Vesoft announced the latest update to the NebulaGraph Enterprise v3.7.0, featuring two modules: the Knowledge Graph Build (beta) and the AI Assistant. These functions invite users to experience firsthand the seamless integration of graph technology and Large Language Models (LLMs) at a product level.

In the v3.7.0 of the NebulaGraph Enterprise, the KG Build function streamlines the creation of knowledge graphs by connecting to LLMs, automatically processing uploaded file data, transforming it into a knowledge graph, and storing it in the database. This new process reduces manpower and resource needs and enhances data processing efficiency. Beyond supporting small-scale trial files, the KG Build function accommodates super large-scale file uploads to LLMs, allowing users to customize knowledge graph construction tasks for a more flexible and convenient process.

Alongside KG Build, NebulaGraph Explorer v3.7.0 introduced the AI Assistant function for Graph Language Generation. The query language of graph databases has been a barrier for many users, often requiring systematic learning or professional assistance. With the Graph Language Generation function users simply input natural language queries related to the graph database, and the AI assistant translates the query into a graph query statement.