TREEV, Inc. announced a new agreement with Sequoia Software Corporation. TREEV will integrate Sequoia’s XML Portal Server (XPS) as a core component of its strategic e-business solutions. Using the new integrated solution, customers will increase their ability to access and leverage information stored within TREEV products, legacy information spanning multiple platforms and dynamic Internet-based services and repositories. This partnership will combine TREEV’s broad range of content and process management solutions with Sequoia’s interactive e-business platform to provide customers with a faster, more effective way of interacting with stored information. With this solution, businesses will be able to provide their employees, customers and partners with personalized Web pages to access and act on information aggregated from within an organization’s valuable corporate resources, external Web content and supply chain partners. This technology addresses the process automation and content management challenge with a solution that organizes existing corporate content concurrently with Web content. This combined solution will meet a growing need for software products that can sift through the increasing volumes of corporate and Internet-based information to identify, facilitate and automate e-business opportunities. By using XML, the combined technologies of TREEV and Sequoia XPS will be capable of integrating, extracting and aggregating user-defined data and content from any variety of disparate information sources, enabling access and interaction with the most relevant information available and personalizing it according to individual user or supply chain partner needs.,
Year: 2000 (Page 42 of 63)
EDGAR Online, Inc. announced it is working with over 30 other companies and organizations on the XBRL Project Committee to develop and launch XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language). XBRL, formerly code named XFRML, is a free, new XML-based specification that uses accepted financial reporting standards and practices to exchange financial reports across all software and technologies, including the Internet. Members of the XBRL Project Committee represent the financial, accounting, software and governmental communities from around the world. XBRL for financial statements, developed by the Committee as the first product in a future family of XBRL-based products, is currently under review for comments by the accounting profession and is anticipated to reach the market in July 2000. XBRL streamlines the financial information supply chain that includes public and private companies, the accounting profession, data aggregators, the investment community and all other users of financial statements. XBRL offers several key benefits: technology independence, full interoperability, efficient preparation of financial statements and reliable extraction of financial information. Information is entered only once, allowing that same information to be rendered in any form, such as a printed financial statement, an HTML document for the company’s Web site, an EDGAR filing document with the SEC, a raw XML file or other specialized reporting formats such as credit reports or loan documents.
Tumbleweed Communications Corp. announced Tumbleweed Integrated Messaging Exchange 4.0. IME 4.0 includes significant improvements for both senders and recipients of secure communication. For example, IME 4.0 includes Tumbleweed Secure Inbox, a feature that enables e-businesses to create a protected repository for each customer to whom they send documents. A user with a Secure Inbox has a safe place to receive, store and manage confidential data, the means to securely reply to or forward documents they receive, and the ability to create and send their own secure documents via IME. Users can access their private Secure Inboxes via their existing e-mail clients or web browsers. Tumbleweed IME 4.0 also includes new features for senders of secure messages. With auto-enrollment, advanced policy controls and deeper message tracking capabilities, IME 4.0 provides the infrastructure to support the preparation and delivery of any type of business document online. IME 4.0 leverages a company’s existing infrastructure and is easily integrated with back-end systems. It features a range of security options, including digital certificate integration, encryption, SSL and web-based implementation of S/MIME, which shipped as part of IME 3.0.
The news industry’s technical standards body has approved two major working papers for its latest XML initiative, NewsML, and authorized retention of a consultant to produce a working draft by this summer. At its spring meeting in Nice, the International Press Telecommunications Council also ratified improvements to the News Industry Text Format, the XML-based text markup standard, and expansions to its subject code list to provide for better coverage of the Summer Olympic Games. The two NewsML papers are part of the IPTC 2000 initiative launched last fall to develop an XML-based framework for structuring and managing news objects in a multimedia environment. They are: Requirements Specification (, and Encoding Decisions, a guideline on how XML is to be used to construct NewsML ( The goal is to have a draft ready for review for the IPTC Annual General Meeting in early July in Geneva. …. Two NewsML working parties have scheduled meetings in London next month to continue their work. The News Structure and Management group will meet May 15-17, followed by the News Text group May 17-19. In other action at the spring meeting the NITF Maintenance Working Party won approval to streamline the text standard in two ways: (1) structural changes, to refine the organization of NITF documents, and improve definitions of container elements so their use is consistent; and (2) tag clarification, to eliminate redundant and unnecessary tags. The NITF Maintenance group was formed in January to manage changes to the standard and prepared these proposals at a meeting in February. Additional changes are pending and another meeting is expected before the July AGM. (The updated DTD is available at or The IPTC also agreed to pursue contacts with groups developing other media standards as it develops NewsML and maintains the NITF. These include MPEG-7, a metadata standard for audio and video objects; PRISM, an XML initiative for magazine publishing; and SMPTE/EBU, an advanced authoring format for the broadcasting industry.
Vality Technology introduced INTEGRITY eSearch, a product indexing and high-speed matching engine that makes it easy for consumers and businesses to find the products they are looking for in Web catalogs. The initial component of Vality’s e-Quality Content Management (“eQCM”) solution, eSearch guarantees rapid time-to-market for deploying Web catalogs. The software also improves matches between Web search requests and available catalog items, improving customer experience and driving more transactions. INTEGRITY eSearch optimizes the indexing and matching process for content with complex formatting or structure, such as product catalog information, materials, and parts databases. The software allows companies to leverage existing product data to quickly develop Web catalog indexes that deliver accurate, reliable search results. INTEGRITY eSearch’s matching technology allows customers to employ their own terminology to successfully search an online catalog without knowing the product categories. The software’s built-in tolerance for search term ambiguity simplifies searching while ensuring dependable results, making it easier for customers to find the products they want. INTEGRITY eSearch is based on probabilistic matching technologies. The software ranks search results based on a statistical score that provides a meaningful measure of how closely the result matches the query. This approach enables INTEGRITY eSearch to return the best set of matching candidates for any query – regardless of spelling errors, incomplete query information or quality of the indexed data.
Ektron, Inc. announced the newest version of its eWebEditPro with new functionality including well formed HTML and Office 2000 compatibility. eWebEditPro now provides HTML that conforms to the rules of XML, and it easily allows users to cut and paste from Office 2000 without losing formatting. eWebEditPro is a business-user-friendly content editor designed for dynamic Web sites. This browser-based tool puts content authoring in the hands of business users, while allowing Webmasters to maintain control over the look and feel of their sites. eWebEditPro offers a familiar Word-like toolbar that is used directly within a site or browser-based application. It allows anyone to author and publish content (text, tables, images, links, etc.) – without requiring HTML proficiency. The new release of eWebEditPro opens up the tool for new XML enabled international language support that allows users to import text in their native language, e.g.: German, French. This feature allows the editor to be naturalized for any international language. It also offers secure ASP image upload capabilities for securely passing images over authenticated networks. Additionally, eWebEditPro now offers a custom tag for the content management portion of Allaire’s Spectra.
Infoteria Corporation announced the availability of iXSLT. iXSLT is a full-featured commercial XSLT processor. XSLT is the W3C recommended specification for transforming XML documents into other XML documents or into HTML. iXSLT is fully compliant with W3’s XSLT Version 1.0. IXSLT is implemented in C++ and is available in three configurations: 1) an EXE module which can be run from the command line; 2) a DLL which can be accessed from within C++ programs; and 3) a COM version for those who will need to use it with Active Server Pages (ASP) or Visual Basic applications. The DLL configuration is capable of very high speed processing of multiple XML documents by pre-loading XSLT files. The EXE version can be used on a web server as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) module. The Japanese version of iXSLT is available now for Microsoft Windows 95/98, Windows NT and Windows 2000. The English version will be available April 1st. iXSLT pricing starts at $8,000. In addition, it is sold as a part of Infoteria’s XML Solution Components. Users of iHTML 1.0 are entitled to a free upgrade.
BEA Systems, Inc. announced new releases of the BEA WebLogic 5.1 product line, an integrated family of e-commerce application servers that include BEA WebLogic Server 5.1 and BEA WebLogic Enterprise 5.1. The BEA WebLogic 5.1 application servers deliver a platform for a wide range of e-business environments by incorporating significant new e-commerce technologies, including support for WML (Wireless Markup Language) and XML for rapid development of mobile applications and business-to-business market places. In the latest release of BEA WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 all the Java functionality in WebLogic Server 5.1 has been merged into WebLogic Enterprise 5.1, combining all of BEA’s Java, CORBA and BEA Tuxedo application technologies in a single integrated product. With support for WML and integration with WAP servers from market leaders such as Nokia, BEA WebLogic 5.1 application servers enable companies to rapidly build personalized and reliable e-commerce applications for wireless devices such as mobile phones and PDAs. BEA WebLogic 5.1 application servers also provide a core set of services to facilitate business-to-business collaboration over the Internet by integrating XML with BEA WebLogic applications and J2EE services. This technology enables new E-Market Integration solutions such as BEA’s upcoming eProcess Integrator, a Java-based business workflow engine, and “Project E-Collaborate,” a dynamic B2B software infrastructure that allows companies to rapidly create Internet-based trading communities. BEA WebLogic Server 5.1 is available from BEA immediately and BEA WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 will be available in May 2000.