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Category: Content technology news (Page 279 of 625)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Stellent Releases Version 8.0 of Outside In Content Viewing & Transformation Technology

Stellent, Inc. announced the release of Stellent Outside In Technology version 8.0. Version 8.0 is a new release of the entire suite of Outside In products: Outside In Viewer Technology, Outside In Content Access, Outside In Search Export, Outside In HTML Export, Outside In XML Export, Outside In Image Export and Outside In Transformation Server. The new release features performance improvements, and new file format and operating system support. Additionally, it includes an architectural enhancement that consolidates graphics handling code into one module, which will reduce time-to-market for future Outside In releases. Outside In 8.0 includes a new SDK — Outside In Search Export — designed specifically for application developers in the search, indexing, computer forensics and electronic evidence discovery markets. This product provides these customers with search-specific transformation options, including a choice of output formats for converting files to XML, HTML or text. Outside In 8.0 allows for the searching and indexing of MSG, PST, OST, MIME and other email formats. The new version also provides support for Visio 2003; Project 2003; Corel Word Perfect Office Suite 12; Office 2004 for Macintosh; the Korean and Japanese word processing programs Hangul 2002, and Ichitaro 13 and 2004; and updates for Star Office Writer 6.0. The Viewer Technology SDK also includes enhanced bi-directional text display for Arabic and Hebrew. The Outside In 8.0 release adds support for four new platforms: HP/UX Itanium 64 bit and 32 bit, Linux Itanium 64 bit, and Windows AMD 64.

Gilbane Content Management Conference to Present Insights on Blogs and Wikis as Enterprise Applications

The Gilbane Report and Lighthouse Seminars announced that the Gilbane Conference on Content Management, taking place April 11-13 at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, California, will offer attendees an early look at how today’s growing trends of blogging and wikis should be considered for use in enterprise applications. Also announced today is the immediate availability of a new Gilbane Report titled, “Blogs & Wikis: Technologies for Enterprise Applications?” Taking place at 8:30 a.m. PST on Wednesday, April 13, the conference is hosting a session titled “Blogs, Wikis, and RSS as Enterprise Content Applications.” The session will offer attendees an opportunity to understand and consider how to use these technologies as enterprise applications or as components in these applications. Today, companies are using these technologies for collaboration, knowledge management, and publishing applications in corporate environments. Do these companies only represent the experimental fringe, or are they early adopters of technologies that will soon be part of every IT department’s bag of tricks? This session will look at the suitability of these for corporate use and hear from both skeptics and proponents. The conference session will be moderated by Lauren Wood, Consultant, Textuality Services and views will be presented by Ross Mayfield, CEO, Socialtext, Inc. and Peter Quintas, Senior Vice President, General Manager, SilkRoad Technology.,,

GlobalSCAPE Announces CuteHTML Pro 6

GlobalSCAPE announced CuteHTML Pro 6, a development tool for creating and managing Web sites. It combines editing capabilities with ease of use. New features in Version 6 include: File Editing Directly from the Server, Server Mapping, Improved User Interface, Code Snippets Library, and Full-Site Link checking. $34.99 until March 31, 2005.

FAST Releases ProPublish

Fast Search & Transfer (FAST) announced the availability of FAST ProPublish, an enterprise search-based publication production management and delivery solution. FAST ProPublish, the latest Search Derivative Application (SDA) to leverage the FAST Enterprise Search Platform (FAST ESP), gives professional and business publishers a solution for gathering and processing data. With FAST ProPublish, publishers can provide a Web-based interface designed specifically for researchers. This interface, combined with the products contextual navigation and relevancy tuning, allows business users to rapidly find the right information. The out-of-the-box application framework, templates, and user interface components delivered in FAST ProPublish facilitate the construction of researcher-centric user interfaces. Capabilities specifically designed for the business and production managers within publishing groups include the FAST Production Manager, a graphical tool that allows publishers to perform live updates on their online and offline published content, protect it from unauthorized use, and manage content processing, subscriptions and site structure. The products modular Content Processing Pipeline offers stages for automated entity extraction, linguistic analysis, and content classification. FAST ProPublish includes support for both controlling access and administering content licenses. The publications can be restricted to a given user for a given period of time and even be timed-out at the end of the subscription.

Apache Lenya 1.2.2 Released

The Apache Lenya development community announced the 1.2.2 release of Apache Lenya. Apache Lenya is an Open-Source Content Management System written in Java and based on XML and XSLT. Lenya is built on top of Apache Cocoon and other components from the Apache Software Stack. Its XML-centric architecture allows for content delivery targeted to the capabilities of various devices, and avoids data lock-in. Apache Lenya is built around Off the Shelf components from the Apache Software Foundation. Apache Lenya comes with the features such as Revision Control, Scheduling, a built-in Search Engine, separate Staging Areas, and Workflow. Apache Lenya 1.2.2 is based on Cocoon 2.1.6. You can use Cocoon features such as robust Caching, multi-channel output, it’s many connectivity options to quickly build customized solutions to meet specific needs that are not already covered by Apache Lenya today.

Arbortext Partners with Brazilian Integrator Selens

Arbortext, Inc. announced it has entered into a reseller partnership with Selens, a Brazilian integrated IT services and solution provider. Selens will work with Arbortext to provide sales, professional services and technical support for Arbortext publishing applications targeted at Brazil’s businesses in the manufacturing, aerospace, life science and financial industries.,

EMC Announces Seek & Chargeback Reporter Software for Centera

EMC Corporation announced software that allows customers to more effectively search, retrieve and utilize active enterprise archives created with EMC Centera content addressed storage (CAS). The new EMC Centera Seek and EMC Centera Chargeback Reporter software enable the advanced search and retrieval of fixed content across multiple terabytes, making utilization-based reporting and billing possible. EMC Centera Seek provides a new, advanced search capability using metadata. EMC Centera Chargeback Reporter is a new reporting tool that provides detailed archive data reports for corporate chargeback systems. Centera Chargeback Reporter also leverages stored metadata to provide sophisticated and customizable capacity utilization reporting. Centera Seek’s advanced searching capabilities can be leveraged by more than 170 applications from independent software vendor (ISV) applications that have been integrated with the Centera API. Centera Seek improves any type of discovery request through a more accurate and efficient search method. This new software is based on technology from FAST Search and Transfer (FAST) and its InStream enterprise search engine product through an OEM agreement with EMC. EMC also announced a rebranding of its EMC Centera Compliance Edition, EMC’s CAS solution for regulated organizations, to EMC Centera Governance Edition. EMC Centera will continue to market its Compliance Edition Plus solution targeting the most stringently regulated environments.

Trados Launches TeamWorks 2

TRADOS Inc. announced the launch of TeamWorks 2. TeamWorks manages and optimizes the global information lifecycle defined as the aggregate of all processes required to create, localize, and publish information that meets the needs of global markets. TeamWorks 2 delivers capabilities in four areas to effectively reach global markets: accelerated localization and publishing; improved global information quality; reduced costs; and increased visibility and control over the global information lifecycle for executives and managers. The new release also extends the product’s globalization workflow and its standards-based connectivity. TeamWorks 2 includes: expanded collaborative workflow services that create workflow templates for process automation, and that can work with companies’ existing workflow software; project templating to speed project setup and simplify automation of the localization process; integrated vendor management to automate cost estimation and simplify vendor selection; personalized web-based portals where internal and external customers can initiate and track localization requests and projects; extended capabilities for active content monitoring that detects changes in repositories throughout an organization, and automatically takes action, triggers alerts and updates; and enhanced reporting.

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