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Category: Content technology news (Page 461 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Convera Releases of RetrievalWare 6.8 & RetrievalWare WebExpress 2.1

Convera announced the release of Convera RetrievalWare 6.8 and RetrievalWare WebExpress 2.1, featuring new multimedia content management capabilities and enhancements. These include enhanced support for Java developers, a new search interface for intranet users, added capabilities for indexing secure content, expanded language plug-ins and support for the latest versions of operating systems and databases. With the new Java Server Page Toolkit (JSPTK), Convera enables Java developers to rapidly deploy RetrievalWare and WebExpress search capability into Java server page applications. RetrievalWare 6.8 also offers a new user interface for intranet search users called SmartSearch. Also new to RetrievalWare 6.8 is Spider support for HTTPS/SSL protocol, enabling organizations to use the RetrievalWare Spider to index secure content. Updated dictionaries enhance search results by accommodating language changes such as new words and idioms and updated spellings. Expanded support for Chinese (simple and traditional), Portuguese, Russian and Arabic has been added to provide additional functionality in these markets. Japanese, Korean, Italian and Dutch, which had limited availability in earlier releases of RetrievalWare, are now generally available. The RetrievalWare Internet Spider has the ability to follow “automatic redirects” or links that automatically direct the user to another URL. Automatic redirects are a common technique used to manage web traffic. RetrievalWare and Web Express have extended its platform support to Windows 2000 Server. In the Unix market the HP-11 64-bit OS is now supported and upgrades to AIX 4.3 and DEC Unix 4.0f are now available. The synchronizer for Lotus Notes now supports version 5 of that product. Convera RetrievalWare 6.8 and RetrievalWare WebExpress 2.1 are now available on Windows NT Intel, NT Alpha and all major UNIX platforms.

Plumtree Integrates With Interwoven

Plumtree Software announced integration between the Plumtree Corporate Portal and Interwoven’s content management software. Available now, the new Plumtree Portal Gadget for Interwoven TeamSite software, a plug-in component for integrating Interwoven’s content submission capabilities into the portal, offers customers a solution for managing, publishing and disseminating information to the audiences that use corporate portals as the gateway to their business resources. It allows users to take Web content from submission to publication on a personalized Internet desktop that also incorporates those users’ e-mail, sales leads, inventory reports and market news. The integration of TeamSite with the Plumtree Corporate Portal enables users to more quickly and efficiently manage portal content. TeamSite allows individuals or teams to develop and quality assure (QA) content in separate work areas that are virtual copies of the live portal. Content is then submitted to a staging area for merging and final QA before publishing. The new gadget can also initiate a TeamSite workflow to automatically route content for approval and/or publishing to the Plumtree portal. This process streamlines the submission process allowing faster time-to-portal. The Interwoven gadget was developed by channel partner OAO Technology Solutions, Inc. ,,

Open Market Ships Applications Built on WebLogic 5.1

Open Market, Inc. announced the availability of its software solutions on BEA Systems’ WebLogic Server version 5.1 from BEA Systems, Inc. The company also announced that Open Market and BEA Systems will be engaging in collaborative selling and marketing of Open Market’s content-centric eBusiness applications layered on top of the BEA WebLogic Server. As a result, Open Market and BEA will be providing enterprises with a solution that enables them to optimize interactions with site visitors, customers, and channels. Open Market’s Content Server and associated applications — Content Centre, Personalization Centre, Catalog Centre, Integration Centre and Marketing Studio — are layered on top of BEA WebLogic Server. By selling its application suite in collaboration with its platform partners, Open Market provides customers with the flexibility, scalability and interoperability required to rapidly deploy e-business initiatives.,

Altova Incorporates Infoteria’s iXSLT 2.0 Into XML Spy 3.5

Infoteria announced that its iXSLT 2.0 product has been integrated into the latest version of Altova’s XML Spy 3.5 product. XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) processors are generally used to convert XML to HTML because browsers and applications used in today’s market do not yet fully support XML and XSL files. XSLT processors can also transform XML documents into other XML formats for use by other systems. XML Spy 3.5 includes the recently updated version of Infoteria’s iXSLT product, version 2.0c. iXSLT has been upgraded to support Windows NT (Service Pack 4) and Windows 2000 operating system platforms. It includes XSL File syntax that is compliant with the latest XSLT recommendation (November 16, 1999). Other enhancements include the support of XSLT and XPATH Extension Elements; new options for testing performance (“-t” switch); new options for handling external entities (“-g” and “-G” switches); and significant performance improvements. iXSLT is a W3C-compliant XSLT processor that uses files to transform XML data. It can transform a single source of XML data into multiple formats for use by personal computers, personal digital assistants, cellular devices, and game machines.,

NQL Announces Availability of Enterprise Content Management Platform

NQL Inc. announced the full commercial availability of the NQL ContentAnywhere system — the company’s enterprise-level content integration and management platform. The NQL ContentAnywhere system was designed to be a complete solution for aggregating data from sources including the Internet, corporate databases, legacy systems and documents and quickly delivering it to virtually any destination, including enterprise and desktop applications, corporate databases, Internet-enabled devices, wireless devices, and corporate portals. With a wide range of content management functionalities, the NQL ContentAnywhere system can address the needs of IT architects, application developers, users and web site developers with technical elegance and simplicity. It provides a platform for customizing information collection (intelligent agents), content naming (taxonomy), content aggregation (central repository) and content refreshing at appropriate intervals (intelligent cache). Features include: A drop-down menu within Microsoft Office 2000 applications that enables direct insertion of text and multimedia content from the repository without leaving the application; The ability to copy and paste or drag and drop data into any desktop application or system; Access to content by mobile devices, such as Palm VII handhelds, Pocket PCs and WAP-enabled smart phones; Integration of repository information into database applications through an ODBC driver; Embedding of content tags in HTML pages using Microsoft Internet Information Services; Sharing of aggregated content between organizations via Microsoft.NET Web Services; and personalizing content by compiling the most frequently used information into a list of favorites for quick access.

XYZFind Ships Repository, Search, and Query Engine for XML

XYZFind Corp. released XYZFind Server 1.0, its new repository, search, and query engine for XML. XYZFind Server, which has been under development for nearly two years, dramatically reduces the effort required to store, index, and intelligently search and query XML. Trial versions for Solaris, Linux, and WinNT/2K are available for download on the company’s website at

diCarta & Documentum Partner

diCarta, Inc. and Documentum announced an agreement for both companies to jointly market their products to deliver a contract management offering to the Global 2000 that utilizes diCarta’s B2B contract lifecycle management software, diCarta Contracts, and leverages the Documentum 4i eBusiness content management platform. diCarta Contracts together with the Documentum platform provides customers with the ability to manage revenues, track obligations and renewals, and collaborate with suppliers and customers on contract terms and conditions, as well as manage the content of these contracts and other records.,

A2i Announces System for Aggregating Product Content

A2i Inc. announced the availability of a new tool for aggregating electronic product content. The xCat Import Manager features A2i’s Parametric Import technology and supports the import of product information from any electronic source in any tabular or XML format. xCat is a database-driven, cross-media catalog publishing system that centralizes and structures the management of electronic product content, simplifies the catalog production process and completely automates project workflow. xCat supports both electronic and printed output from a single data source for Web-based electronic commerce, CD-ROM-based electronic catalogs and custom paper catalogs. The major impediment to creating large catalogs has been the complexity of aggregating — and normalizing — rich electronic product content. Such content aggregation has required that source data be meticulously pre-processed into a format that can be imported, a labor-intensive and manual process that is very slow and very, very expensive. The xCat Import Manager is a GUI tool that eliminates much of this pre-processing and provides a WYSIWYG interface for cleansing, normalizing and restructuring content as part of the import process itself. Two key components of this solution are: 1) Partitioning to create or reconstitute hierarchy, to merge field values, and to establish one-to-one mappings between source and destination values and value combinations. Partitions can be nested (which creates hierarchy) or combined (which merges value combinations), and 2) Field-at-a-time rather than record-at-a-time handling of data values. This makes value mapping and exception handling much more efficient since the number of distinct values for each field is usually dramatically smaller than the total number of records to be imported, and the maximum number of exceptions is the sum, rather than the product, of the number of distinct values in each mapped field.

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