Syncro Soft announced the release of Oxygen Content Fusion 7.0, their web-based collaboration platform for content creation. The new version enhances the project support with a personal authoring workspace where you can make changes across multiple files and commit them directly to the repository. The Changes side-view enables previewing and changes before committing. An XML-aware conflict resolution tool pulls changes from the repository, detects conflicts, suggests automated solutions, and allows merging content manually. Along with the editing features for XML documents, the built-in Web Author allows you to edit Markdown files inside the authoring workspace providing syntax preview and toolbar actions to insert common structures.

The workspace feature includes a Publications side-view for browsing of a publication’s DITA map. Users can open the map in a specialized DITA map editor to modify the structure using toolbar or contextual menu actions. The editor supports advanced DITA features such as profiling attributes, key definitions, and map references.

Continuous Deployment for output is possible with support for publishing connectors to enable uploading to various platforms such as Amazon S3, Netlify, or servers with SFTP protocol. The output can be configured to include an “Edit Online” link in each topic that sends authors to their personal workspace where they can make changes.