DataStax announced a new API stack for modern data apps. Stargate, an open-source API framework for data first unveiled this summer, is now generally available in DataStax’s Astra cloud database and for free download on GitHub. The integration of Stargate into Astra enables developers to use any data store for modern data apps by adding support for new APIs, data types, and access methods. Developers no longer need to work with different databases and different APIs to power modern data apps. Developers can build data apps with:
- Apache Cassandra: the open-source NoSQL database to manage data at global-scale.
- K8ssandra: an open-source distribution that enables elastic scale for data on Kubernetes.
- Stargate: an open-source API framework that enables developers to use their choice of schemaless JSON, GraphQL, and REST APIs.
And benefit from:
- Choice of APIs — Developers can use their choice of the REST API, GraphQL API or schemaless Document API to access data.
- No modeling — By using the Document API, developers can store JSON objects in Astra, without doing up front modeling. Developers can easily prototype without having to pre-define schema and queries.
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