Nstein Technologies Inc. announced the release of a new product, Semantic Site Search (3S). 3S leverages Nstein’s text-mining technology to power a faceted site search which returns results that are organized categorically. 3S can ingest content from many different indices from many different web publishing platforms, meaning it indexes material across multiple properties. 3S’ embedded Text Mining Engine (TME) identifies concepts, categories, proper names, places, organizations, sentiment and topics in particular content pieces and then annotates those documents, creating a semantic fingerprint that exposes underlying nuances and meaning in content. 3S is also boasts a visual interface that is designed to allow administrators to tweak search sensitivity algorithms without having to modify hard code. 3S comes bundled with front-end wiidgets which could be used to point users to “similar content”, “most recent content”, or other identifying characteristics of content that one wants to promote. http://www.nstein.com