Convera announced the release of twenty domain-specific semantic network cartridges to enhance enterprise search accuracy, relevancy and personalization. The plug-and-play cartridges, which come from Convera’s recent acquisition of Semantix Inc., allow customers to work with vocabularies more relevant to their specific business or industry. The new pre-packaged cartridges plug into Convera’s RetrievalWare enterprise search, retrieval and categorization solution, and join Convera’s existing selection of cartridges that support a wide range of languages. The twenty semantic network cartridges, supported by RetrievalWare’s concept-based searching method, include thousands of terms and concepts unique to the following industries: Army, Biology, Chemistry, Computers, Electronics, Finance, Food Science, Geography, Geology, Health Sciences, Information Science, Law, Mathematics, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), Petroleum Natural Gas & Petrochemicals, Pharmacology, Physics, Plastics, Rubber, and Telecommunications.