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Category: Content technology news (Page 400 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Virage to Market BBN Technologies’ Audio Indexer

Virage plans to market and distribute BBN Audio Indexer. The BBN product will be integrated into Virage’s SmartEncode collection of products designed to provide comprehensive encoding and indexing capabilities. The BBN Audio Indexer is a speech recognition and language-processing product that transcribes and categorizes the content of video or audio broadcasts into computer text while the broadcast is being aired. This creates a high-level structured summarization of the spoken language that can be searched and browsed through many different features such as the names of people, places, organizations, and topics mentioned in the transcript as well as the identities and locations of the speakers in the recording. Users of the product will be able to monitor the
content of news broadcasts around the world.,

Tarian e-Records Engine Integrated in IBM Content Manager for DoD Certification

Tarian Software today announced that it has been selected by IBM to supply its e-Records capability as an extension to IBM Content Manager. Tarian’s new e-Records engine will deliver a certified, electronic recordkeeping solution called IBM e-Records Solution (IeRS) for Content Manager. IeRS is designed to manage records across the enterprise, and offers the flexibility to adhere to any recordkeeping management process. The new IeRS offering has been certified against US Department of Defense US DoD 5015.2 STD standard for electronic recordkeeping. 5015.2 is endorsed by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and is widely seen as a benchmark for government and corporate organizations. With the IeRS solution, users are able to declare documents to be official records, at which point full formal lifecycle management is applied. Declared records will later be destroyed or archived according to approved retention and disposition rules.,

E-Botz to Manage NQLI Software Division

E-Botz, Inc. has assumed management of the software division of NQL, Inc., including technical support, sales and product development. The move is expected to accelerate deployment of NQLI’s Network Query Language tm, a scripting language for network programming and content engineering, as well as specific applications such as NQL Content Anywhere, an enterprise-wide software platform that enables access, use and delivery of data residing in multiple information architectures to a variety of corporate applications, from a PDA or desktop PC, to a Web browser, database application or programming language. Network Query Language contains hundreds of built-in functions for communications, conversion, automation and intelligent behavior for use in connected applications such as bots, intelligent agents, middleware, Web
applications and content management systems.

Actuate Announces OEM Agreement With Banter

Actuate Corporation announced a strategic OEM agreement with Banter Inc. Banter has embedded the Actuate Information Delivery solution within Banter Self Help and Reply applications to provide customers an in-depth look at client service and client communications activities. As an integrated solution within the Banter Self Help and Reply applications, Actuate delivers in-depth analysis into what is happening within a business. The Actuate Information Delivery solution can be used to track customer trends and message volumes. The Actuate reports allow business units within an organization to track the effectiveness and productivity of specific departments or groups of,

Canto Announces Cumulus 5.5

Canto announced that Cumulus 5 has received a major upgrade to version 5.5. New features include a Palette View Mode, improved IPTC support, so called Server/Client Asset Transfer, as well as numerous other features. Cumulus 5.5 includes a variety of other user-requested features such as the ability to print contact sheets, sorted lists with type-ahead functionality, an improved slide show feature, the ability for HTML output to consider the orientation of thumbnails when publishing assets to the Web, availability of the “Convert to” file format conversion functionality in the Single User Edition now as well. The Single User Edition will sell at $99.95, the Workgroup Edition will sell at $995 for the server (Mac OS, Windows) or $1995 for the server (UNIX – IRIX, Linux, Solaris) and $295 per client for Windows and Mac. Pricing for the Enterprise Edition is available on request. Cumulus 5.5 will be available as downloads on Canto’s website under in early February.

Stellent Releases IBM WebSphere Portlets

Stellent, Inc. announced the release of its portal applications, or “portlets,” for the IBM WebSphere Portal, a platform that allows companies to build their own custom portal Web sites. The portlets enable businesses to access critical business content as well as a wide range of Stellent Content Management features from the IBM portal platform. Stellent offers five portlets for the WebSphere portal interface, providing users with specific content management functions: Content Portlet – Offers users direct access to business content that has been defined by the portal developer; Contribution Portlet – Enables users to submit business content created in native applications for automatic publishing to the portal; Search Portlet – Enables users to find business content using metadata or full text searches; Personal Searches Portlet – Provides users easy access to searches previously executed via the search portlet; and, Workflow Inbox Portlet – Provides users direct access to their workflow inboxes for the review and approval of business content.,

Enigma Expands 3C Platform

Enigma Inc. announced general availability of its Component Information System (CIS). The new software enables operators of capital equipment to resolve the problems of managing and maintaining equipment from multiple vendors by aggregating and integrating diverse maintenance and repair content. This streamlines the support chain by unifying all of the technical information associated with various pieces of equipment as a single, unified, application including operation and maintenance manuals, service bulletins, illustrated parts catalogs and operator defined best practices. In addition, CIS aggregates maintenance and repair content from multiple suppliers, regardless of format, into a single application where revisions can be more simply managed, best practices can be integrated and information search times are drastically reduced across the maintenance environment. The resulting application streamlines access to critical support information which helps decrease maintenance cycle times.

OASIS Invites Submissions for XSLT/XPath Conformance Test Suite

OASIS issued an open invitation for public input on the creation of its XSLT/XPath Conformance Test Suite. XSLT and XPath are W3C Recommendations that provide the ability to define a set of rules to transform XML data into a variety of presentation styles, such as human readable reports (HTML) or other XML vocabularies. Organizations and individuals that have created test files for XSLT processors are encouraged to submit their work to the OASIS XSLT/XPath Conformance Technical Committee, which plans to corroborate submissions and publish an amalgam test suite for public use. Formal submissions from both IBM/Lotus and Microsoft have already been received by the OASIS XSLT Technical Committee. To conform to the OASIS framework, submitters must catalogue their test file collections according to OASIS published document models, and they must employ available validation processes that utilize XSLT and XPath. Complete submission guidelines are posted on

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