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Category: Content management & strategy (Page 219 of 469)

This category includes editorial and news blog posts related to content management and content strategy. For older, long form reports, papers, and research on these topics see our Resources page.

Content management is a broad topic that refers to the management of unstructured or semi-structured content as a standalone system or a component of another system. Varieties of content management systems (CMS) include: web content management (WCM), enterprise content management (ECM), component content management (CCM), and digital asset management (DAM) systems. Content management systems are also now widely marketed as Digital Experience Management (DEM or DXM, DXP), and Customer Experience Management (CEM or CXM) systems or platforms, and may include additional marketing technology functions.

Content strategy topics include information architecture, content and information models, content globalization, and localization.

For some historical perspective see:

Antenna House Releases XSL Formatter V3.4

Antenna House, Inc. announced that XSL Formatter V3.4, their newest XSL-FO processor, is now available. As an option Antenna House is offering with V3.4 the ability to support PANTONE Colors. The PANTONE Option provides the ability for more than 1000 PANTONE Colors to be converted into RGB or CMYK values automatically. V3.3 also offers improvements many new enhancements that have been implemented through FO extensions. These include: 1) PANTONE Colors can now be supported using the new PANTONE Option; 2) show-distination is now effective with Distiller; 3) axf:document-info has been extended and the magnification and the action, etc. when opening PDF can be specified. The document information dialog for this function is also newly added; 4) in SVG is supported; 5) Line Numbering is now able to be output; 6) Extension for European Rule is newly provided; 7) axf:avoid-widow-words is now available to specify so that the last line of the paragraph does not become one word; 8) overflow=”error-if-overflow” is supported; 9) When layout=”auto” is specified for the table, the number of rows can now be controlled by the option setting file.

Jack Welch on Content Management

I saw Jack Welch speak at a conference the other day, and he had a lot to say about content management.

OK, not really.

But he did have a lot to say about success, and about how to effect change in an organization. It was a manufacturing audience, so he touched on quality initiatives like Six Sigma, and he made the point that you should always put good people in charge of such initiatives. “Don’t pick the guy who is a year from retirement and shows it,” he said. “People can tell who the turkeys are.”

This reminded me of a recent discussion I moderated on implementing new technology. The question came up about success factors in implementing new systems, and one theme emerged again and again–new initiatives need champions. The conventional wisdom has become that technology projects need executive champions, but we ended up agreeing that projects need champions in the trenches too. I think of my own experiences with successful projects, where there were always stubborn, determined developers and content owners who bulled through technical glitches, patched software, and system crashes. No major project unfolds without setbacks. You need to have a certain doggedness. And if I could have asked Welch such a question (400 or so people were fighting for the microphone), I would imagine he would say doggedness is a good quality as well.

Ipedo Releases New Version of Enterprise Information Integration (EII) Platform

Ipedo announced the latest version of its EII platform. Ipedo XIP 4.1 incorporates several new product enhancements that focus on improving the user experience in enterprise deployments. Web Services Tables, a dynamic mapping of Web Services to virtual relational tables, allows seamless integration between SQL-based business intelligence applications and XML-based Web Services. The release also features a new management console that improves system manageability, and several additions to Ipedo’s query optimization engine that improve the performance of large and complex queries. Ipedo XIP leverages SQL and XQuery to integrate and manage information from disparate, complex data sources to enable real-time business decisions. A complete set of Ipedo XIP demos is available online. Ipedo XIP 4.1 will be available on December 20, 2005 for Windows 2000, Windows NT, Sun Solaris, Red Hat Linux and SuSE Linux. Pricing is on a per-CPU basis.

Nexidia Launches New Business Unit to Expand into Rich Media Search

Nexidia announced the formation of a media business unit to address audio-video search and content management using Nexidia’s core phonetic search technology. Currently, Nexidia’s technology is used to enable both government and commercial enterprises to leverage untapped information previously locked away in audio files. The growth in rich media content has created a market need to go beyond traditional metadata approaches and unlock the rich information contained in audio and video in order to easily index, search and access this content.

W3C Hosts Feed Validation Service

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announced a W3C Feed Validation Service, a free online tool which helps check the syntax of syndication feeds in formats such as RSS and Atom. This service is based on the open source software feedvalidator (the same software running the service at Feedvalidator was written by Sam Ruby, Mark Pilgrim, Joseph Walton, and Phil Ringnalda and is under development over at sourceforge. In addition to the existing features of the feedvalidator, the W3C has made available a SOAP web service for the W3C feed validation service, and hopes that it will be a useful resource for the automatic or batch validation of feeds. This service is, for the moment, still quite experimental, and may have bugs or problems.

SDL Introduces Technology Partner Program

SDL International introduced the SDL Partner Program for technology partners. This new initiative is designed to accelerate the delivery of GIM solutions. The SDL Partner Program establishes an ecosystem for global information management (GIM). Technology partners offer content-related technology that can be incorporated into GIM solutions, ranging from authoring to content management to localization to publishing. The SDL Partner Program proactively assists partners to effectively deliver GIM solutions by providing marketing and sales support, technical materials and SDKs, and access to SDL software and technology. The program so far includes EMC Documentum, Interwoven, Blast Radius, Trisoft, Tridion, Astoria Software, Day, XyEnterprise, Alchemy, and PASS.

Justsystems Adding Native XML Support to IBM’s DB2 ‘Viper’

Justsystems Inc. announced that it is working with IBM to deliver a solution for native XML applications based on IBM’s next version of DB2, code-named ‘Viper’. The combination of Viper and Justsystems’ xfy front-end application platform will provide native support for XML content handling and business intelligence. xfy Enterprise Solution for DB2 Viper1 serves as a platform for creating and running native XML applications extremely rapidly. It is based on xfy Basic Edition 1.0, released in Oct. 2005. On the xfy platform, a document becomes the fundamental executable unit of an XML application, an “XML Object” that contains both data and business logic. xfy Enterprise Solution for DB2 Viper provides semi-automated, real-time application creation from existing XML resources, such as XML Schema or XQuery results. xfy Enterprise Solution for DB2 Viper is written in Java and runs on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. xfy Basic Edition 1.0 and xfy Developer’s Toolkit 1.0 are available free for noncommercial individual or academic use. xfy Enterprise Solution for DB2 Viper consists of xfy Enterprise Solution 1.0 and DB2 Viper Extension kit. xfy Enterprise Solution 1.0 is scheduled for release in June, 2006. The DB2 Viper Extension Kit will follow.

Inxight Announces SmartDiscovery Awareness Server 5.4

Inxight Software announced Inxight SmartDiscovery Awareness Server 5.4, which allows users to query a variety of internal and external sources from one search box, and then to cluster and filter the results by the most relevant people, companies, concepts (noun phrases), places and other entities mentioned in them, speeding access to information. For example, government analysts can access open and classified sources with a single query and then see and filter by the most relevant concepts, weapons, organizations and people mentioned in documents to pinpoint information of interest. Brand managers can search multiple news agencies, analyst reports and internal information to see the companies, concepts and products most often mentioned in conjunction with their own company and a search term of interest. Drug researchers can access Medline, subscription journals and other relevant websites to see and filter results by the genes, kinases and other information most commonly associated with a given search term. SmartDiscovery Awareness Server is preconfigured out of the box to search and track data from more than 600 online and enterprise sources. It ranks this information by relevance and provides a variety of intelligent filtering and preview options, including entity, category and source clustering. Customized alerts and page tracking automatically inform users of new and updated information. Entity extraction is accomplished when used with Inxight SmartDiscovery Analysis Server, which “reads” text and automatically detects people, companies, places, concepts (noun phrases) and many other entities out-of-the-box, without the need for complicated taxonomies, tuning or pre-defined lists. The system leverages existing Single Sign-On (SSO) and authentication schemes to provide secure access to subscription and other password-protected data sources.

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