Netlify, a platform for modern web development, announced a new Adobe Experience Manager integration to ease the transition from legacy web architecture to composable architecture. Now, AEM users will be able to leverage Netlify headless CMS to accelerate business goals, streamline workflows, and reduce the number of touchpoints needed across multi-channel projects.

The AEM integration built by Netlify partner VShift benefits business level decision-makers, developers, marketers, and customers throughout the migration process. The new tool will:

  • Deliver improved speed to market by facilitating publishing pages and content quickly and efficiently
  • Connect to composable tools to improve workflows
  • Ensure improved personalization capacity in components and branding
  • Enable a seamless integration of omnichannel touchpoints

In addition to the AEM Integration, Netlify and its partner ecosystem offer several accelerators to ease the transition from monolithic to composable architecture:

GEAR Accelerator by Valtech is tailored for the manufacturing industry focusing on aftermarket commerce via customer portals.

XCentium’s Composable Accelerator offers customizable solutions for the financial services industry with multi-language support and technology integration.

CAFE Accelerator by Apply Digital helps enterprises accelerate project timelines with a flexible suite of tools and integrations. Ideal for rapid proofs of concept and solution-led projects.