Box, Inc. announced that end user queries in Box AI for Hubs, Documents, and Notes will be unlimited for customers on its Enterprise Plus plan. Box also unveiled a new set of features in Box AI that includes an integration with GPT-4o, support for image and spreadsheet files, and the Box AI for Metadata API.

  • Integration with GPT-4o: Box plans to support the new GPT-4o model in Box AI. GPT-4o provides advanced capabilities that help Box Hubs deliver higher quality answers and increased support for over 20 additional languages. Box Hubs users will also benefit from enhanced text-related functionalities including multimodal understanding, ethical and sensitive content handling, and task-specific adaptation.
  • Support for additional file types: Box will support natural language queries on image file formats. Users will be able to execute commands for precise data analysis in spreadsheets, simplifying interactions with large structured data sets.
  • All-New Metadata API: Developers will be able to integrate Box AI with custom applications using the new Box AI for Metadata API to automatically extract key information from documents. Customers will be able to automate processes based on file metadata, extract key fields from unstructured content, and save information to external applications such as Salesforce.