Google announced the availability of the latest releases of their Document (Doc) AI platform, Lending DocAI and Procurement DocAI. Most companies are still manually entering data and reliant on guesswork to make sense of it all as the volume and variety of data explodes. Organizations are also leaving heaps of value on the table in the form of new and better customer experiences that can be unlocked with artificial intelligence (AI) applied to documents. The DocAI platform, based on Google’s AI expertise, bring powerful and useful solutions to these challenges. Under the hood are Google’s technologies:

  • Computer vision (including OCR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) that creates pre-trained models for high-value, high-volume documents.
  • Google Knowledge Graph to validate and enhance the fields in your documents.
  • Training and creation of your own custom document models.
  • Human interaction with AI to ensure accuracy where needed.

The new specialized parsers for Lending and Procurement DocAI can be used alongside our existing AutoML Text & Document Classification and AutoML Document Extraction services. Next up is the general availability of Human-in-the-Loop AI, a new DocAI feature that will help companies achieve higher document processing accuracy with the assurance of human review.