BEA Systems, Inc. announced the availability of BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0 and BEA WebLogic Integration 2.1. The new products are designed to simplify the development, integration and presentation of applications, systems, and business processes spanning an enterprise’s employees, customers, and partners. BEA also announced the BEA Portal Star Solution, BEA Portlet Gallery and more than 65 partners supporting BEA WebLogic Portal and BEA WebLogic Integration.
In a separate BEA announcement, the BEA Portal Star Solution is now available, with 66 partners initially committed to join. This BEA partner initiative is designed for partners who want to build application portlets for BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0, integrate their applications to BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0, or develop consulting practices around the product. With Portal Star Solution partners, customers will be able to create portals with pre-integrated partner solutions for content management, search, syndicated content, security, collaboration, and analytics. Some of the partners are: AltaVista, Autonomy, Inc., Artesia, Bowstreet, BoxCar, Business Objects, Cardonet, CrystalDecisions, divine, inc., Documentum, Entegrity, E.piphany, FatWire, FileNET, Gauss, Hyperion, Informatica, Inktomi, Interwoven, Intraspect, Netegrity, NetGenesis, NewsEdge, Oblix, OnePage, PeopleSoft, Reef, ScreamingMedia, RSA/Securant, Selectica, Stellent, Venetica, Verity, and Vignette.BEA WebLogic Integration 2.1 is available for download. BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0 is scheduled to be generally available for download on Oct. 29.