Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Category: Gilbane events (Page 36 of 44)

These posts are about the Gilbane conferences. To see the actual programs see Information about our earlier Documation conferences see

Adobe, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle Executives to Participate in Keynote Panel at Gilbane San Francisco 2007

The Gilbane Group and Lighthouse Seminars announced that executives from Adobe, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle will participate in the Gilbane San Francisco 2007 keynote panel, “Content Technology Industry Update,” on Wednesday, April 11th at 8:30 a.m. at the Palace Hotel. Taking place April 10-12, the Gilbane Conference San Francisco has greatly expanded its collection of educational programs, including sessions focused on web and other enterprise content management applications, enterprise search and information access technologies, publishing technology, wikis, blogs and collaboration tools, and information on globalization and translation technology. The “Content Technology Industry Update” keynote panel will focus on the most important strategic issues technical and business managers need to consider for both near and long term success in managing content and content technologies in the context of enterprise applications. The keynote panel discussion is completely interactive (i.e., no presentations). With six tracks and 35 sessions to choose from, attendees have the opportunity to participate in a conference program focused on educating attendees about the latest content management technologies from experienced content management practitioners, consultants, and technologists.

Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle & Content Technologies at Gilbane San Francisco

We have a great keynote panel lined-up for Gilbane San Francisco next month. If you want to know what the largest software suppliers are doing and developing for enterprise content applications, whether content management, search, collaboration, or delivery, you won’t want to miss this panel of senior executives who are leading the content technology efforts at these companies. You won’t find a line-up like this elsewhere. Here is the keynote panel info with link:

Keynote Panel: Content Technology Industry Update
We open each of our conferences with a panel of content technology and market experts. The panel is chosen to address the most important strategic issues technical and business managers need to consider for both near term and long term success in managing content and content technologies in the context of enterprise applications. The session is completely interactive (i.e., no presentations). Before embarking on a content management, search, publishing, collaboration or globalization strategy or project, you need to understand not only the vertical and horizontal solutions from the technology suppliers that address your specific content-oriented business applications, but also what the major platform providers are doing and how their offerings fit into your plans, or not. In San Francisco this year we look at what the largest software suppliers are doing that will affect enterprise content strategies both directly and indirectly. This is a session you won’t want to miss.

Moderator: Frank Gilbane, Conference Chair, CEO, Gilbane Group, Inc.
Paul Taylor, IBM Distinguished Engineer and Chief Architect, Enterprise Content Management, IBM
Kumar Vora, VP, Product Management, Enterprise & Developer Solutions, Adobe
Rich Buchheim, Senior Director, Enterprise Content Management Strategy, Oracle
TBD, Microsoft

If you can’t make the full 3-day conference, remember that the keynote is open to all “exhibit-only” attendees as well.

3rd Annual Gilbane San Francisco 2007 Conference Announces Tracks and Sessions

For Immediate Release:

Tracks Include:

Content ManagementWeb Content ManagementEnterprise SearchCollaboration & Enterprise Blogs & Wikis, Publishing and Content Globalization

Welz & Weisel Communications
Evan Weisel, 703-218-3555
Cell: 703-628-5754

Jeffrey V. Arcuri
Lighthouse Seminars

Boston MA, February 5, 2007. The Gilbane Group and Lighthouse Seminars today announced conference tracks for the Gilbane Conference San Francisco, taking place April 10-12, 2007, at the Palace Hotel. The 2007 event returns to San Francisco with a greatly expanded collection of educational programs, including tracks focused on web and other enterprise content management applications, enterprise search and information access technologies, publishing technology, wikis, blogs and collaboration tools, and information on globalization and translation technology.

Tracks and sample conference sessions at the Gilbane Conference San Francisco include:

Content Management Track
This track is focused on strategies and technologies for managing multiple types of content, either with different types of repository systems, or with supporting technologies. IT and business strategists and all types of content managers will benefit from sessions in this track.

  • The Analysts Debate Content Technologies and Trends
  • Defining the BPM/ECM Intersection
  • Introduction to Enterprise DRM

Web Content Management Track
WCM as a discipline is still in its infancy. If you are responsible for a website, or the content management system or strategy behind your organization’s web presence, this entire track will be relevant to you.

  • Different Approaches to Purchasing a CMS: Open Source vs. SaaS/ASP vs. Licensed
  • Don’t Forget Your Site is for Your Customers

Enterprise Search Track
Sessions will place focus on the types of search problems enterprises have and need to solve by examining both cases and the technologies being turned to in medium and large organizations. How organizations make choices about what types of products to select and implement will also be explored in this track.

  • The Arena: Differentiating Search Products
  • Search and the IT Role for Enterprise-wide Initiatives

Collaboration & Enterprise Blogs & Wikis Track
The Gilbane Group has been covering the use of blog and wiki technologies for enterprise applications since 2005. This track will bring attendees up-to-speed on the technologies, why companies are using them, and what kinds of enterprise applications such “social software” is appropriate for.

  • Enterprise Wiki CEO/CTO Panel
  • Collaboration & Web 2.0 Technologies

Publishing Technology and Best Practices
There is a constant stream of new technology options that could have a profound impact on publishing processes. Customers are demanding that intellectual property be delivered in the media that they prefer and they may require multiple media forms of the same content. The trend towards online communities and the increased deployment of collaboration technologies enables new methodologies for authoring and reviewing. These sessions will help publishing professionals to consider these future trends and developments.

  • The Future of Publishing: Key Influences and Macro Trends
  • Cross-Media Strategy: Tools & Technologies, Processes, Skills, & Organizational Challenges

LISA Forum & Workshops
Since 1990, the LISA Forums and Global Strategies Summits have been dedicated to delivering best practices and standards for facilitating international business. Conference sessions include:

  • Authoring for Global Audiences: Closing the Gap Between Authoring and Localization
  • Managing Content Globally: What Works, What Doesnt

The conference program schedule, tutorial, track and session descriptions are all available on the conference site. For more information visit:

Complete conference schedule:

Pre-conference tutorials:

Conference session descriptions:

The complete LISA program description:

About Gilbane Group, Inc.
Gilbane Group Inc. is an analyst and consulting firm that has been writing and consulting about the strategic use of information technologies since 1987. We have helped organizations of all sizes from a wide variety of industries and governments. We work with the entire community of stakeholders including investors, enterprise buyers of IT, technology suppliers, and other consultant and analyst firms. We have produced over 50 educational conferences in North America and Europe. Information about our widely-read newsletter, reports, white papers, case studies and analyst blogs is available at

About Lighthouse Seminars
Lighthouse Seminars’ events cover information technologies and content technologies in particular. These include content management of all types, digital asset management, document management, web content management, enterprise portals, enterprise search, web and multi-channel publishing, electronic forms, authoring, content and information integration, information architecture, and e-catalogs.


Content, Relevancy, and Customer Experience: Webinar Event

FatWire hosts the second in a series of webinars on overcoming obstacles to delivering relevant customer experiences online.
February 1, 2007, 1:00 pm ET
Take Your Customer Experience to the Next Level, Part 2: Small Content Changes, Big Impact
Gilbane Group’s Mary Laplante and FatWire’s Jeff Ernst use results from a survey on customer experience management to drive a how-to discussion on testing your own site’s relevancy quotient.
Register for the webinar.
Participate in the survey.

Gilbane Washington D.C. to Provide Venue for Sharing Best Practices between Government and Industry

The Gilbane Group, Lighthouse Seminars and CMS Watch announced that the second annual Gilbane Conference on Content Technologies Washington D.C. will take place at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington D.C. June 5-6, 2007.

This is the industry’s most comprehensive forum for bringing together both government and industry executives to share content management best practices. The Gilbane Conference on Content Technologies will focus on concrete lessons learned and best practices for industry and government specialists alike. The Conference will be chaired by Tony Byrne, founder of CMS Watch, an authoritative, vendor-neutral source for comparative evaluations of content management and search technologies. Content technologies for managing documents, websites, and records have grown in utility and sophistication. New technologies can enable searchers to find and retrieve information on a scale unheard of just five years ago. In the meantime, emerging standards in industry and government are supporting greater content exchange and systems interoperability.

By attending The Gilbane Conference on Content Technologies, attendees will learn about: Enterprise Content Management technologies, business applications, and solutions; How to get your Content Management project funded; Best practices in content governance and web operations management; Content technologies and 508 compliance; New standards in content interoperability; Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Content Management; Latest Search and text-mining technologies: beyond the hype; Comparative approaches for using XML to manage authoritative content; How different enterprises have successfully implemented records management solutions; What lessons can be drawn from hard experience; Role of new media technologies – blogs, wikis, and RSS; The future of web publishing; How non-profits, associations, publishing, and other firms are managing growing volumes of content successfully.

Speaking proposals are due January 29th.

The Enterprise Search Challenge

Enterprise Search has been an illusive dream for too many organizations for too many years. Search technology is ubiquitous but the “holy grail” for most organizations is to be able to find all content within the organization through a single query interface. My instinct is to give a chronology of search over the past four or five decades to guide your understanding of why enterprise search has remained so “out of reach.” I could also describe the ways in which search technologies have evolved and morphed with hundreds of functions and thousands of features. It would certainly help explain why the typical company has a daunting task narrowing its options but it would probably not quicken the selection process.

For now, one view of the current market segmentation is a starting point. Sue Feldman, Research VP, Content Management and Retrieval Solutions at IDC, gave the audience a high level view of the market in a session at Gilbane Boston 2006. She placed enterprise search technology into three big buckets: Appliances and Downloadable Search, Enterprise Search (software) Platforms, and Application Specific Search embedded with other software. She then broadly described the features and functions that characterize each major type. If you have grown up with search in your professional life for over 30 years as I have, it makes perfect sense that this is what we have come to in the market but differentiating the options is a step far less clear-cut.

After the sessions, 15 conference-goers joined me to continue discussing and learning about enterprise search in a roundtable forum. It was hard to know which end of the search animal we should address first to help everyone speak the same language. That is precisely what is making this marketplace such a tough one. Vendors represent a huge variety of solutions, each positioning product(s) for a problem of their definition, offering technology that targets the specific problem. Buyers have multiple search needs but still want a single solution. Further complicating the mix is a dizzying array of search jargon. With vendors and buyers using their own language the market is, frankly, a real mess.

Take Ms. Feldman’s three big buckets and think of one example of search product in each category. Now think about all the types of searches that people in your organization need to perform just to get their routine work done:

  • Looking up an address in a directory
  • Finding an image for a presentation
  • Retrieving a press release your department issued last year on a new product
  • Locating a configuration change to a piece of equipment in manufacturing
  • and so on…

Can you imagine any single search interface or product from the tools you know that would give you the means to find all of these pieces of information? Can you imagine a single search tool that would answer your query in a couple of simple steps, and able to perform the functions right out of the box? Simple solutions that address the complexity of business variables and technology standards in most organizations make any single solution an unlikely candidate at a reasonable cost.

Blog readers can request answers to questions, ask for help with sorting out the marketplace or definitions to understand the jargon. I invite readers to tell me what you think needs to be talked about and I’ll give it my best shot. What do you need to know first to tread through the search marketplace?

Gilbane San Francisco Call for Papers Deadline is… Tomorrow!

A quick reminder to submit your speaking proposals before tomorrow’s deadline. We do take proposals after the deadlines but the opportunities dwindle rapidly. For details on how to submit a proposal see: Email proposals to
Gilbane San Francisco –, April 10-12, 2007, Palace Hotel.
Call for Papers Deadline: January 3rd, 2007

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