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Day: April 25, 1999

Optika Announces Relationship with Xerox Professional Services

Optika Inc. announced the company has signed Xerox Professional Services (XPS) as a reseller of the company’s products, including Optika eMedia. Optika’s strategic alliance with Xerox provides sales access to the Xerox customer base and broadens the worldwide distribution of Optika eMedia technology. Under the agreement, XPS will market Optika eMedia to customers worldwide. Optika eMedia, Optika’s extranet-based software solution, automates all types of business transactions between companies and their supply chain partners. It is an-integrated software solution that combines imaging and document management, workflow and COLD applications with a Web-based architecture to manage the full range of business documents and transactions — both in paper and electronic formats.,

DT Software Releases Version 5.2 of dtsearch

DT Software, Inc. introduces Version 5.2 of dtSearch, dtSearch Web and dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine. The new releases offer developers and large enterprises even more flexible handling of data sources across PCs, networks, intranets, and the Internet. It includes built-in file and image viewers for popular file types, and automatically recognizes, searches and displays documents with search “hits” highlighted. dtSearch 5.2 features more seamless support for heterogeneous language environments for international organizations and other mixed-language users. dtSearch Web 5.2 adds an easier, frames-based user interface for navigating search results and retrieved documents. It also adds support for highlighting “hits” in PDF files through the browser interface, similar to the way that dtSearch Web already highlighted “hits” in HTML documents. Additionally, it includes a simple Active Server Pages interface that makes it easy for corporate web developers to add highly customized search features to a web site.

Infodata Introduces CORRControl

Infodata Systems Inc.introduced CORRControl, a Web-based off-the-shelf solution that can be customized for end-to-end digital management of federal agency correspondence. CORRControl handles every step, from correspondence scanning, processing and archiving to compliance with Freedom of Information Act and Paper Reduction Act requirements to meeting agency-specific guidelines for use of control numbers, subject codes, salutations and attachments. CORRControl replaces traditional manual correspondence systems that depend on hard copies of a document moving from one person to another, or from many people to many other people. CORRControl simply maintains one digital version of the original document, making it accessible to multiple people simultaneously. CORRControl combines hardware, commercial off-the-shelf software, a Web interface and customized programming to handle document conversion and document management. CORRControl comes with PDF conversion software, PPM scanners, and scan stations.

InterCAP Demonstrates WebCGM Implementation

InterCAP Graphics Systems, Inc unveiled the world’s first implementation of WebCGM at the XML Europe ’99 Trade Show in Granada, Spain.The new version of software being released this fall will enable users to produce intelligent, WebCGM-compatible graphics that can be viewed on any WebCGM-compatible browser, including InterCAP’s ActiveCGM Browsers for Windows and UNIX platforms. WebCGM is the W3C Recommendation for standard use of CGM vector graphics in Web-based applications. Announced by the W3C in January, WebCGM offers a standard approach for the effective application of the international CGM standard in hyperlinking and document navigation, picture structuring and layering, and searches and queries. WebCGM has been a collaborative effort of the CGM Open Consortium and the W3C to enable interoperability of Version 4 CGM across all Web document applications. The standard will enable CGM users to leverage existing validation tools, test suites, and product certification testing services for their applications.

ESPS Teams with FileNet on Compliance Management

ESPS Inc. (Electronic Submission Publishing Systems Inc.) announced a strategic partnership with FileNET Corp. Under the terms of the agreement, ESPS will integrate FileNET’s Panagon IDM software with its CoreDossier product suite to deliver solutions to customers concerned with the development and submission of large regulatory and business-compliance document collections. ESPS will take advantage of FileNET’s

Sun-Netscape Unveil Catalog Management

The Sun-Netscape Alliance unveiled the Catalog Management Service, an initiative that will provide buyers using Netscape BuyerXpert e-commerce application with access to catalog content from their suppliers. This new offering is the first initiative of the Sun-Netscape Alliance Supplier Network, a new set of services that enables buyers to purchase products and services from more than 5,000 suppliers that offer more than three million products. The Catalog Management Service provides buyers with four service options for obtaining catalog content data from suppliers. First, buyers can access catalog content directly from the suppliers’ Web sites using the Open Buying on the Internet (OBI) standard. Second, buyers can receive catalog feeds directly from suppliers in a standard way based on XML. Third, the Alliance is offering simple, useful supplier content to Netscape BuyerXpert customers in conjunction with Aspect Development. Finally, a custom catalog management service will be available to Netscape BuyerXpert customers through Aspect Development and Harbinger. The Alliance Supplier Network will provide products in categories such as maintenance, repair and operating items, office supplies, laboratory supplies and computer software and hardware.,

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