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Category: Gilbane events (Page 42 of 44)

These posts are about the Gilbane conferences. To see the actual programs see Information about our earlier Documation conferences see

CM Professionals Announces Fall 2005 Events

Content Management Professionals (CM Pros), the international content management community of practice, announced a series of events scheduled for Fall 2005. Building on the success of two previous events, this year’s schedule includes the Content Management Summit to be held in conjunction with ECMplaza in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on October 5, the Content Management Face-to-Face to be held in conjunction with the Content Management Forum in Aarhus, Denmark on November 8, and the Fall 2005 CM Pros Summit to be held in conjunction with the Gilbane Conference on Content Management Technologies in Boston, Massachusetts on November 28.

The Fall 2005 CM Pros Summit will kick off with an industry keynote, followed by roundtable discussions and workshops that will provide insights into the most effective ways to author or collect, store, manage and correlate data and content to facilitate customization and personalization. Underscoring the many valuable benefits of CM Pros membership, CM Pros members will receive with each Summit registration a 100 Euro discount coupon for ECMplaza or Content Management Forum or a $150 discount coupon for the Gilbane Conference.

Individuals who are not currently CM Pros members are eligible for a discounted CM Pros Summit/Membership package. Those who register by September 1 members and non-members alike qualify for a $25 discount.

On the morning following the Boston Summit, CM Pros members will gather for a new member orientation and committee and workshop meetings, during which the organization’s dedicated and hardworking members will collaborate on deliverables such as white papers and case studies.,

Anticipating Amsterdam

When I first read Frank’s post on the Future of Content Management debate in Amsterdam, it made me want to buy a plane ticket for just this one session. I’ve always liked these kinds of sessions – keynotes with thought leaders, the analyst panel, the “One Minute with a Vendor” panel, etc. I find them spontaneous, “off-the–cuff”, surprising, and real. They let actual users with bonafide concerns put competing vendors and analysts “in the hot seat” — in a forum without notes, prepared remarks or static research documents. It’s a real-time google of some of the most interesting minds in the business.
Regarding the keynote panel questions, here are some points to ponder IMO. Comment on this post or Frank’s original to submit your questions directly to the Amsterdam keynote panel or vendor panel.

  • The portal market is not dead unless you’re an analyst. The “portal” – sans the focus on vendor revenues that often define the “market” – is a concept, a strategy, a (dare I say it?) KM goal – that seeks to improve the productivity of a workgroup or enterprise through a common environment that promotes collaboration, communication, and efficiency within disparate business processes. My corporate interactions over the last year prove indisputably that this “concept” is pervasive throughout business drivers for technology purchases. So, do predictions of portal market death represent a fine example of analyst-vendor-customer disconnect? Does the SOA momentum hint at a portal market re-birth under a different label? Successes from “last pure-play standing” vendor Plumtree suggest that death is premature.
  • As I’ve said before, market competition between best of breed versus enterprise suite is alive and well. For an opinion from the vendor trenches, a CMSWatch Point-Counterpoint interview is a good read.
  • In terms of the keynote panel’s discussion on “what is a content platform” and Longhorn impact, what about Tiger? It’s been a lot of fun to monitor the headlines over this question. Beyond that amusement, the serious focus on content and search from the OS players is certainly good fodder for the content platform discussion.

With less than a week to go before the conference, I’m still tempted to buy a plane ticket – but that tax refund is long gone. I’ll just have to rely on live-blogging.

DITA Breakfast Seminar in Amsterdam

A complimentary breakfast seminar and discussion:
“Technology Directions: Driving DITA Adoption in Europe”, has been added to next week’s conference in Amsterdam on Friday, May 27, 8 – 10:00 a.m. IBM, Idiom and Nokia will present on DITA and its practical applications, while leading an open discussion focused specifically on the adoption of DITA-based publishing initiatives in Europe through establishing regular meetings, networking opportunities and education events. Panelists from Thursday’s presentation will be on hand, with the addition of Indi Leipa, senior information architect, Nokia.

IDEAlliance XTech 2005, Gilbane Conference Add Key Industry Sponsors for Joint Conferences in Amsterdam 24-27 May

For Immediate Release:


Microsoft, DocSoft, Idiom, Solace Software Join Impressive List of Sponsors, Exhibitors

Joy Blake Scott
Longleaf Public Relations
Jeffrey Arcuri
Lighthouse Seminars

Alexandria, VA and Cambridge, MA, May 12, 2005. XTech 2005 (formerly XML Europe) and the Gilbane Conference on Content Management today announced four new industry sponsors for their conferences, being held concurrently 24-27 May, 2005, at the Amsterdam RAI Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) joins Adobe Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADBE) and Blast Radius at the Gold Sponsorship level. At the Silver Sponsorship level, DocSoft, Idiom and Solace Systems have been added to a list of sponsors that includes Antenna House, Astoria Software, AuthorIT, Exegenix, Fast Search & Transfer™, Inc., Immediacy, O’Reilly, Percussion Software, Quark, Quasar Technology, Syncro Soft, and Vamosa. Justsystem Corporation is the Diamond Sponsor of both events.

“The list of sponsors and exhibitors at these events is truly a ‘who’s who’ in XML and related technologies,” says Marion L. Elledge, Vice President of Information Technology Alliances and Conferences, IDEAlliance. “From industry giants to smaller, cutting-edge firms, they cover the full spectrum of what’s happening in XML and content management today.”

“We couldn’t be more excited about the companies participating,” says Frank Gilbane, Gilbane Conference Chair. “Combined with the educational and networking opportunities of the two conferences, no one in the industry can afford to miss this unprecedented joint event.”

For information on presentations, sponsorships, exhibiting and other marketing opportunities at XTech 2005, visit For general information and to register to attend, visit

For more information on the Gilbane Conference on Content Management, visit:

About IDEAlliance
IDEAlliance (International Digital Enterprise Alliance) is a not-for-profit membership organization. Its mission is to advance user-driven, cross-industry solutions for all publishing and content-related processes by developing standards, fostering business alliances, and identifying best practices. Founded in 1966 as the Graphic Communications Association, IDEAlliance has been a leader in information technology – developing Document Markup Metalanguage (GENCODE), sponsoring the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), and fostering eXtensible Markup Language (XML). IDEAlliance builds on these languages to create specifications that enhance efficiency and speed information in all aspects of publishing and content-related processes. Learn more about IDEAlliance at

About Bluebill Advisors, The Gilbane Report 
Bluebill Advisors, Inc. serves the content management community with publications, conferences and consulting services. The Gilbane Report administers the Content Technology Works program disseminating best practices with partners Software AG (TECdax:SOW), Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ:SUNW), Artesia Technologies, Atomz, Astoria Software, ClearStory Systems (OTCBB:INCC), Context Media, Convera (NASDAQ:CNVR), IBM (NYSE:IBM ), Idiom Technologies, Mark Logic, Open Text (NASDAQ:OTEX), Trados, Vasont, and Vignette (NASDAQ:VIGN).

About Lighthouse Seminars
Lighthouse Seminars’ events cover information technologies and “content technologies” in particular. These include content management of all types, digital asset management, document management, web content management, enterprise portals, enterprise search, web and multi-channel publishing, electronic forms, authoring, content and information integration.



Future of Content Management debate in Amsterdam

Our opening keynote panel at our Amsterdam conference on 25 May, The Future of Content Management will be looking at strategic technology issues businesses, governments and NGOs need to be thinking about. Our panel is made up of technology executives who are responsible for a huge number of installed tools, and for strategic technology development at their respective firms. There will certainly be strong differences of opinion, but where this panel agrees on something, it will be worth knowing.

Some of the questions (with a few links to some of our views) we expect to ask the panel are:

  • There is a lot of debate about ECM (enterprise content management) suites vs. individual content applications. What is an “ECM suite”, and which approach makes the most sense, and why?
  • The proliferation of content applications and repositories has created a huge integration challenge. How will this get resolved? And when?
  • How will blog, wiki, and RSS technology affect content management applications?
  • Will taxonomies or “folksonomy” tagging technologies have a major impact on future CMS applications?
  • What is a content platform? Is it a repository? an index? a database, a file system? Does the concept of a content platform even even make sense? Will Longhorn’s WinFS change the game?
  • Are Portals dead for good? If so, what will take their place?
  • How will compliance requirements affect content technology, or digital/enterprise rights management products?
  • How will open source content management related software affect future content management implementations? How should it?
  • Are some open source software technologies more appropriate for enterprise content applications than others? If so, which ones and why?
  • Where in the software stack is the best place to provide basic content management functionality, e.g., management of content elements with attributes and metadata?
  • What percentage of enterprise content do you estimate is currently stored in XML? How do you see this changing in the next 12 -18 months? How will this affect technology development?
  • How will enterprise search and content management technology be integrated in the next 12 – 18 months?
  • What will be the most exciting content technology in the next 12 – 18 months?

If you have a question you would like to see us address, comment on this post, or send me an email.

Call for Papers: Gilbane Conference – Boston

Reminder: The deadline for submitting speaking proposals for our Boston conference on November 29 – December 1, is May 15. In fact, it helps to send proposals even sooner since we are already outlining the program. We’ll be covering our usual range of content management technologies, but will have a special focus on new technologies, and which ones are ready for prime time and what business applications they are appropriate for. Enterprise blog, wiki and RSS technologies will certainly be one major focus. There is some early guidance on this year’s topics here. If you are new to our events, you can see our typical content coverage and conference structure at last year’s Boston program, or this month’s San Francisco program.

See the instructions on how to submit proposals.

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