As a member of Linked Data Benchmark Council, Vesoft (NebulaGraph) participates in the formulation and promotion of GQL standards and announced its GQL native support in NebulaGraph Enterprise v5.0.

ISO/IEC released the international standard of Graph Query Language (GQL) on April 12th, 2024. This publication establishes the foundations for property graphs, covering their creation, maintenance, and control, along with the data they comprise. It also standardizes the data management language for outlining and modifying the structure of these graphs and their collections.

GQL standards help to ensure data portability and manipulation across GQL implementations, and compatibility with programming languages and database tools. It will foster a dynamic graph database ecosystem and lower the entry barrier for this technology, enabling more enterprises to effectively utilize graph databases for complex relational data.

Rather than just being compatible or adapted to GQL, NebulaGraph Enterprise v5.0 has been redesigned to support GQL at the overall architecture level: it is built on and designed for GQL for data compatibility and interoperability, thereby amplifying the business value of graph databases across various scenarios. Native support for GQL means that enterprises can directly benefit from enhanced interoperability, improved stability, enhanced security, and more cost-efficient maintenance.