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Category: Content technology news (Page 332 of 625)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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FileNET & BEA Form Strategic Technology Alliance

FileNET Corporation announced it has formed a technology alliance with BEA Systems, Inc. to develop and market integrated content and process management solutions designed for use with BEA’s WebLogic Platform 7.0, which features a J2EE application server combined with development, portal and integration frameworks. FileNET’s Web Content Management capability currently integrates with BEA WebLogic Server, allowing Web applications developed on the BEA platform to access content stored in the FileNET Web Content Management system. Under the new agreement, FileNET will expand its relationship with BEA to integrate the entire FileNET ECM suite with the BEA WebLogic Platform. The combined solution will be designed to automate the delivery of enterprise content to applications built on BEA WebLogic Platform, and to provide a unified framework for creating, managing and approving content accessed via enterprise portals.

divine Adds Globalization Features to Content Server

divine, inc. announced expanded globalization features for divine Content Server. With localized interfaces and expanded language support divine Content Server makes it easier for global organizations to manage and deliver relevant content to Web sites, portals and extranets. This latest version of Content Server will be generally available later this year. Designed for use in multilingual environments, Content Server permits content in multiple languages to coexist in the same database. Features include: localized versions in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese and Korean; support for multiple languages per installation; new interfaces that aid translators in viewing, creating and linking translated versions to original content; the capability to automatically detect browser language settings to correctly deliver content in the appropriate language; and the ability to manage content delivery to multiple sites in multiple languages at the same time.

Atomz Enhances Atomz Publish & Search

Atomz announced enhancements to its enterprise Web content management solution, Atomz Publish, and Web site search application, Atomz Search. Atomz Search can now crawl and index Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel file formats. Visitors at Web sites that use Atomz Search will be able to see and directly access Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents from within the search results. In addition, Atomz Search customers can utilize the Metadata Management Interface to associate metadata with Microsoft Office documents and control the positioning of these documents within the search results. Search now provides support for Korean language searching, including a dictionary and full character set encodings. Search customers can now create scripts that modify content between when it is crawled and when it is indexed. Atomz added tags that allow Atomz Publish customers to incorporate non-HTML content such as JavaScript, PHP and ASP code; to define values (including text, HTML or nested Atomz Publish tags) which may be reused anywhere on templated pages; and to display content conditionally depending on the mode Atomz Publish is in: Edit, Preview or Publish. Atomz Publish can now upload multiple files into the system at a time.

Raining Data Announces Developer Release of TigerLogic XML Data Management Server on Windows

Raining Data Corporation announced availability of the developer release of its TigerLogic XML Data Management Server (XDMS) V1.0 on Windows 2000 and Windows XP. TigerLogic XDMS is information infrastructure software that provides scalability, XA-compliant transactional integrity and fine-grain search capabilities, as well as the dynamic extensibility, n-tier hierarchies and ease of use and deployment. Developers use J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA), and XML Schema, XSLT, SOAP and XPath to store and retrieve information and “eliminate the need for XML to relational data mapping”. TigerLogic XDMS bridges the gap between structured and unstructured data and provides a significant gain in performance of XML data access. TigerLogic XDMS complements Enterprise Application and Information Integration (EAI and EII), RDBMS and application server software to provide a high-performance XML-querieable and extensible mid-tier platform for storage of business information and application meta-data. Developers can tap into business intelligence across structured operational data stores (ODS) residing in RDBMS as well as unstructured flat-file text documents, images, email and spreadsheets housed in shared file systems or content repositories. The developer release of Raining Data’s TigerLogic XDMS is available for Windows 2000 and XP. Product license fee pricing starts at $25,000 per server. Availability on Solaris, Linux and other platforms is scheduled for 2003.

OASIS Members to Develop Web Services Standard for Translation

Members of the OASIS standards consortium have formed a technical committee to develop standards to automate the translation and localization process as a Web service. The effort brings together DataPower, IBM, the Localisation Research Centre, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, and others in a collaboration that will use Web services as the backbone to a workflow linking the tasks that comprise a complex software localization project. The new OASIS Technical Committee will concentrate first on defining service types that are relevant to the software/content localization and translation industry. Their specification will drive the development of WSDL documents that will ultimately be published in a UDDI registry and potentially also in an ebXML registry. The OASIS Translation Web Services Technical Committee joins another localization effort at OASIS — one that works to develop an XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF). The two groups plan to coordinate their efforts.

Traction Introduces Enterprise Weblog

Traction Software, Inc. introduced the Competitive Intelligence (C.I.) and Market Research solution to its TeamPage Enterprise Weblog. Traction’s TeamPage Enterprise Weblog software is a solution that allows everyday corporate users to collect, link and organize information from e-mail, the web, Office and other textual information in an organized format. Its hypertext journaling system can label, cross-link and deliver relevant portions of editable content gathered from disparate sources and plug into an existing web infrastructure. Traction’s Instant Publisher allows users to collect and post selected text, pictures, links and attachments directly from Microsoft Word, Outlook or Internet Explorer. Traction is a self-contained web server and is a Java application that can be installed on Windows XP, NT or 2000, Linux, Solaris and Macintosh OS X. Traction readers use browsers from Microsoft or Netscape, and supports wireless access from Palm, Windows CE or Blackberry browsers. Traction Competitive Intelligence & Market Research solution is availability immediately. Traction CI is priced at $10,000 per server and $125 per named account, plus 20% for annual maintenance and support. Traction offers a 15 user, workgroup package for $4,995.

FatWire Launches UE Secure Deploy

FatWire Software launched its new software product, UE Secure Deploy, designed to improve the security, availability, and scalability of enterprise Web sites and content centric Web applications. An add-on to FatWire’s enterprise-level dCM software UpdateEngine, UE Secure Deploy offers advanced support for clustering. FatWire UE Secure Deploy provides advanced security, reliability, and scalability among separate environments while supporting the content authoring, workflow, and publishing functionality core to UpdateEngine. UE Secure Deploy is a principle component of the FatWire UpdateEngine ECM Suite. UE Secure Deploy functionality includes: Promote – for production of structured and unstructured content across firewalls; Demote – for removal of content and files from production servers; Bulk Promote/Demote – for timed promotion and demotion of groups of content items and files; and Fetch – provides retrieval of content submitted by site visitors for processing through workflow.

IONA & Altova Bundle XMLBus and XMLSPY

IONA and Altova announced a strategic partnership that will include the bundling of Altova’s XMLSPY 5 with IONA’s Orbix E2A XMLBus. IONA’s Orbix E2A XMLBus provides a software infrastructure platform for the development, deployment, integration and management of secure Web services to support the integration of business applications within the enterprise. Altova’s XMLSPY 5 supports the visual design, editing and validation of XML documents, WSDL, XML schema and XSLT stylesheets. Using these products together, a software developer can create and deploy Web services using either legacy code written in CORBA, EJB or Java through the use of WSDL auto-generation utilities, or develop a new Web service application using visual tools for building WSDL and XML Schema. The IONA Orbix E2A XMLBus and Altova XMLSPY 5 product bundle is available immediately for purchase at the Altova Online Shop. The product bundling includes XMLSPY 5 Enterprise Edition and a one-year development license for the Orbix E2A XMLBus for a discounted price of $1399. A free trial version of XMLSPY Enterprise Edition can be downloaded from,

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