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Category: Content management & strategy (Page 132 of 468)

This category includes editorial and news blog posts related to content management and content strategy. For older, long form reports, papers, and research on these topics see our Resources page.

Content management is a broad topic that refers to the management of unstructured or semi-structured content as a standalone system or a component of another system. Varieties of content management systems (CMS) include: web content management (WCM), enterprise content management (ECM), component content management (CCM), and digital asset management (DAM) systems. Content management systems are also now widely marketed as Digital Experience Management (DEM or DXM, DXP), and Customer Experience Management (CEM or CXM) systems or platforms, and may include additional marketing technology functions.

Content strategy topics include information architecture, content and information models, content globalization, and localization.

For some historical perspective see:

Webinar: Multilingual Product Content at FICO

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009 — 11:00 to 12:00 (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time

* To check the webinar time in your local area, go to:

The challenges facing FICO, a leading supplier of decision management analytics, applications and tools, will sound familiar to global organizations: the need to streamline product and content development lifecycles, support global expansion with accurate and timely localization and translation processes, and satisfy customers worldwide with consistent, quality experience. What makes FICO’s story unique is its strategic and proactive approach to addressing them.

With a successful business case based on reuse as a “first principle,” FICO is building an enterprise content infrastructure that includes XML and DITA, component content management, translation memory and terminology management, and automated publishing. Learn how FICO is aligning global content practices with the company’s business goals and objectives. If you need to spark that “aha!” moment within your organization, you won’t want to miss this webinar event. Topics:

  • Reuse as the tipping point: the synergies of component approaches to product and content development
  • Implementing an end-to-end global information strategy
  • The value of content agility in FICO’s global business strategy


  • Leonor Ciarlone, Senior Analyst, Gilbane Group
  • Carroll Rotkel, Director, Product Documentation, FICO
  • Howard Schwartz, Ph.D., VP Content Management, SDL Trisoft

Registration is open. Sponsored by SDL.

Emerging Enterprise Content Management Trends

I was at the Gilbane Conference in San Francisco last week, where I answered questions as a panelist, moderated another panel, heard many excellent presentations, and joined in many engaging discussions. On the plane ride home, I took some time to piece together the individual bits of information and opinion that I had absorbed during the two-day event. This reflection led to the following observations regarding the state of enterprise content management practices and technologies.

Up With People

Many content software vendors are now focusing on people first, content second. This is a huge shift in perspective, especially when voiced at a content management conference! Kumar Vora, Vice President & General Manager, Enterprise at Adobe was the first person to proclaim this philosophical change during his opening keynote presentation at Gilbane San Francisco. He reported that Adobe has shifted its business philosophy to focus on serving people and their needs, as opposed to thinking about content first. Many other vendor representatives and attendees from end user organizations echoed Kumar’s emphasis on people during the event. It is too early to say definitively what this radical change in perspective means, but we should see more user friendly enterprise content management tools as a result.

Keyword Fail

Keyword search has largely failed end users and incremental improvements haven’t been able to keep up with the explosion in newly created content. Jeff Fried, VP Product Management for Microsoft’s FAST search engine actually proclaimed that “keyword search is dead!” The business world is at a point where alternatives, including machine-generated and social search techniques, must be explored. The latter method was on many attendees minds and lips, which should not surprise, given the shift to people-centric thinking identified above. Social search will be an increasingly hot topic in 2009 and 2010.

SharePoint Upheaval

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 has the potential to completely shake up the information management market. The next version of SharePoint will likely include a raft of (as of yet unconfirmed) Web Content Management features that have been missing or rudimentary. In her keynote address, Tricia Bush, Group Product Manager for SharePoint said that the promise of content management has not yet been realized and that her team is focusing diligently on the opportunity. This increased emphasis on content management is contrary to the first trend that I described above, and the negative perceptions many hold of SharePoint may increase unless Microsoft also better enables people in SharePoint 2010 (it is rumored that the product will also see substantial additions to its currently limited social collaboration functionality.) Those placing bets should do so knowing that Microsoft intends to, and probably will, be a major force in enterprise information management.

Simplicity Trumps Complexity

Enterprise applications and systems managed by IT departments continue to grow in complexity. As this happens, end users turn to simpler alternatives, including consumer oriented Web 2.0 applications, in order to get work done. The “problem” is that these consumer applications aren’t approved or controlled by the IT function. The opportunity is a potentially large market for software vendors that can create enterprise ready versions of Web 2.0 applications by adding security, reliability, and other attributes demanded by CIOs. For those vendors to succeed, however, they must retain the simplicity (intuitiveness and ease of use) that are the hallmark of consumer Web 2.0 applications.

Communication Beats Publishing

Communication applications are increasingly being used by end users to collaborate, because enterprise content management applications have become too complex (see the trend immediately above). Additionally, communication tools are favored by end users because they can use them to simultaneously create and distribute content. This increased speed of content publication also accelerates general business process execution, allowing users of communication tools to be more productive than users of formal enterprise content systems. Communication tools will continue to become an important and growing back channel that employees use to share content when overly complex publishing tools impede or fail them.

Having one’s ideas validated by a reputable peer is always rewarding. John Mancini, President of AIIM, published a blog post in the time between when I first formulated these thoughts on the flight home from San Francisco last week and when I published this post today. Reading John’s post should encourage you to believe that the trends I (and he) have described are for real. The question for all of us now is how will we respond to these emerging realities.


Yooba Releases CMS for Flash

Yooba Ltd announced the full commercial availability of its online Flash creation and management system, Yooba. Yooba is a content management system (CMS) specially designed for Flash website content creation. As with CMSs for static content, Yooba puts full creative power over Flash, right down to the object level, but without the need for programming skills, into the hands of editors and others responsible for site content origination and maintenance. As a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application, there are no licensing issues with Yooba and users are always working with the latest version. The SaaS structure also gives full scalability on pricing, to suit anyone from individual professionals to enterprise companies. Once content is created, Yooba simplifies the scheduling and publication of created and edited material. This is carried out through Yooba’s graphical admin dashboard, which gives users total control of Flash objects within a website at a glance, making it easy to update and change them as frequently as information and sales campaigns require.

Vignette Releases Content Management Audit Solutions

Vignette Corporation (NASDAQ: VIGN) announced the release of Vignette Content Management Audit Solutions. The solutions allow organizations to track and archive changes across multiple Web sites and provide a simplified process for meeting operational or regulatory auditing compliance requirements. In addition to enabling compliance, Vignette Content Management Audit Solutions help organizations optimize and improve operational Web site management processes by reporting on content creation, contribution and user trends that can identify system or process bottlenecks. Once an organization knows how and when its content is being managed, it can easily make modifications to drive efficiency and reduce the amount of time it takes to publish fresh content. Vignette Content Management Audit Solutions are available in complimentary and enhanced packages. Vignette Content Management Audit, included within the Vignette Content Management console, includes event history views. The enhanced offering allows organizations to leverage on-demand reporting of events, users and time periods in a dashboard or drill down format in order to identify trends.

SYSTRAN Introduces Hybrid Machine Translation Solution for Enterprises

SYSTRAN announced the release of SYSTRAN Enterprise Server 7, the company’s first hybrid machine translation (MT) server designed for enterprise use. Based on a combination of self-learning and linguistic technologies, SYSTRAN 7 delivers consistent translations that meet corporate customer requirements. Machine translation products have traditionally either been based on rules or statistical models. With the introduction of its hybrid MT product, SYSTRAN has delivered a solution that brings together the strengths of these two approaches. SYSTRAN Enterprise Server 7 combines the predictability and language consistency of rule-based machine translation with the fluency of statistical MT. SYSTRAN’s customization methodology includes the creation of dictionaries and the building of translation models from translated content. These tools supplement the out-of-the-box translation capabilities provided by SYSTRAN for 52 language pairs. SYSTRAN Enterprise Server has traditionally been deployed on corporate intranets as a solution for multilingual collaboration to help employees understand foreign language information such as emails, web pages, presentations and corporate documentation. SYSTRAN’s new hybrid MT engine enables enterprise customers to expand MT use for publishing. SYSTRAN Enterprise Server 7 offers reuse of validated translations through global content management workflows which allow users to create and manage multilingual content. By combining the latest linguistic and statistical techniques, SYSTRAN “learns” how words and phrases should be translated for specific domains based on existing human translations. As the data is re-used it gets “smarter” and updates itself.

Sitecore Announces Online Marketing Suite

Sitecore announced the Sitecore Online Marketing Suite for organizations to unify Web content management capabilities, Web analytics and marketing automation for greater customer engagement and personalization. Sitecore’s Online Marketing Suite (OMS) helps marketers track and better understand their online visitors and initiatives. Sitecore’s new marketing suite provides Web analytics out-of-the-box, without coding. Content editors can profile their content upon creation, establishing the relevancy for segmentation analysis and the delivery of targeted content. The software then automatically develops profiles on site visitors based on browsing behavior, geographical IP identification, and data collected through forms and survey submissions. Using content delivery rules and filters, Sitecore delivers targeted, action-orientated content and offers. The Online Marketing Suite’s A/B and multivariate testing lets marketers define and execute tests. With Sitecore’s CMS delivering the website user interaction and experience, the OMS analytics data now tells the story of a site visitor’s experience. The software measures online advertising campaign effectiveness and increases the agility of the campaign with immediate correlation between campaign initiatives and specific website goals. The campaign tracking is integrated with the site visitor session detail, recording further interests and actions automatically and providing full insight into the actual ROI of campaigns. Sitecore’s Online Marketing Suite will be generally available on June 30, 2009.

EMC Expands Developer Resources for Enterprise Content Management

EMC Corporation (NYSE:EMC) announced free, full-function developer editions of its enterprise content management (ECM) products and launched two new online communities dedicated to EMC Documentum and XML developers. Through the Documentum and XML communities, developers will have open access to resources that includes code samples, tutorials, full product documentation and “getting started” guides. EMC Documentum Content Server Developer Edition provides developers free access and offers a “one-click” deployment that can be run on a laptop so that developers can quickly start creating their Documentum-based solutions. EMC Documentum xDB Developer Edition provides developers a scalable, high performance, native XML database at no cost for development and testing. .NET Productivity Suite makes it easier for developers to conduct integrations with Microsoft applications such as SharePoint by allowing them to work exclusively in a Microsoft environment. EMC Documentum Content Services for Salesforce CRM allows developers to embed Documentum content services within Salesforce CRM. All products are available today. The free developer editions of Content Server and xDB are for development, testing and trial only. Standard licensing fees apply for production and run-time deployments.

Hippo Complements Apache Jetspeed 2.2

Hippo, developer of web-based, open source Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Portal software, has launched a full product and support offering around the latest version of Apache Jetspeed, version 2.2 released on May 28th, supporting the Portal 2.0 specification. Hippo’s developers, with ten officially recognized committers already noted for their commitment to a range of The Apache Software Foundation’s projects, have contributed to the community effort to develop Jetspeed 2.2. Hippo’s close involvement in the Jetspeed community enables it to bring training, consulting and 24×7 support for the new version straight to the market, and to offer Jetspeed 1.x and 2.1 users an upgrade package and full support. Jetspeed is an open source Enterprise Information Portal using Java and XML to collect and present information from multiple sources via an intuitive and user-friendly interface. As a product of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), one of the open source organizations dedicated to collaborative software development, Jetspeed is available for free under the business-friendly Apache License. Hippo’s own product range features full integration with Jetspeed 2.2, including Hippo CMS 7, the Hippo Site Toolkit and the integrated ECM suite. Its products provide organizations with solutions for content management and online collaboration. The new release, combined with Jetspeed’s track record of performance, stability and its unmatched support for open standards, is an ideal fit for the highly scalable collaborative intranet and web architectures built on Hippo’s products.

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