Syncro Soft announced the availability of Oxygen Feedback 2.1 for cloud and enterprise editions. The new version of Oxygen Feedback offers new enhancements such as a new page ratings component that gives your website users the power to vote on the quality of your web pages through customizable prompts, a Page Ratings statistics page in the administration interface that displays the top pages that have received votes for the current site configuration, and the option for the users with an administrative role to receive daily reports of the pages that were rated within the past 24 hours.

The block-level comments feature also received several updates that allow you to enable or disable block-level comments in the output, outline the current block on hover, as well as a better placement of the widget so that the comment can be more precisely attached to an element within a hierarchy of elements. Other improvements include the ability to automatically insert selected content as a quote in a new comment, filter reopened comments, and receive notifications when your comments are resolved.