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Category: Content management & strategy (Page 141 of 468)

This category includes editorial and news blog posts related to content management and content strategy. For older, long form reports, papers, and research on these topics see our Resources page.

Content management is a broad topic that refers to the management of unstructured or semi-structured content as a standalone system or a component of another system. Varieties of content management systems (CMS) include: web content management (WCM), enterprise content management (ECM), component content management (CCM), and digital asset management (DAM) systems. Content management systems are also now widely marketed as Digital Experience Management (DEM or DXM, DXP), and Customer Experience Management (CEM or CXM) systems or platforms, and may include additional marketing technology functions.

Content strategy topics include information architecture, content and information models, content globalization, and localization.

For some historical perspective see:

Webinar: Ingersoll Rand, Club Car’s Strategy for Multilingual Product Documentation

Tuesday, Febuary 3rd, 2009: 11am EST / 10am CST / 8am PST
In the manufacturing industry, the pace of innovation in multinational product design and engineering can create a gulf between product availability and multilingual product documentation delivery. The result can negatively affect customer satisfaction, regulatory compliance programs, and global perception of product quality.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how the technical publications group at Ingersoll Rand, Club Car has closed this gap by:

  • Introducing manufacturing innovation into technical publications processes.
  • Collaborating with sales support to maintain and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Automating links between authoring, localization/translation, and publishing with technologies such as XML and translation memory.
  • Increasing the volume of multilingual product documentation without raising costs.

Join us to hear first-hand experience and best practices advice from Jeff Kennedy, Manager of Engineering Information and Systems at Ingersoll Rand, Club Car. Joined by Gilbane Senior Analyst Karl Kadie and Sajan Chief Marketing Officer Vern Hanzlik, this webinar discussion is a companion to Gilbane’s Club Car case study.

Register today. Moderated by Gilbane Group. Hosted by Sajan.

Adobe Announces LiveCycle Developer Express via Amazon Web Services

Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) announced the immediate availability of Adobe LiveCycle ES Developer Express software, a full version of Adobe LiveCycle ES hosted in the Amazon Web Services cloud computing environment. Using the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) technologies, Adobe’s offering provides a virtual, self-contained development environment where enterprise developers can prototype, develop, and test Adobe LiveCycle ES applications without needing to install and configure Adobe LiveCycle ES themselves. With Adobe LiveCycle ES Developer Express, Adobe LiveCycle ES applications are pre-configured as ready to run server instances on the Amazon EC2 server. This can help reduce the time required to boot new server instances to minutes, allowing enterprise developers to quickly begin testing and modifying applications. Developers can effectively bullet-proof their applications without having to invest in a development environment or test lab. Old projects may be deleted or saved for future access and new projects can begin without any cleanup required from the last install. Adobe LiveCycle ES Developer Express is immediately available to all members of the Adobe Enterprise Developer Program.,

Systems Alliance Releases Enhancement Pack 4 for SiteExecutive 4.1 Web Content Management Software

Systems Alliance, Inc. announced the release of Enhancement Pack 4, a software update for the company’s SiteExecutive 4.1 Web content management application. With Enhancement Pack 4, Systems Alliance introduces the SiteExecutive Application Framework, a new mechanism for developing dynamic Web content, along with a blog application, automatic spam reduction capabilities and other improvements. The new Application Framework provides an alternative custom development option for modeling, managing and delivering dynamic or structured content. Content created with the Application Framework can take the form of a Web page, XML feed or virtually any other MIME type. And, the SiteExecutive Application Framework produces search-engine friendly content with human-readable URLs, as well as content-specific browser titles and meta tags.

The Blog Application is the first SiteExecutive component developed using the new Application Framework. It enables the provisioning and management of one or many individual blogs, and offers an easy-to-use interface for managing blog posts and comments.

Other SiteExecutive blog features include: Scheduling posts for advanced publishing, Generating or consuming RSS feeds, Notification and comment approval workflow, Captcha to eliminate robot-generated comments, Keyword and calendar views, and Viewlets for displaying blog content on other SiteExecutive pages or templates.

Enhancement Pack 4 includes a built-in Spam reduction feature which automatically recognizes and rejects robot-generated submissions, saving site owners from the time-wasting task of sorting through junk form submissions.


Meet Gilbane: SDL GIM Chicago

We travel to the Windy City on January 21 for the next event in SDL‘s series on global information management. Speakers from Fair Isaac and Garmin will share their experiences with creating, translating, managing and publishing multilingual content. Gilbane’s kick-off presentation looks at trends and best practices emerging from our research on how companies are aligning multilingual content practices with business goals and objectives.
Registration is open to anyone with an interest in managing content for global audiences.

What’s Your Elevator Pitch?

First, Happy New Year from the Content Globalization team & hope your holiday season included rest and relaxation. Now back to it!

I’m not big on once a year resolutions; I like ongoing “continuations” better – i.e. keep doing what works and throw out what doesn’t. In terms of our education mission, what worked best in 2008 is exactly what we set out to do via our inaugural mandate — talk to practitioners, CIOs, strategists and fellow analysts about our view of the “globalization mandate” and understand how it fits into the “field view.” So in terms of “continuations,” we’re increasing this commitment — because it works.

Our 2008 experiences throughout corporate consulting gigs and Gilbane conferences underscore a simple truth — when folks share, communities gather, and corporate operational champions for multilingual communications band together, “things” happen. And our “thing” is solidifying industry awareness that content is a vital part of web experience, customer satisfaction, and multinational expansion programs. The monolingual “one size fits all” approach? Doesn’t work.

So what’s with my elevator pitch title? It’s an ongoing conversation we’re having with our community about making the business case for content globalization strategies that are funded, valued, measured and successful. Basically, the elevator pitch for multilingual communications in five minutes or less. Here’s one of our favorites, courtesy David Lee from 3M:
content matters.png

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