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Category: Content management & strategy (Page 122 of 468)

This category includes editorial and news blog posts related to content management and content strategy. For older, long form reports, papers, and research on these topics see our Resources page.

Content management is a broad topic that refers to the management of unstructured or semi-structured content as a standalone system or a component of another system. Varieties of content management systems (CMS) include: web content management (WCM), enterprise content management (ECM), component content management (CCM), and digital asset management (DAM) systems. Content management systems are also now widely marketed as Digital Experience Management (DEM or DXM, DXP), and Customer Experience Management (CEM or CXM) systems or platforms, and may include additional marketing technology functions.

Content strategy topics include information architecture, content and information models, content globalization, and localization.

For some historical perspective see:

Alfresco Releases Enterprise 3.2

Alfresco Software announced the availability of Alfresco Enterprise Edition 3.2, the latest version of its enterprise content management (ECM) product. With this release, Alfresco enables cloud-based deployments, streamlines email management and archiving and enhances team-based content collaboration.  Alfresco supports multi-tenancy, a component of multi-company cloud implementations that maximizes use of hardware and simplifies administration of multiple instances of Alfresco. Alfresco now supports multiple deployment options from traditional on-premise to full cloud deployment, ranging from a simple AMI to a fully-configured, fault-tolerant and load-balanced Alfresco cluster. The Alfresco open source RM module (available in February 2010 via the Alfresco Enterprise Subscription as a separate module) will enable companies to manage all document content with retention ranging from lightweight to 5015.2-compliant in a single repository, at a fraction of the cost of traditional RM solution. Transparent IMAP standard protocol support provides full access to repository services without a client install and can be accessed from mobile devices. Enhancements to Alfresco Share make it easier for teams to collaborate and work together, extending team collaboration from the extranet environment into the cloud through scalable moderated sites, group based site membership. New dashboard features, such as image galleries, a new forms engine, and activities filters make it easier for end users to configure project portals. Also, WCM authoring and deployment performance increases to improve deployment of Web site content to external web sites through parallel Web site deployment and publishing are included. New open and flexible deployment architecture makes it simpler to deploy content to multiple delivery environments and allows easier integration into the web delivery tier. Alfresco Enterprise Edition 3.2 is immediately available for all existing Enterprise Subscription Customers.

FatWire Unveils Web Experience Management Framework

FatWire Software announced the early-access release of its Web Experience Management Framework. The new framework delivers a set of components that enable integration of third-party and custom-built applications into the FatWire WEM product suite. Organizations can have an expanded set of web applications and functions operating as a unified interactive business platform. Several FatWire partners, including Mahindra Satyam, Congruent, frevvo, and Element 115, have already leveraged the WEM Framework. The WEM Framework provides: Common user interface framework – A single user interface provides unified management across FatWire applications and integrated third-party applications, giving users seamless access to the capabilities they need to manage their web presence; Centralized user and role management – Single sign-on enables users to login in once and navigate among WEM and partner applications while maintaining appropriate access privileges and capabilities; Centralized administration – This functionality enables centralized management of users, roles, site and applications. These policies automatically apply across all FatWire and third-party integrated solutions; REST API: This API enables turnkey repository connectivity for third-party applications, so they can access and run on FatWire-managed content.

WoodWing Releases Enterprise 7 Publishing System

WoodWing has released its Enterprise 7 Publishing System. Enterprise 7 comes with improvements for magazine, newspaper, book and corporate publishers. The Enterprise 7 publishing system is being backed by new versions of Content Station – WoodWing’s multichannel publishing tool for content producers – and the Smart Connection plug-ins for Adobe InDesign and InCopy. Focus for the version 7 release has been on new Search 2.0 functionality, refinement of cross-media and social media publishing, as well as usability improvements and extended platform support. Enterprise’s out-of-the-box integration with the Drupal open-source Web CMS has been enhanced, and additional integrations have been developed to make publishing to social media networks, such as Twitter, Facebook and Flickr easy and efficient. Many other integrations exist. Users of Content Station 7 now also have access to Search 2.0 options. When running a search, results are classified. Parallel workflow is being supported by updated versions of the Smart Connection Plug-ins, providing a streamlined integration with Adobe InDesign and InCopy. Designers and editors have direct access to content in the Enterprise repository from within their Adobe applications. Supported by workflow options, users can work simultaneously on layout and text, and communicate using sticky notes and comments. In the background, Enterprise keeps track of versions and takes care of production security. Enterprise 7 is ready to support all latest platforms, including Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7, Mac OS 10.6 “Snow Leopard” and Adobe CS4. The memory footprint of Enterprise has been reduced and the server performance has increased.

Unidev Seeks Implementation Partner for Global Web Content Management System

Unified Development, Inc. (Unidev), a diversified IT company based in St. Louis, Missouri, announced its search for Microsoft Partners in North America, Asia and Europe to implement their global web content management (CMS) system, Auctori. Unidev is a 16 year Microsoft Certified Partner. Auctori, a .Net SaaS CMS Platform, was developed by Unidev for multi-national companies, and currently supports a number of European, North American and Asian sites. This system supports multi-lingual site management and site deployment. Auctori was built in conjunction with a team of search engine optimization (SEO) specialists to implement best SEO practices. The next release of Auctori is scheduled for the first quarter of 2010, and will feature European and Asian hosting in addition to its current North American hosting, with all sites and platforms managed from a single console. Unidev is looking to leverage the Microsoft Partner Channel Builder to deepen their services and solutions to more complex business opportunities, to provide a broader range of client services and to create business relationships with other partners whose skills complement their own.,

Kentico Releases CMS 5.0

Kentico Software announced the release of Kentico CMS 5.0 for ASP.NET. The new version is aimed at enhancing enterprise-level performance and scalability for large sites along with usability changes and a new Widgets technology. It can handle a database of 100,000 pages and 1,000,000 site members. It also comes with support for SQL Server Replication which, together with existing support for Web farms, allows for high availability and scalability. Kentico CMS 5.0 also comes with improvements in the user interface, including personalization of dialogs based on user roles or support for bulk operations with large number of pages. The new Widgets technology allow content editor to insert dynamic functionality into the page or build completely new page layouts without developer’s help. Kentico CMS 5.0 for ASP.NET can be downloaded as a free 30-day trial or it can be trialed on-line through Kentico Virtual Lab.

Perst Embedded Database Integrated with Jease Content Management Framework

Jease, a content management framework based on open source Java technologies, has added support for the Perst object-oriented, open source embedded database system from McObject. When used with Jease, Perst becomes the persistence engine for highly customized, content- and database-driven Web applications that leverage the productivity and efficiency of working with “plain old Java objects” (POJOs). Jease (the name combines “Java” and “ease”) provides building blocks for developers with even a little Java experience to assemble Web applications tailored to specific needs. The goal of Jease is to offer a flexible content management framework rather than a full-blown content management system. Other open source software components used by Jease include Apache Lucene for full-text indexing and search, and the ZK Ajax + Mobile Java framework. Perst and Perst Lite are part of McObject’s family of small footprint, high performance embedded database software products. The eXtremeDB in-memory embedded database from McObject is used  in devices including MP3 players, industrial automation solutions, digital TVs, telecom/network communications equipment and military/aerospace technology. Perst is available for Java and .NET, including Java ME and .NET Compact Framework.,

FatWire Unveils Integration with Google Analytics

FatWire Software announced that its FatWire Content Server fully integrates with Google Analytics to help customers measure and track the success of their FatWire websites. FatWire customers can download the integration module free of charge from FatWire to automatically generate Google tags and feed data directly into Google, for out-of-the-box monitoring and reporting. The integration will enable FatWire customers to use Google’s free analytics package to measure and optimize online content and campaigns, providing a better understanding of website effectiveness, including traffic, usage patterns and visitor behavior. The FatWire Analytics module, which is natively integrated with Content Server, provides granular tracking of content assets for specific customer segments and across dynamic, targeted web pages, enabling optimization of content on a granular level. Google Analytics provides complementary capabilities for tracking and measuring website and user behavior at a site and page level. With this packaged integration, customers can now combine FatWire’s platform with Google Analytics, thus providing a combination of page, behavior and granular content analytics.

eZ Systems Releases Extensions for eZ Publish 4.2

eZ Systems announced the immediate release of extensions for eZ Publish 4.2. eZ Publish Style Editor is a brand new extension providing a tool to change the overall look and feel of an eZ Publish-based website. Webmasters are able to switch in a ‘visual edit’ mode while managing sites featuring eZ Flow or the eZ Publish Website Interface. The visual edit mode provides a user interface for managing the look and feel of a site’s pages by editing the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and Images used by the site. This extension is immediately available as certified software, and supported as an add-on to ez Publish Premium. The eZ XML export extension helps you manage the content you provide to 3rd-party content platforms. It gives you control over which content is exported, the XML export format with support for XML Schema (XSD) and XSLT post-processing, and a configurable set of delivery options in order to industrialize and automatize the content delivery. This extension is also immediately available as certified software, and supported as an add-on to ez Publish Premium. Teamroom is a collaboration solution based on eZ Publish. Make your team members’ lives easier with simple management of teamroom members, information sharing, an open collaboration workflow, event and team document management, and confidentiality levels for your teamrooms. Teamroom is packaged as an extension, and available as a beta in the contribution area for eZ Publish extensions. Teamroom will have an official release in conjunction with the 4.3 release of eZ Publish.

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