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Category: Content technology news (Page 416 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Vitria Announces Support for Web Services

Vitria announced its plans to support Web Services standards by the end of the fourth calendar quarter of 2001. These standards include WSDL (Web Services Definition Language), SOAP and UDDI. WSDL is used to define a web service, SOAP is used to access a web service, and UDDI provides a repository for storing Web service definitions. By adding support for these three standards, Vitria customers will be able to expose their Vitria integration solutions as “Web Services” to simplify internal integration of applications and external collaboration between partners and industries. All current connectivity and process modeling options will remain available to Vitria customers who choose not to embrace Web Services.

Ipedo Releases XML Database 2.0

Ipedo Inc., released the latest version of the Ipedo XML Database featuring capabilities to make it easier to gain better control over an increasingly diverse array of enterprise XML. New query capabilities, document options and enhanced transformation capabilities enable the Ipedo XML Database Version 2.0 to provide a platform enterprises can use to integrate, manage and deliver XML content to their Web, portal, wireless and other content-driven applications. The Ipedo XML Database Version 2.0 includes new features that support the growing use of XML in content-driven applications, including: Free-form XML search, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) management, Distributed database management, Integrated XSL transformation, and Large document processing. The Ipedo XML Database can be used standalone or as a caching layer on top of existing relational databases. The Ipedo XML Database stores XML natively. Utilizing XPath, XML document collections can be queried directly in XML syntax. The Ipedo XML Database also contains an XSLT transformation engine that combines data access and transformation in a single step. The Ipedo XML Database 2.0 is available now for Windows 2000, Windows NT, Sun Solaris and Red Hat Linux. Pricing is on a per-CPU basis. Developer licenses are available for $995.

FileNET Announces eProcess Services 4.2 & Arbortext Integration

FileNET Corporation announced general availability of Panagon eProcess Services 4.2. This version offers a range of new functionality including process submaps, out-of-the-box timing and event synchronization, support for Internet attachments and automatic launching of document lifecycle processes within Panagon Content Services. FileNet also announced a partnership to integrate FileNET’s Panagon family of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) products with Arbortext’s Epic software. Customers will be able to create customized documents that leverage content created in many disparate forms, bringing this content together to deliver fresh, consistent and complete information to multiple types of media – PDF, Web, CD-ROM and wireless devices. The two companies are working together to create an integration that will combine Panagon’s in process management and enterprise content management services with Arbortext’s XML-based authoring, conversion and multichannel publishing of customized documents.,

Ektron Inroduces Dreamweaver Extensions

Ektron, Inc. announced the immediate availability of extensions for Macromedia Dreamweaver and Dreamweaver UltraDev. These new extensions give Web developers the ability to quickly and easily deliver low-cost, powerful, business-user-oriented Web content authoring and management capabilities – while ensuring that the developer retains important control over the site architecture, look and feel, navigation, and other important elements of a Web site. Ektron ships the Dreamweaver extension files with its Ektron CMS100 and Ektron CMS200 products, as well as its eMPower system. These Web content management applications are available for the Macromedia ColdFusion and Microsoft Active Server Pages platforms. Ektron also makes an extension available for its multi-language browser-based XHTML/HTML editor, eWebEditPro. The extensions are available at the Ektron or Macromedia Web sites.,

Akamai & Interwoven Enhance Distribution of Dynamic Content

Akamai Technologies, Inc. announced an expansion of its technology alliance with Interwoven Inc. that will result in an integrated solution for managing and delivering ESI-based content and applications. Akamai and Interwoven are now jointly leveraging Edge Side Includes (ESI), a mark-up language used to define Web page components for dynamic assembly and delivery from distributed servers at the Internet’s edge. ESI technology enables Interwoven TeamSite customers to off-load the burden of assembling dynamic content to Akamai’s servers. Interwoven TeamSite Templating software will facilitate the inclusion of ESI tags and metadata. The integrated solution is slated to be available later this quarter. ESI is a proposed standard created to define Web page fragments, such as stock quotes and catalog prices, for dynamic aggregation, assembly and delivery at the Internet’s edge — closer to end-users and bypassing the Internet’s inherent bottlenecks. ESI enables companies to develop Web applications once, then choose at deployment time where the application should be assembled — on the application server, the content management system or the content delivery network.,

Open Market & Boxcar Partner

Open Market is teaming with Boxcar Software to offer its customers a way to syndicate Web content. Through this strategic relationship, companies can capitalize on their existing content investments by automating content syndication to partners’ websites and backend systems. Boxcar’s J2EE-based eContent Factory works with Open Market’s Content Server Enterprise Edition (CSEE) to aggregate, deploy and distribute content in a fully controlled, configurable environment. Boxcar’s J2EE-based product connects partners, suppliers, distributors, customers and employees by streamlining the exchange of content. Boxcar Software’s eContent Factory is immediately available for use in conjunction with Open Market’s CSEE.,

Stellent Joins IBM PartnerWorld Portlet Program

Stellent Inc. announced that it has joined the IBM PartnerWorld Portlet Provider Program. The program is designed to provide IBM Business Partners the ability to quickly develop portal applications, or “portlets,” for the IBM WebSphere Portal. These portlets are then available to WebSphere customers through IBM’s Portlet Catalog as well as through IBM Business Partner Web sites.

Documentum Announces Integration with Oracle9i Application Server

Documentum announced three integration points between Documentum 4i eBusiness Platform and Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS) in addition to the existing integration between Documentum 4i and Oracle9i Database. These additional integrations include a JDBC-based Documentum eConnector providing a integration between the Documentum eContent Repository and Oracle9iAS; Documentum Web Development Kit content management application components running within Oracle9iAS container; and Documentum eContent Portlets available as portlets within the portal technology in Oracle9i Application Server. Joint customers who already run Documentum 4i on Oracle Database can use the Documentum 4i platform and Oracle9iAS to deliver dynamic and personalized enterprise content to Web sites, develop and rapidly deploy content application services with Oracle9iAS and expose content management capabilities through the corporate portal interface.

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