OAGi (Open Applications Group, Inc.) has released the 202301 suite of IOF (Industrial Ontologies Foundry) Ontology that includes IOF Core in the Released status and the Supply Chain and the Maintenance Reference Ontologies in the Provisional Status. Please consult the README file for the detail of the release. It is available for immediate download at IOF Release 202301.

IOF Core is a foundation for domain ontologies such as maintenance and supply chain. IOF Core represents thousands of person-hours of development, review, refinement, and quality-checking. IOF has established processes modeled after the proven approach used by the EDM Council for the collaborative development, testing, and publication of a number of industry ontologies, including the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) and the Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP). The 202301 release also contains the maintenance and the supply chain reference ontologies in the provisional state. IOF will constantly improve IOF Core while working on domain ontologies based on it. IOF invites organizations to contribute to industrial ontology work.
