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Category: Content technology news (Page 496 of 627)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Executrain & Element K to Provide XML-Based Library & Online University

ExecuTrain announced that they have joined forces to offer ExecuTrain customers a platform-independent library of on-line content for information technology. Under the agreement, Element K will acquire ExecuTrain’s existing content library and license it on an exclusive basis to ExecuTrain. Element K will create a fully-hosted XML database that will allow ExecuTrain to vastly expand its library of standard and customizable training courses. ExecuTrain instructional designers and editors will adopt Element K’s XML editing tools with on-line access in order to fully leverage the capabilities of Element K’s database of XML learning objects. ExecuTrain will also introduce ExecuTrain University, an on-line university hosted by Element K, which will offer over 400 self-paced and instructor-assisted on-line courses. These on-line learning offerings will be complementary and consistent with ExecuTrain’s classroom-based courses. ExecuTrain can now combine multiple delivery methods, based on the same content and learning methodology, to provide customized learning solutions. With Element K’s proprietary content, ExecuTrain will significantly increase the number of technical courses it offers to IS professionals in areas such as programming, network administration, and Internet technology. The combination of Element K’s content library with ExecuTrain’s assessment technology, on-line university and instructor-led services, enables ExecuTrain to offer a fully-blended technical curriculum to its clients.,

Starbase Acquires Genitor

Starbase Corp. announced it has acquired Genitor Corp.; a privately-held company located in Ann Arbor, Mich. Genitor is a provider of advanced development tools for the documentation of Web applications, workgroup collaboration, rapid object development and re-engineering. The Genitor acquisition provides a technology that will accelerate Starbase’s XML-based product development. Starbase will integrate Genitor’s technology and products into Starbase’s family of eBusiness application development products. Genitor’s core technology analyzes critical Web application code and content to provide a higher level of detail and analysis than is possible with more traditional tools. Genitor’s technology will become an integral part of Starbase’s XML technology foundation. In addition, Genitor’s original products, Surveyor and Object Construction Suite, will be incorporated into the StarTeam family.

Intalio Announces XML Business Process Management System

Intalio, Inc. announced Intalio n3, an XML based Business Process Management System (BPMS) for modeling, deploying and managing complex business processes that span multiple enterprise applications, corporate departments, and business partners behind the firewall and over the Internet. This enterprise software infrastructure will help customers achieve greater levels of efficiency, create additional revenue opportunities, and enter new markets. Scheduled to ship in Q4, the first beta version of Intalio n3 will support XML-based business-to-business collaboration protocols like RosettaNet and BizTalk, manage real-time distributed transactions, and offer connectors to leading databases and packaged enterprise applications. Intalio n3 will allow companies to embrace eBusiness opportunities by integrating, automating and managing business processes including corporate procurement, demand-chain/supply-chain integration and enterprise relationship management. Intalio n3 will enable business analysts and software developers to collaborate throughout the life cycle of business processes, from modeling through deployment and management. Intalio n3 will provide a productive environment and manageable platform allowing business processes to evolve over time, without any disruption in the operating business or major modification of existing IT infrastructures.

Informix Delivers Media360 Enterprise Content Management System

Informix Corporation announced the release and broad availability of Media360, a complete content management solution designed to help businesses manage all types of digital assets throughout the enterprise. Media360 addresses the growing need among Internet-driven organizations to digitize and manage video, audio, text and other valuable content. The enterprise-level technology efficiently manages any kind of content, anywhere and at anytime. To build the most complete and tightly integrated media asset management solution available today, Informix has partnered with system integrators, key technology partners and independent software vendors such as SUN (Media Central video server), EMC (Celerra Video Server), Integrated Software (desktop publishing integration), Microsoft (Windows Media Player), Sony (PetaSite storage), StorageTek (storage), Virage (video and audio cataloging) and Usoft (rights and royalty management). Unlike other solutions, Media360 is tightly integrated with an object-relational database, leading content creation tools, Web publishing, e-commerce and analytical solutions. Informix shares content with solutions from many key media technology partners, including Avid, Compaq, EMC, Associated Press/ENPS, MATE, MCI WorldCom, Omnibus, Optibase, Pro-Bel, Silicon Graphics, Sintec, Sony, StorageTek, Sun Microsystems, Telemedia, Verity, Virage and Wam!Net. Media360 enables the re-use of existing content and media assets by creating a central, corporate repository that is accessible throughout an organization via the Web. It also capitalizes on the Web to create new revenue opportunities such as publishing, distributing, selling or licensing content in new markets.

France Telecom Launches Wokup! for Porting Web Content to Multiple Platforms

France Telecom launched another startup led by group employees. Wokuup!, is a new startup that began at France Telecom R&D labs. The venture will market a unique multi-access server technology that enables dynamic publication of content on the Internet and other platforms (wireless handsets, personal digital assistants and TV, for example). Wokup! expects to see tremendous demand for this technology given continued booming growth in web-based services, coupled with the advent of Internet access via WAP handsets and PDAs. Wokup! is targeting its technology at web content providers, content aggregators, portals, hosting services providers, ISPs and telecom operators. Wokup! currently counts a team of 30 specialists in multi-access Internet content, with a strong focus on wireless Internet. Initial funding of the venture raised 30 million francs, with Galileo Partners, Guillemot Ventures and France Telecom’s Innovacom venture capital unit each taking equal shares. Other investors include business angels Marc Lassus, co-founder of Gemplus, and American Hubert Zimmermann, creator of Chorus Systems. The funds will be used to support international development with the creation of an export team and recruitment of local representatives to cover key markets. Wokup! Server is a multi-access server used to publish content on the Internet or other platforms. It dynamically recovers content from an existing website or database and translates it into another format without modifying the source site. Based on XML Wokup! it contains a navigation component for easy publishing of different content tailored to the type of access device.

XML.ORG Goes Live with Registry for XML Specifications

OASIS announced public access to the first phase of the XML.ORG Registry (, an open registry and repository for XML specifications and vocabularies.

Designed to foster collaboration and enhance communication within industries, the XML.ORG Registry provides the community with a resource for accessing the fast-growing body of XML specifications being developed for vertical industries and horizontal applications.

Committed to open industry standards, the XML.ORG Registry offers a vendor-neutral forum for developers and standards bodies to publicly submit, publish and exchange XML specifications and vocabularies. Operated as a non-commercial venture, the XML.ORG Registry is a self-supporting resource created by and for the community. Industry groups and other organizations that have developed XML specifications can freely register their work at the XML.ORG Registry.

The OASIS “no strings attached” submission policy ensures that developers receive the benefits and recognition they deserve while retaining all the rights to their work and control over its use.

From its inception, the XML.ORG Registry has been a consensus-based effort to ensure interoperability with existing and emerging XML initiatives. The XML.ORG Registry developers continue to work with the OASIS Registry & Repository Technical Committee to define a specification for a global network of repositories. This specification is intended to allow interoperable registries to be created for use within industry organizations, communities and corporations. Ultimately, the XML.ORG Registry will link to standards-compliant repositories as they become available, as well as provide resources on its own site.

The XML.ORG Registry was made possible by the donation of resources from Documentum, Sun Microsystems, Oracle Corporation, IBM and DataChannel and demonstrates their commitment to providing the community with an open, independent resource for publicly available XML specifications. Sponsors of XML.ORG include DataChannel, Documentum, Commerce One, GCA, IBM, Mercator Software, Oracle Corporation, SAP, SoftQuad and Sun Microsystems.

Sequoia Software Delivers Portal Server 3.0

Sequoia Software Corporation announced the release and immediate availability of its next-generation XML Portal Server (XPS) version 3.0. To help businesses operate at Internet speed, Sequoia has totally re-engineered XPS, creating an e-business command center that integrates three critical feature sets necessary for a true e-business solution including: personalized content delivery on browsers or any Internet-enabled wireless device; business process automation; and an integration framework that enables businesses to easily communicate, share information and support interactions among employees, customers, trading partners, and suppliers across the value chain. XPS 3.0 is built upon Sequoia’s new XML-based e-business platform that enables faster and easier integration of previously incompatible applications, guaranteed delivery of messages and transactions, load balancing, and simplified administration through a centralized management console. Other new features include robust workflow capabilities, allowing XPS to integrate automated business processes; Smart Spiders that automatically gather and aggregate content from directories and databases within corporate networks and via the Internet; and meta search, a user configurable search process that executes parallel searches on any external search engine including XPS indexed content. Sequoia XPS 3.0 is available immediately for Windows NT Servers. Pricing starts at $500/user for a minimum of 100 users. Discount pricing begins at 250 users.

Autonomy Licenses Technology to IntraNet Solutions

Autonomy Corporation plc announced that IntraNet Solutions, Inc. has licensed Autonomy’s concept-based technology for their Xpedio Content Management System. By embedding Autonomy’s technology, Xpedio customers will be able to automatically categorize, process and deliver dynamic, personalized content for intranet, extranet and internet solutions. The integrated solution is scheduled for availability in the third quarter of 2000. Autonomy’s technology “reads between the lines” to analyze and rank the ideas within any piece of text, regardless of its language or format. This ability enables Autonomy to automate the most time-consuming and costly functions involved in deploying a web site, including categorizing, tagging, hypertext linking and personalizing the delivery of content.,

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