Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Category: Gilbane events (Page 38 of 44)

These posts are about the Gilbane conferences. To see the actual programs see Information about our earlier Documation conferences see

Gilbane Boston Keynote Survey Results

The survey on the list of questions for our keynote panel on Wednesday is still open, but we have published the results so far at:

There are a couple of different ways to calculate the most popular questions based on a combination of the “important”, “interesting” and “not interesting” ratings. You can look at the results and come to your own conclusions, but no matter how you do it the popular questions so far are:

  • What are the top 3 technologies that must be considered in any content management strategies in the next 12-24 months?
  • Are search ‘platforms’ going to replace CMSs as the primary user entrance to content repositories?
  • How will Blog and Wiki tools be used in enterprise content applications? How are they being used today?
  • What is the number one advantage, and the number one disadvantage of each of the approaches represented on the panel (ECM suite, CM application, infrastructure CM, hosted CM, open source CM)?
  • Are there any breakthrough classification or metadata tagging technologies on the horizon that will significantly impact content management strategies?
  • How is widespread adoption of RSS/Atom going to affect content delivery? And what does this mean to enterprise content management or publishing strategies?
  • How will the new SharePoint Server’s CM capability affect the CM market?

You still have 2 days to cast your vote, and to get to Boston to hear the keynote panel (which is open to all) debate these and other questions.

Next Week’s Gilbane Conference & Events Blog

You may have noticed we haven’t posted here as much about Gilbane Boston as we have about our previous events. That’s because we now have a special Events Blog. Although we will still mention important announcements here, we plan to keep posts on this blog focused on analysis and industry discussions, which may include opinions on conference sessions etc. The Events Blog, on the other hand, is set-up so that any of our conference team can post anything, including our event announcements, press releases, deadlines, discount offers, and all other promotional news. Other useful permanent event links are our Conference Overview page, and our Speaker Submission and Guidelines page. See the latest post on Gilbane Boston at

Gilbane Group, Omtool, & HP Webinar

Join us Thursday, November 9, 2006, 11:00 am EDT for “Eliminating the Fear Factor: Creating a Culture of Compliance.”
The Gilbane Group’s Leonor Ciarlone joins Omtool CTO Thaddeus Bouchard and HP Financial Services Solutions Manager Joseph Wagle to discuss how to make compliance practices a seamless part of your business processes. Webinar event hosted by Omtool.
Registration is open!

Gilbane Washington DC 2007 Site Now Live

We are repeating our Washington DC conference with CMS Watch on June 5-6, 2007, and the landing page for the event is now live at: We will be returning to the Reagan building.
The deadline for submitting speaking proposals for Gilbane Washington DC 2007 is January 15, 2007. See the Speaker Guidelines page for details on how to submit proposals, and the site landing page to see the topic areas we’ll be covering.
Mark your calendars!

Just What Does “Web Customer Experience” Mean, Anyway?

As analysts and consultants, we see the phrase “web customer experience” everywhere — in vendor briefings, supplier positioning statements, service offerings from integrators, RFPs issued by enterprise adopters. With such ubiquitous use, just what does “web customer experience” mean these days?
We all have web experiences when buying music, paying bills, booking travel, accessing our corporate intranets. We all have stories about experiences that are good, bad, and just plain ugly. What separates the experiences that satisfy from those that don’t?

On October 12, we address this issue in a web event on content relevancy as the core requirement for good online experiences. In a panel discussion format, Jeff Ernst (FatWire), Bryant Shea (Molecular), and Paul Sonderegger (Endeca) talk about what it takes to serve up relevant content that satisfies customers while meeting the needs of the business.

We’re also exploring content relevancy in a Gilbane Boston session entitled “Creating High-Value Customer Experience” on Thursday, November 30.

Whether you’re attending the webinar or the conference, we invite your questions and comments on good online experiences and the role of content. Send mail to or post a comment to this entry.

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