Weaviate announced the release of a generative search module for OpenAI’s GPT-3, and other generative AI models (Cohere, LaMDA) to follow. The module allows Weaviate users and customers to integrate with those models and eliminates hurdles that currently limit the utility of such models in business use cases.

Generative models have so far been limited by a centralized and generic knowledge base that leaves them unable to answer business-specific questions. Weaviate’s generative module removes this limitation by allowing users to specify that the model work from users’ own Weaviate vector database. The solution combines language abilities like those of ChatGPT with a vector database that is relevant, secure, updated in real time, and less prone to hallucination.

Weaviate’s open-source generative AI module is now available to download. The new model also integrates with the company’s SaaS and hybrid SaaS products for use by clients with service-level agreements.

The Weaviate vector-search engine is a “third wave” database technology. Data is processed by a machine learning model first, and AI models help process, store, and search through it. As a result, Weaviate is not limited to natural language; Weaviate can also search images, audio, video, or even genetic information.
