees with actionable advice, techniques, best practices, and case studies to help understand and successfully implement content technologies critical to their businesses.

The Gilbane Conference on Content Management is unique in that the majority of its conference sessions are delivered by industry analysts and researchers to offer attendees a neutral and balanced market perspective related to content technologies and trends. The program is organized into five technology-specific areas: Content Management, Enterprise Search & Knowledge Management, Content Technology Works (case studies), Document & Records Management & Compliance, and Enterprise Information Integration.

Full event details can be found at:

About Bluebill Advisors, The Gilbane Report 
Bluebill Advisors, Inc. serves the content management community with publications, conferences and consulting services. The Gilbane Report administers the Content Technology Works(TM) program disseminating best practices with partners Software AG (TECdax:SOW), Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ:SUNW), Artesia Technologies, Atomz, Astoria Software, ClearStory Systems (OTCBB:INCC), Context Media, Convera (NASDAQ:CNVR), IBM (NYSE:IBM), Mark Logic, Open Text (NASDAQ:OTEX), Trados, Vasont, and Vignette (NASDAQ:VIGN).

About Lighthouse Seminars
Lighthouse Seminars’ events cover information technologies and “content technologies” in particular. These include content management of all types, digital asset management, document management, web content management, enterprise portals, enterprise search, web and multi-channel publishing, electronic forms, authoring, content and information integration, information architecture, and e-catalogs.

Gilbane Content Management Conference to Present Insights on Blogs and Wikis as Enterprise Applications


New Free Gilbane Report “Blogs and Wikis: Technologies for Enterprise Applications?” Now Available 

Evan Weisel
Welz & Weisel Communications
Jeffrey Arcuri
Lighthouse Seminars

Cambridge, MA, March 2, 2005. The Gilbane Report and Lighthouse Seminars today announced that the Gilbane Conference on Content Management, taking place April 11-13 at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, California, will offer attendees an early look at how today’s growing trends of blogging and wikis should be considered for use in enterprise applications. Also announced today is the immediate availability of a new Gilbane Report titled, “Blogs & Wikis: Technologies for Enterprise Applications?

Taking place at 8:30 a.m. PST on Wednesday, April 13, the conference is hosting a session titled “Blogs, Wikis, and RSS as Enterprise Content Applications.” The session will offer attendees an opportunity to understand and consider how to use these technologies as enterprise applications or as components in these applications. Today, companies are using these technologies for collaboration, knowledge management, and publishing applications in corporate environments. Do these companies only represent the experimental fringe, or are they early adopters of technologies that will soon be part of every IT department’s bag of tricks? This session will look at the suitability of these for corporate use and hear from both skeptics and proponents.

The conference session will be moderated by Lauren Wood, Consultant, Textuality Services and views will be presented by Ross Mayfield, CEO, Socialtext, Inc. and Peter Quintas, Senior Vice President, General Manager, SilkRoad Technology.

Blogs and wikis are flexible practices and technologies that are increasingly being used within companies and organizations to ease the creation and dissemination of information, as well as making it easier for companies to communicate effectively with customers, partners, and the public. “Blogs & Wikis: Technologies for Enterprise Applications?” discusses some of the salient features of blogs and wikis and provides examples of companies who already have implemented one or more of these systems. The report, written by Lauren Wood, is available at and is available at no charge.

“IT and business managers need to take a closer look at how blog, wiki, and RSS technologies can contribute to their content and knowledge management and collaboration needs,” said Frank Gilbane, Conference Chair and Editor of the Gilbane Report. “They are bound to be surprised how these technologies are already being used by companies with great success either on their own, or in conjunction with other content technologies. In fact, they might find they are already being used in their own organizations ‘under the radar’, as many early web applications were.”

The Gilbane Conference on Content Management is unique in that the majority of its conference sessions are delivered by industry analysts and researchers to offer attendees a neutral and balanced market perspective related to content technologies and trends. The program is organized into five technology-specific areas: Content Management, Enterprise Search & Knowledge Management, Content Technology Works (case studies), Document & Records Management & Compliance, and Enterprise Information Integration.

Full event details can be found at:

About Bluebill Advisors, The Gilbane Report 
Bluebill Advisors, Inc. serves the content management community with publications, conferences and consulting services. The Gilbane Report administers the Content Technology Works(TM) program disseminating best practices with partners Software AG (TECdax:SOW), Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ:SUNW), Artesia Technologies, Atomz, Astoria Software, ClearStory Systems (OTCBB:INCC), Context Media, Convera (NASDAQ:CNVR), IBM (NYSE:IBM), Open Text (NASDAQ:OTEX), Trados, Vasont, and Vignette (NASDAQ:VIGN).

About Lighthouse Seminars 
Lighthouse Seminars’ events cover information technologies and “content technologies” in particular. These include content management of all types, digital asset management, document management, web content management, enterprise portals, enterprise search, web and multi-channel publishing, electronic forms, authoring, content and information integration, information architecture, and e-catalogs.

Gilbane’s Content Technology Works Initiative Delivers Best Practices and Increases Membership


Leaders in Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Publishing and Hi-Technology Industries Share Recipes for Success as New Content Technology Partners Join CTW Consortium

Sebastian Holst

Los Angeles, CA , March 24, 2004 . Today at the Gilbane Conference on Content Management the Gilbane Report announced that the first round of in-depth content technology success stories is set for publication in early April. Industry leading enterprises will be providing unprecedented insight into their successful deployments of content technology include Avnet, CMP, Giunti Labs, IDX Systems Corporation, Meredith, Nextance and others.

“The CTW initiative is a unique initiative that focuses on the most important elements of a successful content technology deployment without commercializing the results,” said Tina Steil, Director, Enabling Technologies, Meredith Corporation. “We are delighted to be recognized for our work in this area.”

“I think the work of the CTW initiative is valuable and important,” said Cindy Johnson, Director Education Technologies, IDX Corporation. “We certainly would have profited by access to this kind of information at the start of our own enterprise content management initiative.”

“I am extremely impressed with the ingenuity of the enterprises we have been working with and gratified by the enthusiasm that this material is generating,” said Sebastian Holst, Senior Editor of The Gilbane Report.

Early access to this material can be found in the CTW conference track at The Gilbane Conference on Content Management being held this week in Los Angeles where speakers from Avnet, Boeing, CMP, Hewlett Packard, Meredith, Shimano and Sony Pictures are sharing their recipes for successful content technology deployment. For more information visit the official event website at

Further accelerating the CTW initiative’s momentum is the addition of three new technology partners; Trados (, Vasont ( and Venetica (

“These technology suppliers clearly understand the importance of best practices and share our commitment to ensuring that enterprises have both the best technology and the best practices to get the most from their content,” said Frank Gilbane, founder of The Gilbane Report.

For more information on how to gain access to this program, visit

About Bluebill Advisors, The Gilbane Report and the Content Technology Works Program 

Bluebill Advisors, Inc. serves the content management community with publications, industry conferences and professional services. The flagship Bluebill publication is The Gilbane Report (, a leading industry report with thousands of subscribers in over 85 countries as well as the administrator of the Content Technology Works™ (CTW) program. The CTW program is an industry initiative that disseminates content technology best practices with partners Software AG (TECdax:SOW), Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ:SUNW), Artesia Technologies, Atomz, Context Media, Convera (NASDAQ:CNVR), INSCI (OTCBB:INSS), Trados, Vasont Systems, Venetica and Vignette (NASDAQ:VIGN).

Documation Conference

The Documation conferences in North America and Europe were forums for document management applications, document systems, and document computing, and were the first major conferences to focus on the technologies, workflows, and integration of all structured and unstructured data types, including text, graphics, and data. The conferences showcased enterprise applications of technical information standards, in particular, SGML, XML, HTML, CSS, and other W3C standards.

Documation 94 logo

The Documation Conference was co-founded by Frank Gilbane, Editor of the Gilbane Report, and Marion Elledge of the Graphic Communication Association (GCA) in 1993. The first Documation conference took place in February, 1994 in Los Angeles, CA. More information about the inaugural event can be found at

The event continued in San Francisco / Silicon Valley, Washington DC, and Boston until 1998. There was also a version produced by a Canadian company in Quebec City, Toronto, and Montreal for a few years starting in 1996.

Documation Paris 2004 banner

The Documation France Conference was co-founded by Frank Gilbane, Yves Stern, and Guy Fermon, who co-founded TechnForum SARL in 1994 to produce Documation and other events in Paris, London and Geneva. TechnoForum was acquired by Reed Exhibitions in 1999 (check), Stern, Fermon, and Gilbane continued to organize the conference for Reed until 2004. You can see, in French, a PDF of the Documation Paris program 2004. Reed Exhibitions continues to produce the Paris Documation conference. See

Industry Leaders on Board for Gilbane Conference on Content Management


Content Technology Industry’s Leading Organizations to Sponsor, Demo at Educational Event March 24-26 in L.A. 

Joy Blake Scott 
Longleaf Public Relations
Jeffrey Arcuri 
Lighthouse Seminars

Cambridge, MA , March 1, 2004 . The Gilbane Report and Lighthouse Seminars announced that 50 organizations have signed up so far to support the Gilbane Conference on Content Management as sponsors and exhibitors. The conference, being held at the Westin Bonaventure in Los Angeles, March 24-26, 2004, is entirely focused on content management technologies and includes 26 sessions and tutorials covering today’s most critical issues for businesses planning or implementing content management strategies.

“We are delighted with the strong show of support from the leaders in the content technology industry,” said Frank Gilbane, Conference Chair. “This event will truly be a “one-stop shop” for businesses looking to implement or improve content management strategies as virtually every critical business and technology will be addressed by representatives from all the major content technology firms.”

“It is critical to tie in electronic forms processing and XML data to content management strategies,” said Amber Kinne y, US InfoPath Product Manager at Platinum Sponsor Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT). “We are pleased to join other major content management technology suppliers at this important event to help spread this message to enterprises of all sizes.”

“Enterprise content management is arguably the most critical component to driving business efficiency through enterprise web applications,” said Leif Pedersen, Vice President of Worldwide Marketing and Market Strategy at Vignette Corp. ( NASDAQ: VIGN). “It is important for enterprises to see and hear about enterprise content management in the context of a wide variety of enterprise requirements, as they will at the Gilbane conference. Vignette is looking forward to sharing its vision of how to harness the power of information and the Web to drive measurable improvements in business efficiency at the Gilbane show.”

Microsoft is the Platinum sponsor of the Gilbane Content Management Conference in Los Angeles . Gold sponsors include Vignette, Context Media, and GMC Software. Other sponsors include IDC, InfoWorld, eContent Magazine, CMSWatch, Transform Magazine, XML Journal, Web Services Journal, OASIS, IDEAlliance, OSCOM, WOW, and G-SAM. Additional exhibitors include Advent 3b2, Arbortext, Astoria, aXtive Minds, Blast Radius, Convera, CrownPeak, Day, Documentum, Ektron, empolis, Ephox, exegenix, Globalscape, immediacy, INCSI, IXIAsoft, Kofax, Macromedia, Open Text, Percussion, RedDot, Refresh, RenderX, SchemaLogic, Software AG, Snapbridge, ThomasTech, Trados, Vasont, Weborganic, and more. For a complete list of sponsors and exhibitors see 

About Bluebill Advisors, The Gilbane Report

Bluebill Advisors, Inc. serves the content management community with publications, industry conferences and professional services. The Gilbane Report ( ) administers the Content Technology Works™ program disseminating best practices with partners Software AG (TECdax:SOW), Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ:SUNW), Artesia Technologies, Atomz, Context Media, Convera (NASDAQ:CNVR), INSCI (OTCBB:INSS), Trados, Vasont, Venetica, and Vignette (NASDAQ:VIGN).

About Lighthouse Seminars 

Lighthouse Seminars’ events cover information technologies and “content technologies” in particular. These include content management of all types, digital asset management, document management, web content management, enterprise portals, enterprise search, web and multi-channel publishing, electronic forms, authoring, content and information integration, information architecture, and e-catalogs.

Microsoft, Adobe, & Cardiff Debate eForms at Gilbane

An expanded double conference session provides a moderated discussion on W3C’s XForms, Microsoft’s InfoPath, and Adobe’s XML/PDF eForms technology

Joy Blake Scott 
Longleaf Public Relations
Jeffrey Arcuri 
Lighthouse Seminars

Cambridge, MA , February 10, 2004 . The Gilbane Report and Lighthouse Seminars announced a special expanded conference session on electronic forms at the Gilbane Conference on Content Management to be held at the Westin Bonaventure in Los Angeles , March 24-26, 2004.

“New eForms technologies promise to have a profound effect on information collection, integration, and collaboration” said Frank Gilbane, Conference Chair, “With Microsoft, Adobe, and eForms vendors all building more accessible interfaces to XML-based electronic forms, there will be a giant leap in the ability of both large and small enterprises and departments to easily implement forms based business solutions that integrate with other enterprise information systems. Businesses need to learn what these new technologies can do for them.”

The special session, “Electronic Forms & Content Management” will be held Thursday March 25, 3:00 – 5:00pm and be moderated by Bill Trippe , Senior Editor, The Gilbane Report, and author of “ Microsoft, Adobe & XForms to Shake Up Electronic Forms Market ” (Gilbane Report Vol. 11, No 8, October 2003). Speakers include: Chuck Myers , Technology Strategist, Adobe (NasdaqNM:ADBE) ; Micah Dubinko , Chief XML Architect, Cardiff Software; and Amber Kinney , Product Manager, InfoPath, Microsoft (NasdaqNM:MSFT) .

“eForms have a growing role beyond ECM, as they are emerging as the primary interface between people, processes and programs.”, said Bill Trippe, Track Chair, and Moderator. “It is no accident that significant initiatives – Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPPA, and the like – are forms-centric. There is a lot you need to pay attention to here. This session will help you understand the landscape of current capabilities and provide insight into what will be available soon. ”

The conference program is entirely focused on content management technologies, and includes 26 sessions and tutorials covering today’s most critical issues for businesses planning or implementing a content management strategy.

Microsoft is the Platinum sponsor of the Gilbane Content Management Conference in Los Angeles . Gold sponsors include Vignette, Context Media, and GMC Software. Other sponsors include IDC, InfoWorld, eContent Magazine, CMSWatch, Transform Magazine, XML Journal, Web Services Journal, OASIS, IDEAlliance, OSCOM, WOW, and G-SAM. For a complete list of sponsors and exhibitors see 

For more information on the Gilbane Content Management Conference in LA see .

About Bluebill Advisors, The Gilbane Report

Bluebill Advisors, Inc. serves the content management community with publications, industry conferences and professional services. The Gilbane Report ( ) administers the Content Technology Works™ program disseminating best practices with partners Software AG (TECdax:SOW), Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ:SUNW), Artesia Technologies, Atomz, Context Media, Convera (NASDAQ:CNVR), Vasont, Venetica, Vignette (NASDAQ:VIGN), and INS CI (OTCBB:INSS).

About Lighthouse Seminars 

Lighthouse Seminars’ events cover information technologies and “content technologies” in particular. These include content management of all types, digital asset management, document management, web content management, enterprise portals, enterprise search, web and multi-channel publishing, electronic forms, authoring, content and information integration, information architecture, and e-catalogs.


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